Cum se pronunță Qamar |

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A detailed explainer “Why Quran and not Hadith?” Part II

... Continued from part I
Allow me to add my FB friend Hussam Abdelrahman's arguments negating this false claim:
  1. There would be an alleged ‘sanad’ (support) or an 'isnad' (supporting) with every Quranic verse.
  2. The Quranic verses would have been arguably collected by fallible compilers representing a completely different sectarian, socio-political milieu, centuries after the death of the prophet.
  3. The compilers would have allegedly traveled many miles to other individuals who had never met the prophet but claimed they possessed isolated Quranic verses based on hearsay, allegedly passed on to them through numerous generations through primarily oral tradition.
  4. The majority, if not all the Quranic verses would be based on what one companion had heard and not corroborated by any other.
  5. Different students of the later compilers would have captured different variants of the Quranic verses and argued over its veracity.
  6. The Quranic verses would have been canonized much later into a recognized corpus arguably after the death of the initial fallible compilers.
  7. There would arguably been a classification of Quranic verses such as 'Sahih' (sound) verses, 'Hasan' (good) verses, 'Da'if' (weak) verses and 'Maudu' (fabricated / forged) verses.
  8. There would have arguably been disagreements of the links of isnad of the Quranic verses and terms such as 'Musnad' (supported), 'Muttasil' (continuous), 'Munqati' (broken), 'Mu'allaq' (hanging), 'Mu'dal' (perplexing) and 'mursal' (hurried) would have been applied to them.
  9. There would have been vociferous exchanges and disagreements regarding the reliability and trustworthiness of the reporters of the Quranic verses.
  10. There would arguably be ‘sectarian’ Quranic Books with different compilations and verses.
  11. There would have been raging debates of the authenticity of the Quranic verses and the corpus throughout Muslim history.
Thank God the Quran was NEITHER transmitted NOR compiled in the same manner as Ahadith"
The myth of the Consensus of the scholars
When everything else fails, out comes the so-called consensus of the "scholars". Reality check again, the scholars have not even agreed upon what constitutes consensus let alone formed one about anything for that matter.
A quick reminder to how the five schools view consensus.
  1. Hanafi: Through public agreement of Islamic jurists
  2. Shafi: Through agreement of the entire community and public at large,
  3. Maliki: Through agreement amongst the residents of Medina only
  4. Hanbali: Through agreement and practice of Muhammad's Companions only (there is still no consensus on what constitutes a sahaba)
  5. Usuli: Only the consensus of the ulama while the messenger of God was alive or Shia Imams
Don't you think they should first sort this core issue before claiming consensus? No less than the death for blasphemy, is based not on the Quran and not even on the Hadith but on this mythical consensus. In essence, they have illegally awarded themselves the right to kill another human being. Imagine that!
The Abrogation falsehood
The last trick up their sleeve is a late addition, abrogation. A notion so thoroughly refuted that it is not worth wasting time on. Let us just say that straightforward verses of the Quran are stripped of context and twisted to mean that some verse and in extreme cases some Hadith actually abrogates some other verse of the Quran. In typical fashion, the estimates of abrogated verse range from seven to several hundred. This one fact is enough to put this mischievous notion to one side.
The nonsense of abrogation was exposed by upright scholars throughout history and one of the earliest oppositions can be traced back to Abu Muslim Al-Asfahani, followed by Ibn Rushd and the Ibn Khaldun and many more. Among the modern scholars Mohammad Asad, Ahmed Subhy Mansour, Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq and Shabbir Ahmed are often cited.
Shahada (شَهِدَ ) of the Hypocrites
Before moving to the positive, allow me to touch on something that will surely disturb a lot of you but it is necessary because it is a perfect illustration of how far we have deviated from the message of God.
The question is: How did the non-Quranic but popular Shahada find its way into Islam?
Below are the verses where the word (شَهِدَ) is used in the context of testifying. In twelve out of thirteen it had nothing to do with the Shahada of the sectarians, and in the thirteenth, this is what God has to say about it:
When the hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, "We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah." And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars. Quran 63:01
Here are the verses where it is used in context:
(4:15:11) shahidū they testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ فِي الْبُيُوتِ حَتَّىٰ يَتَوَفَّاهُنَّ الْمَوْتُ
(6:19:20) latashhadūna testify أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ مَعَ اللَّهِ آلِهَةً أُخْرَىٰ قُلْ لَا أَشْهَدُ
(6:19:28) ashhadu (do) I testify أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ مَعَ اللَّهِ آلِهَةً أُخْرَىٰ قُلْ لَا أَشْهَدُ
(6:150:5) yashhadūna testify قُلْ هَلُمَّ شُهَدَاءَكُمُ الَّذِينَ يَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ حَرَّمَ هَٰذَا
(6:150:11) shahidū they testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَلَا تَشْهَدْ مَعَهُمْ
(6:150:13) tashhad testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَلَا تَشْهَدْ مَعَهُمْ
(7:37:32) washahidū and they (will) testify قَالُوا ضَلُّوا عَنَّا وَشَهِدُوا عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ أَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا كَافِرِينَ
(7:172:10) wa-ashhadahum and made them testify وَأَشْهَدَهُمْ عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ أَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّكُمْ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ
(12:81:10) shahid'nā we testify فَقُولُوا يَا أَبَانَا إِنَّ ابْنَكَ سَرَقَ وَمَا شَهِدْنَا إِلَّا بِمَا عَلِمْنَا
(41:20:5) shahida (will) testify حَتَّىٰ إِذَا مَا جَاءُوهَا شَهِدَ عَلَيْهِمْ سَمْعُهُمْ وَأَبْصَارُهُمْ وَجُلُودُهُمْ
(41:21:4) shahidttum you testify وَقَالُوا لِجُلُودِهِمْ لِمَ شَهِدْتُمْ عَلَيْنَا
(41:22:5) yashhada testify وَمَا كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَتِرُونَ أَنْ يَشْهَدَ عَلَيْكُمْ سَمْعُكُمْ وَلَا أَبْصَارُكُمْ
(63:1:5) nashhadu We testify إِذَا جَاءَكَ الْمُنَافِقُونَ قَالُوا نَشْهَدُ إِنَّكَ لَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ
Quran 7:158 is sometimes used by the sectarians to justify the Shahada of the hypocrites. The only problem is that the word (شَهِدَ ) is missing from the entire verse. In fact, the word "say" (قُلْ) is used by God in order to make the issue even more clear to us. Furthermore, the actual Shahada is also present in the same verse and is once again distinctly repeated without the phrase "and Mohammad is his messenger" to remove all doubts.
Note: The total number of times the word from the root "shīn hā dāl" is used in different contexts is 160, mostly in terms of a witness(s)
Besides, there are numerous Ahadith where the true Shahada is detailed.
How to interpret the Quran?
Let us move towards the positive. Just a quick mention of how to interpret the Quran.
When we interpret Islam wrong it is not Islam anymore, it is as simple as that. Similarly, when we succeed in interpreting some verses correctly and others incorrectly then it is just that, partly right and partly wrong. There are no blends, it is all black or white as one would expect from a Divine guide.
God is not in the business of maybes.
It is reasonable to assume that before wanting to discuss Islam, unless we can agree on the methodology of interpreting Islam, we won't be able to agree on anything. So let us keep the questions on hold for a bit and talk methodologies, because whoever is able to convince the other side on the best methodology can just apply it and get all the answers .just like that.
In my humble opinion, this is how I see it and millions have come to more or less the same conclusions.
Trust your God-given faculties of observation, logic and rational thought as reminded by scores of verses of the Quran. Yes, the thing to note and emphasize is that the methodology of how to interpret the Quranic verses is embedded in the Quran itself.
In contrast, a reference to those who may know more than an average person is mentioned only a few times and that too not in the popular "ask those who know" manner. Those who keep harping on "Ask a Shaikh" need to be told that the number of times "use your brain" is emphasized runs into hundreds but “ask others “not once. There is no "ask those who know" in the Arabic version of the Quran. Please use your brain and observe, research, and draw valid logical conclusions. Remember God is the teacher of the Quran. (Quran 55:02) The actual guidelines of the Quran are not about "asking", but some in the community should be entrusted with researching and making their findings public and open to debate.
For the record and with all due respect to those who have a different opinion, the thing about the Quran is, as one would expect from a Divine message, that it is fully Self-Referenced and the Checksums are also all embedded in the body of the message. The core message needed for salvation is easily understood by even a twelve-year-old. The Quran, of course, is much much more and is there for all of humanity, and for all times to come. The message is designed once again to be relevant to people with varying degrees of access to knowledge bases and brain power and who happen to be living at different times and in different space.
When one decides to leverage the full potential of the book, the Quran once again comes to the rescue to address the issues associated with serious research and truly demonstrates its timelessness so to speak. For starters, the use of particular words is demonstrated by their use in a priori manner within the Quran and hence protected from the natural evolution of the language. One must research this aspect first. Similarly, the methodology of non-contradiction (there are none in the Quran) not only protects the content and its interpretation but does it in a manner where by and large the domain knowledge constraints are taken out of the equation. In simple terms, if your interpretation of a verse contradicts another verse then there are only three possibilities.
  1. Your interpretation of the first verse is wrong
  2. Or your interpretation of the second verse is wrong
  3. Or your interpretation of both the verses is wrong, hence, seek another interpretation
God is not in the business of maybes as I said. Let's put it this way, every verse in the Quran has a potential veto over a wrongly interpreted verse. We cannot thank God enough for this particular aspect of understanding the message of God. God in His infinite mercy has gifted us a touchstone and if people still insist on "different interpretations" then there is extraordinarily little one can add to the argument.
Quran's framework is based on a self-correcting mechanism that needs no outside input. The answer to the question,” Is it even possible to interpret the verses of the Quran in such a manner that it eliminates verses contradicting each other?” is not only an emphatic yes, but yes on several levels. The non-contradiction claim of the Quran serves two purposes; the first , to point out that for mere humans to put together over 77,000 words, covering a full spectrum of domains, is not easy without some elements contradicting others, and the second, is to facilitate our understanding as mentioned above.
Mustansir Mir, Professor of Islamic Studies at Youngstown State University, eloquently argues for a multi-layered approach. He writes,
“From a linguistic standpoint, it is quite possible for a word, phrase or statement to have more than one layer of meaning, such that one layer would make sense to one audience in one age and another layer of meaning would, without negating the first, be meaningful to another audience in a subsequent age.”
So yes, one is free to use different meanings associated with certain words but must do so only in a manner that it does not contradict a chosen meaning in another verse.
Add to it a simple rule of restricting the meaning of words to the Arabic language even when they appear to be resembling words of a different language and be alive to the obvious allegorical references and you are done.
To seek the best of meanings is an additional and general guideline in order to understand the truth within the verses and hence take out hiding the truth from the equation.
Who in their right mind would refuse to follow the instructions of how to understand the intended message of a guide, found in the guide itself, that is if the intention is to understand the message?
Indeed, there is no doubt.
A word of caution. Some in the Quran focused approach have taken a reactionary stance to the traditional Islam and even legitimate practices of the traditionalists are challenged for the sake of challenging them. One stark example is the issue of Salah. The notion that standing, bowing, and prostration don’t mean what they say they do, because their use in some verses points to a different context, is strange. If we were to reverse this logic and make those different contexts the baseline, then standing should not mean standing anywhere in the Quran. Similarly, if we were to change the definition of a Mosque to mean something other than a physical structure, we would have to do the same with monasteries and churches and synagogues. Quran 22:40. Here once again the non-contradiction aspect of the Quran guides us in the right direction.
The impossibility of different interpretations
Why is it that there is only one correct way to interpret the Quran?
First of all, let me qualify that. It is possible to extract more than one meaning from a given verse (s) of the Quran, as long as each subsequent interpretation (s) does not negate the previous one.
Regardless of the number of extracted interpretations, each interpretation will have to pass the test of non-contradiction independently.
Let us layout the two elements of non-contradiction. It is hoped that the issue of the language of understanding can also be easily settled through it.
Assuming one has already verified the Quran to be the very word of God, the logic is pretty straightforward.
  1. The first rule is that there are no contradictions in the Quran
  2. The second rule is that if the Quran was produced by someone other than God one would find contradictions in that version of the Quran.
When we apply these two rules simultaneously to any interpretation of the Quran, either in its original Arabic or a translated version, we can make the following conclusion.
If one were to interpret the Quran in a way that was not intended by God then we are likely to introduce contradictions in the Quran because man is not capable of producing a different version of the Quran without any contradictions. Hence there can only be one correct way to interpret the Quran irrespective of the language of understanding.
One is free to claim that their interpreted version is the correct one, but it is not possible to claim that there is more than one correct version of the Quran. Of course, when they make such a claim, they also take on the burden to defend it to be free of contradictions.
The choice dilemma
By the way, which of the following must one follow and why?
Just to help the readers out, of course you always have the option to throw a dart in the direction of the following collections and see where it lands and take that as the one "true" Sunnah and be prepared to be declared a "Kafir" by the followers of all the rest. Mind you, all of them are claimed to have been vetted through the same magical "Science" of Hadith. Needless to say, each and every one of them ignores the all-important, essential, condition of the public delivery of the official message and hopes nobody will notice that 99.9% of them are single third-party narrations, the opposite of public.
  1. Kutub Al-Sittah - (The six books of Sunnis )
Sahih Al-Bukhari ( صحيح البخاري ) Sahih Muslim ( صحيح مسلم ) Al-Sunan Al-Sughra ( السنن الصغرى ) Sunan Abi Dawood ( سنن أبي داود ) Sunan Al-Tirmidhi ( جامع الترمذي ) Sunan Ibn Maja ( سُنن ابن ماجه )
  1. Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah - (The four books of Shias)
Kitab Al-Kafi ( الكتاب الكافي ) Man La Yahduruhu Al-Faqih ( من لا يحضره الفقيه ) Tahdhib Al-Ahkam ( تهذیب الاحکام ) Al-Istibsar ( الاستبصار )
  1. The Ibadi one Jami Sahih Tartib Al-Musnad
  2. The Mu'tazila collection Comments on the Peak of Eloquence
Now comes the fun part, with the possible exception of the Ibadi collection, each and every collection has an interesting thread running through it. All the collectors were Persians and almost all of them appeared out of nowhere right after the defeat of the Persians. You just need two functioning brain cells to figure out the rest.
Now throw in the following to highlight the difficulty of choosing the correct version; Muwatta Imam Malik Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Sunan Al-Darimi Shama'il Muhammadiyah is often referred to as Shamaail Tirmidhi Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān Al-Mustadrak Alaa Al-Ṣaḥīḥaīn Al-Mawdū'āt Al-Kubrā Rīaḍ As-Ṣāliḥīn Mishkat Al-Masabih Talkhis Al-Mustadrak Majma Al-Zawa'id Bulugh Al-Maram Kanz al-Ummal Zujajat al-Masabih Minhaj us Sawi Muntakhab Ahadith The Book of Sulaym Ibn Qays Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiyya Uyun al Akhbar ar Reda Sharh Usul al-Kafi Nahj Al-Balagha Wasā'il Al-Shīʿa Bihar Al-Anwar Haqq al-Yaqeen Ain Al-Hayat (17th century) Qalam-e-Mowla Daim al-Islam ETC
I wish it was as simple as choosing a version or two and you were done. Not so fast, as the saying goes, even after settling for a particular version you are still totally dependent on the "scholars" associated with that particular version. In essence, they have the final say in what you ought to believe and often their explanations are not only at odds with the word of God but the wordings in a given Hadith as well.
No matter where the dart lands, in essence, it will still be no more than a game of "my scholars are better than yours".
I for one refuse to assign my eternity to this crapshoot.
Narrated Anas:
The fact which stops me from narrating a great number of Hadiths to you is that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally, then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire."
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مَعْمَرٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَارِثِ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ، قَالَ أَنَسٌ إِنَّهُ لَيَمْنَعُنِي أَنْ أُحَدِّثَكُمْ حَدِيثًا كَثِيرًا أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " مَنْ تَعَمَّدَ عَلَىَّ كَذِبًا فَلْيَتَبَوَّأْ مَقْعَدَهُ مِنَ النَّارِ ".
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 108 In-book reference: Book 3, Hadith 5
Some important verses
Perhaps these verses may help
80:11 Nay! Indeed, it (is) a reminder,
80:12 So whosoever wills may remember it.
80:13 In sheets honored,
80:14 Exalted, purified,
80:15 In (the) hands (of) scribes.
80:16 Noble, dutiful.
Surah Al-Qamar :
  1. We made the Quran easy to learn. Is there anyone who would learn?
  2. We made the Quran easy to remember. Is there anyone who would remember?
  3. We made the Quran easy to understand. Is there anyone who would understand?
  4. We made the Quran easy to memorize. Is there anyone who would memorize?
If you really are interested in the truth, please read the following verses very carefully;
Indeed, those who came with falsehood are a group among you. Do not think it bad for you; rather it is good for you. For every person among them is what [punishment] he has earned from the sin, and he who took upon himself the greater portion thereof - for him is a great punishment. (11) Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another and say, "This is an obvious falsehood"? (12) Why did they not produce for it, four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah, who are the liars. (13) And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy in this world and the Hereafter, you would have been touched for that [lie] in which you were involved by a great punishment (14) When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous. (15) And why, when you heard it, did you not say, "It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, [O Allah]; this is a great slander"? (16) Allah warns you against returning to the likes of this [conduct], ever, if you should be believers. (17) And Allah makes clear to you the verses, and Allah is Knowing and Wise. (18) Quran 24:11-18
The true level of our deviation from the straight path can be illustrated by naming the stuff we follow without taking the time to verify it. Just to help some of you out, besides the lies about Aisha’s chronologically impossible age, the false justification of slavery and killing of non-Muslims and the un-Islamic notion of ruling the world under the disguise of Khalafat, Shahid Khan, a Facebook user, has compiled the following list;
Things NOT Contained In The Quran: List of Interpolations
  1. Saying that the Quran is not self-sufficient and that there is a need for additional speculations.
  2. Taking the hadiths as a source for Islam.
  3. Sectarian scholars pronouncing fatwas or ijtihads (canonical jurisprudence).
  4. Practices conforming to sectarian dictates.
  5. Equating sects with the religion.
  6. Reciting the Quran for the sake of its music without understanding the text.
  7. Using the Quran as a book of prayer recited for the souls of the departed.
  8. Contributing authority to the Prophet outside the scope of the Quran.
  9. The fact that God created everything for the sake of Muhammad.
  10. Competition between prophets. Supremacy of some prophets over other prophets.
  11. Imitation of the ways and manners of the Prophet even before his prophethood.
  12. The belief that the Quran has missing points which can be found in other books.
  13. To announce certain select devotees to be Muslim saints and visit their tombs with all sorts of reverential rituals.
  14. To idolize the sheikhs of religious orders.
  15. Establishing a type of communication with the sheikhs by a special ritual called rabýta. 16. To claim that only the Sunnites or the Shiites are to go to paradise.
  16. To declare the Jews and Christians as the future dwellers of hell.
  17. To adopt Arabic customs and traditions as religious practices.
  18. To come forth alleging to be reformist with a view to changing the Quranic religion.
  19. To formulate religious precepts ascribing them to the Prophet.
  20. To claim that the vote of the majority always prevails.
  21. To interpret the continuity of sects as evidence of their genuineness.
  22. The Hanafi sect. (Yes, they are sects under the disguise of Madhab)
  23. The Shafi sect.
  24. The Hanbali sect.
  25. The Maliki sect.
  26. The Jafari sect.
  27. All Sunni and Shia sects.
  28. Any sect like Maturidiya, Ashariya.
  29. A canon book called Majalla.
  30. To deny reason and favor apishness.
  31. Hostility against science.
  32. Hostility against the arts.
  33. To abide by the rules that the book entitled Sahih Bukhari lays down.
  34. To abide by the rules of the hadith book entitled Muslim
  35. To abide by the rules of the hadith books Kutub-i Sitte or other such books.
  36. To venerate individuals to whom religiosity is ascribed other than the Prophet.
  37. The allegation that all of those who had the privilege to set eyes on the Prophet (sahaba) were on the right path.
  38. The wearing of the headscarf.
  39. The wearing of the veil.
  40. Segregation of men and women.
  41. The fact that a woman is not allowed to travel alone.
  42. The wrong and absurd belief that a woman can never repay the debts she owes to her husband even if she were to lick him from head to foot when he is in a deplorable state covered with pus.
  43. “If prostration was permitted to any entity other that God, the wife should prostrate herself before her husband” claimed the hadith.
  44. That a woman cannot become a head of state or an administrator.
  45. That women have no right to vote for the governing body of the government.
  46. That women’s voices must not be audible to men.
  47. That women are not allowed to perform the Friday salat.
  48. That women are not allowed to perform salat, fast, recite the Quran or enter a mosque during their period.
  49. Covering women with all sorts of outer garments.
  50. That it is forbidden for women to shake hands with men.
  51. That a man is not allowed to sit in a chair previously occupied by a woman whose warmth is still preserved.
  52. That a woman cannot stay in an enclosed space where there are men.
  53. That women are considered along with dogs and pigs to invalidate the salat of a praying man.
  54. That the majority of women are doomed to go to hell.
  55. That women are evil by nature.
  56. That women lack intelligence.
  57. That women must be kept indoors.
  58. That it is forbidden for women to wear perfume.
  59. That women are not allowed to use makeup.
  60. That a wife must obey her husband as a slave does.
  61. That a woman is required to have sexual relations whenever her husband calls her.
  62. That two female witnesses equal one male witness.
  63. That a woman must have her parents’ permission in order to get married.
  64. Stoning to death of the adulterer.
  65. That the papyrus on which the verse regarding adultery was on was eaten by a goat.
  66. Arguments about killing adulterers being practiced even among monkeys.
  67. Prohibition of a man’s wearing golden ornaments.
  68. Prohibition of men wearing silk.
  69. Prohibition of use of golden and silver utensils and plates.
  70. Prohibition of sculpture.
  71. Prohibition of drawing and painting.
  72. Prohibition of chess.
  73. Prohibition of musical instruments and music.
  74. Prohibition of consumption of seafood like mussels, shrimps, etc.
  75. Prohibition of eating the flesh of donkeys, horses, or wild animals
  76. The fact that kidneys and ram’s testicles are abominable to eat.
  77. The fact that smoking is religiously unlawful.
  78. That there is a separate list containing things considered to be abominable (makruh). 80. That the sexual act must take place under covers.
  79. The prohibition for the couple to look at each other’s sexual organs.
  80. Prohibition of masturbation.
  81. Prohibition for women to use birth control.
  82. That an individual should keep his/her sexual organs covered even when taking a bath lest the angels be offended.
  83. Circumcision of men.
  84. Circumcision of women.
  85. The sunnah of letting beards grow.
  86. The prohibition of trimming a beard.
  87. The sunnah according to which the hair had to be parted from the middle of the scalp.
  88. The sunnah regarding the oiling of hair.
  89. The sunnah of applying henna to hair and beard.
  90. The sunnah of applying mascara to the eyes for men.
  91. That lying face down is a satanic act.
  92. To sleep on a mattress spread on the ground.
  93. To use one’s right foot going out of the house or getting up from the bed.
  94. To enter a soiled place like a WC with the left foot.
  95. Saying that canonical purification of the body can only be performed using water after defecating.
  96. The obligation for men to crouch when urinating.
  97. To relieve yourself in the direction of Mecca.
  98. The fact that eating with the left hand is a satanic act.
  99. To wound a turban.
  100. To use miswak to clean the teeth.
  101. To wear a robe with a long skirt reaching down to one’s feet.
  102. For men to wear a loose dress (antari). .
  103. To wear shalwar (a type of wide trousers) as sunnah.
  104. To interpret as a meritorious act the wearing of white, green, or black raiment.
  105. The prohibition to wear yellow or red.
  106. To consider eating dates or squash as meritorious acts.
  107. To eat seated on the ground.
  108. To eat from the same dish with others.
  109. To eat with three fingers.
  110. To drink water in three gulps.
  111. To drink water in a seated position.
  112. To lick one’s fingers after having eaten with them.
  113. Not to use perfumes containing alcohol.
  114. Not to use eau de cologne.
  115. To kill black dogs.
  116. Not to let dogs into the home.
  117. To cover the mirrors at night.
  118. To perform black magic with or without the use of the Quran.
  119. To write on and wear amulets.
  120. To use the Quran as a book of magic.
  121. To believe that whistling is a satanic act.
  122. To knock on wood or wear trinkets against the evil eye.
  123. To take fortunetellers and magicians for religious figures.
  124. Feasts celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and on the occasion of sacrifices.
  125. To avoid passing underneath a ladder and to consider black cats, black dogs as ominous signs and to melt lead against the evil eye.
  126. To believe that there are special days on which linen can be washed and sexual intercourse can be performed.
  127. To recite the Mevlit (poem written to celebrate the birth and the death of the Prophet) for the souls of the departed.
  128. To hold ceremonies for the soul of the dead on the 7th, 40th and 52nd days after death. 131. Stories concocted about the suffering that the dead is to be subjected to after burial. 132. Rumors about the bridge of Sýrat from this world to paradise, more slender than a hair and sharper than a sword and a person’s traversing it riding the animal he sacrificed in this world.
  129. The belief that a person who cannot avoid his urine from sprinkling on his clothes shall undergo excruciating torture in the grave.
  130. To fast in the place of a dead person.
  131. To go on Hajj in the place of a dead person.
  132. That tears shed after a death will cause his soul to suffer beyond endurance.
  133. To predict the hour of the Day of Judgment.
  134. The Muslim Messiah, Mahdi.
  135. The Antichrist.
  136. To say that Dabbe has the ears of an elephant, eyes of a hog and head of an ox.
  137. The Second Coming of Christ.
  138. The belief that Agog and Magog are Turks.
  139. Racism, superiority of the Arab race.
  140. The belief that Agog and Magog are the homunculus.
  141. To set down prayer hours not indicated in the Quran.
  142. To prescribe a certain number of rakats as a binding duty.
  143. The requirement of performing the salat by reciting verses in the original Arabic language.
  144. Prohibition for women to conduct the congregational prayer.
  145. To have to repeat always the same thing during the kneeling and prostrating in the course of the performance of the salat.
  146. The obligation to recite the fatiha at every rakat.
  147. The obligation to sit and recite attahiyyat at the end of the salat.
  148. To make a long list of the particular requirements during the salat not mentioned in the Quran.
  149. To make a detailed description of the praying man with regard to his posture, such as how he will place his hands).
  150. That the compensation of a wilfully broken fast is two months without interruption.
  151. Special salats like the taravih (the superfluous night service during the month of Ramadan performed immediately after the prescribed night service of worship, consisting of twenty genuflections with an interval for rest and breathing after each two or four acts), and the congregational prayers at the end of the month of fasting and at the festival of sacrifice. 156. To put people in misery by restricting the period of Hajj to a short space of time.
  152. The stoning of Satan during the Hajj.
  153. To slaughter animals at the Festival of Sacrifice.
  154. To believe that certain restrictions start after the Hajj.
  155. Calling holy the water from the well zamzam, to pray over sugar or salt for luck.
  156. To give zakat (alms, charity) as 1/40 of one’s assets.
  157. To assign special rates for zakat for camels, sheep, and agricultural products.
  158. The belief that one invalidates his ablution by certain acts other than nature’s call.
  159. The belief that total ablution (ghusl) is required not only after sexual intercourse but also by other causes.
  160. To make the order of acts during the performance of ablution strictly binding.
  161. To say that rinsing one’s mouth and blowing one’s nose during the major ablution is a binding duty.
  162. The requirement of washing one’s heels along with the feet.
  163. Details such as the obligation of pouring water three times each to the right and left of a person performing the total ablution.
  164. The requirement of total ablution before reciting the Quran.
  165. Saying that one sins when he/she goes about not having performed total ablution.
  166. The nullification of ablutions for a person who has a tooth filled.
  167. The nullification of ablutions for men/women having a tattoo.
  168. Martyrdom for those having died in an earthquake or a flood.
  169. Martyrdom of those having suffered stomach pains.
  170. That the earth is supported by an ox or a fish.
  171. The belief that earthquakes occur when the fish shakes its tail.
  172. The fact that the moon is unattainable.
  173. To define the setting of the sun as the loss of the sun as a guide for prostrating.
  174. The belief that the eclipses of the sun and the moon occur when they are drawn by carriages equipped with handles.
  175. Existence of angels in the form of bulls, lions, and eagles.
  176. Accounts related to the 600 wings of Gabriel.
  177. God’s opening His calf in paradise.
  178. God’s touching the back of the Prophet.
  179. God’s coming down on earth on special days to shake the hands of His creatures.
  180. The bargaining between God and the Prophet for the reduction of the times of salat from 50 down to 5.
  181. The Institution of the caliphate.
  182. The sultanate and the making the subjects into slaves of the political power.
  183. Classes of clergy.
  184. To sanctify the Arabic language and ascribe sanctity to the Arabic letters.
  185. To terrorize people with the countries outside the dominion of Islam (Dar-ul Harb).
  186. To loot and disregard the rights of people living outside the dominion of Islam.
  187. To beat or kill persons who refuse to perform salat.
  188. To compel people to fast and beat those who fail to do so.
  189. To beat women who have put on makeup and go around uncovered.
  190. To kill the renegades (of Islam to other religions).
  191. To flog the renegades (even those who convert from one sect to another).
  192. To make conquests merely for the sake of looting.
  193. To beat drunkards.
  194. To use force and compel people to abide by religious rules.
  195. To call Islam by the names of sects, etc.
The myth of the Muslim majority
What "vast Majority"? The reality is a sea of fragmented competing sects constantly at each other's throats. The only thing that unites them is defending their illegal relevance and attacking those who point out the illegality of their position. They are in it for the money. They are masters at duping the unsuspecting to part with their hard-earned wages. When pushed, the majority of their own members reject their sect's nonsense. People are not fools in general, they can tell when they have been taken for a ride. It is one thing to go along with the "majority" under duress and another to take all this nonsense to heart.
Here is what God has to say about the majority:
2:100 the majority do not believe (in The One God)
2:243. Majority are ungrateful.
3:110 the majority are wicked.
4:114 the majority whispers lies.
5:32 the majority are transgressors
5:49 majority are wicked
5:59 majority are wicked
5:62 the majority hasten to sin and transgression and consuming money illicitly. Miserable indeed is what they were doing.
5:64 the majority are rebels and rejecturers
Here are some other verses with similar warnings
5:66 5:71 5:81 5:103 6:37 6:111 6:116 6:119 7:17 7:102 7:131 7:187 8:34 9:8 10:36 10:55 10:60 10:92 11:17 12:21 12:38 12:40 12:68 12:103 12:106 13:1 16:38 16:75 16:83 16: 101 17:89 21:24 21:93 23:70 25:44 25:50
(thanks to Wan Ibnul Bahar)
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Πώς να το πω Qamar Αγγλικά; Προφορά της Qamar με 1 ήχου προφορά, 1 έννοια, 12 προτάσεις και περισσότερα για Qamar. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Qamar. pronouncekiwi. Currently popular pronunciations. Have a fact about Qamar ? Write it here to share it with the entire community. Add fact ! Have a definition for Qamar ? Write it here to share it with the entire community. How to say Qamar in English? Pronunciation of Qamar with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, 12 sentences and more for Qamar. How do you say qamar, learn pronunciation of qamar in, Free online audio pronunciation dictionaries for multilingual, we are providing millions of words pronunciation audios, with meanings, definitions. Our service is 100% free here some example pronunciations pages are listed. You also search and Hear and Learn audio audio pronunciation. Cum să-ți spun Qamar Engleză? Pronunție de Qamar cu 1 pronunția audio, 1 sensul, 12 propoziții și mai mult de Qamar. Pronunciation of Qamar. How To Pronounce is the largest audio directory which contains audio like names, words, places, medical terminology, animals names, etc., or any hard words in English, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and other languages using our pronunciation dictionary. You can browse all these data for free. How to say Ziaul Qamar in English? Pronunciation of Ziaul Qamar with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Ziaul Qamar. Pronounce Qamar in Spanish (Mexico) view more / help improve pronunciation. Pronounce Qamar in Swedish view more / help improve pronunciation. Gender. girl (6265) boy (4886) unisex (1558) Starts with. Ends with. Contains . Language. english (1124) hebrew (832) greek (730) arabic (570) german (570) latin (489) sanskrit (392) Speak name قمر | Qamar in 20 native languages. How Qamar is pronounced in French, English, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish and Portuguese. Proper pronunciation of Qamar Japanese. Learn to translate Russian names English pronunciation for Qamar is: Breaking a name down into syllables can make pronouncing it much easier. If you see the name Qamar divided into smaller parts you can try to pronounce each part separately to get correct emphasis.

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