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Mobile Games, some thoughts on FF All the Bravest and Dissidia FF Opera Omnia

Mobile Games, some thoughts on FF All the Bravest and Dissidia FF Opera Omnia
So I downloaded every free FF mobile game I could find on the Android store. Talking about the actual mobile games, not PS1 games that were ported or whatever. The Dimensions games will have to wait for another time. And I'm really sad Mobius has been removed. Oh well. Last two! All the Bravest and Opera Omnia, let's go.
For my thoughts on FFXV: A New Empire and FF: Record Keeper, have a look here:
For my thoughts on FF: Brave Exvius and War of the Visions: FF Brave Exvius, have a look here:
FF All the Bravest
Final Fantasy: All the Bravest. Released in 2013 and developed by Kyoto based software and game developer BitGroove. Some of these folks worked on Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories, and later on the KH Union χ mobile game. And apparently worked on UI design for Kingdom Hearts III!
It's cute. This is more of a toy really. Something to fiddle with for a bit. I don't mind it.
There's no story, aside from some vague intro text about world merging, darkness, and heroes coming to fight it. Anyway, you travel from section to section of a world map, each themed after one main line Final Fantasy game. You fight four battles from that game, and then move on. One battle against random enemies, a boss fight against the likes of Gilgamesh or the Four Fiends, then another battle of random enemies, then the bossfight agains the main antagonist of that game. Kefka, Golbez, etc. And then you move on.
The sounds design is a horrible cacophony of attack sounds with classic FF music in the background and the graphics are very basic old school sprite stuff. I was hoping the game would go into the 3D games as well and do cute sprite art for them like Record Keeper did. But nope, it's just FFI-VI for the first six areas. And then they reuse three of those old games for the last three areas. They do have FFVII, X and XIII areas, but you gotta buy them. There's also 35 jobs/characters from later FF games you can pay to unlock.
What makes this game unique is that they basically took the turn based battle system; four characters with timers before they get to attack. And used the extra vertical screen space of the phone to just add way more characters below that. It's a silly idea, it looks silly, it's cute and funny. The game's title screen is that iconic shot from Final Fantasy I, of the four warriors of light on the hill overlooking the castle. Except it's a dozen warriors now. I giggled.
So yeah. The battle system is super simple, it's barely a battle system. You tap a unit, it attacks. No other controls besides that. So to order your entire mass of units to attack, you tap them all, or just swipe accross them. And then you swipe some more. And swipe. Keep swiping. Yeah, rub that screen squeaky clean! Each time one of your units is hit, they die. And get replaced after three minutes of real time waiting. In between battles all your units are healed up. But on a big boss fight, you might find yourself wiping halfway. Just wait an hour and you can continue fighting with a fresh batch of cannon fodder. Rub some more. Clean that screen. And win.
Your army slowly grows, your units get better weapons, and you unlock more jobs. But it's all random and there's no control or management or anything like that. Just keep swiping the screen, watch the little dudes and ladies attack, watch your party grow and move on to the next fight.
It reminds me of the era of mobile phone games where they were more like toys, and any interaction with the phone screen at all was exciting. It's a simpler game than any of the other gacha gambling hall mobile games I've looked at so far.
There's microtransactions, to buy some of the more popular characters or unlock some locations. And you can buy an hourglass that revives your full party instantly. The game also gives you ten of those hourglasses for free. So you get to see quite a chunk of the game before it all slows down and you're either paying, or waiting. But again, I was done playing with it by that point and didn't mind just waiting a bit before I could play more.
That's it really, I already spend more words on this one then I expected. It's fine and inoffensive and cute. My phone screen was so shiny after I was done playing.
Dissidia FF Opera Omnia
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, released in 2017, developed by Square Enix and Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo (Woah! These are game studios I actually know!).
A spin off of the Dissidia fighting games. You don't really need to know any of the story of Dissidia though. Two gods, Materia and Spiritus, are pitting familiar heroes and villains from across the Final Fantasy games against each other. All that fighting is tiring. So Materia created a peaceful world for the heroes to chill in. That's where the game takes place. But oh no! Dark portals are opening and evil monsters are coming through to ruin the vacation world! Materia sends her moogle helper out to gather up heroes, fight back and figure out what why etc.
So you travel around hex based areas, similar to Dissidia's dungeons. You gather up allies. Watch cutscenes of cute interactions between the heroes, and evil shenanigans by the baddies. And you fight turn based battles, using a system that's similar to the one used in the actual Dissidia games.
All the character are aware of what happened in their own games, and they get plucked from various points in their respective stories. Cecil is still the grim dark knight he is early in his game, but Zidane and Vivi seem to be fully aware of who Kuja is and what he did. So as a fan of the series you get to play the guessing game of "where in the story did this character come from?"
And man, the writers in this game really know their Final Fantasy. There's so many subtle character traits, more overt behaviours and catch phrases that show that they really really understand the characters they're writing. It's lovely and really cute. Yuna having to explain what a summoner is to the Type 0 characters, because summoners aren't a thing in that world. Zidane is flirty with every girl, but in just the right way that fits his character perfectly. The moment Bartz joins up, he immediately looks at everyone's outfits to figure out their jobs. It's also nice that they include characters from the sequels and spin off games like Crystal Chronicles or XIII-2.
The writing and party interactions are the big selling point of this game for me. The bigger story seems to be fairly shallow, straightforward. Skipping ahead to act 2 for a bit, it does look like the plot has some twists. But nothing too shocking. And don't expect drama and tragedy from the characters either, it's all lighthearted and cute. Like Zidane, Vaan and Yuffie discussing their motivations for thieving.
The battle system is great fun too. Based around the same push-and-pull bravery system the fighting games have. But turn based this time. So each character has HP and Bravery. You build up your Bravery, while lowering the enemy's Bravery, with special attacks. The number of Bravery points you have determines the damage you will do when you unleach an HP attack. At max Bravery you can slice away half the enemy's HP easily. At zero Bravery your character will be staggered. This goes for the enemy as well. It's similar to the stagger mechanic in FFXIII and FFVIIR as well. So yeah, it's all about finding the right balance between the two types of attack, and switching at just the right moment. There's also status effects, buffs, summons, friends you can call in. It's a well fleshed out system, and fun to play with. Or just turn it to auto battle if you want to grind away at the story or level up some new character you just got.
It's cleverly balanced so that even a low level character can hold their own pretty well. This helps a lot, because you'll keep getting new characters throughout the story and they all start at level 1. But the game is never too easy. I wasn't instakilling every battle.
I like that the game actually gives you new characters and money and all that just for playing the story. I know! Imagine that! You don't need to engage with the gambling aspects at all if you don't want to! And it will feel like any other single player game. Whereas in both Brave Exvius games for example, you could ignore the gambling just fine, but you would barely get any new characters for doing so. Of course Opera Omnia will still bombard you with log in bonuses and ads before you can even get to any of the main menus. Menus which are, as usual, labyrinthine and intentionally confusing. And there's ads everywhere. The world map has a permanent ad in the top left trying to lure you to temporary events and 'sales'. It has all the gacha trapping where you can get items, gear, xp boosts and characters by throwing money at Square and poking your daily roulette wheels.
This game is friendly about it though. They are less pushy than other games. Each time you boot up the game you get this message. Warning you about the gacha stuff and telling minors to ask their parents for permission to engage with it:
\"Please kindly note that while this game is free, certain items are not. We ask that minors receive permission from their parents or guardian before making any purchases\" Nice, mobile game developers with a conscience.
That's a nice thing. I also appreciate how the game warns you to back up your data regularly. It's nice to see a developer for a mobile game like this taking some social responsibility. Treating the players like human beings and not just a wallet with arms and legs. Even if it's just little things like this. It reminds me of the disclaimer FFXI always had, that tells you to go outside and see your family and friends occasionally, and not get too absorbed by the game. It's a small thing, but I respect the devs for adding it.
The art style is atrocious and the characters look horrible.
Music is great though! The original battle themes rock my socks off. And they are regularly switched up by classic FF tunes, or remixes thereof. It doesn't feel as expensive as War of the Visions did, no fancy Japanese and English voice acting on every bit of dialogue and no fancy CG opening cutscene. There are a lot of short Japanese only voice acted sentences though and battle cries for each character. It's fun to hear all their Japanese voices. This game does feel like something that would be at home on a console or handheld. A lot of effort by a lot of talented folks went into making and maintaining it. New characters with entire story chapters get added pretty regularly and there's a huuuuge backlog of old events and bonus chapters you can dive into.
Anyhoo. Yeah. That's basically it. It's a good game. I'll keep playing this and War of the Visions just because both have great battle systems, a neat story and a lot of love and effort put into their production.
If you're looking for a fun turn based battle system and hanging out with your favourite FF characters. Go play Opera Omnia! That's what surprised me the most, that the FF fanservice was not just empty husks that look like the characters, but they actually talk and feel like they dropped right out of their respective games.

The end
So yea, what did I learn after playing all these mobile games? The intrusive ads and gambling shit is bad. But you can ignore it in pretty much all these games (except A New Empire), and just play them as if it was a regular single player game. Which is good, because I don't enjoy throwing hundreds of euros at a casino and I wanted to see if these games held up compared to the console entries. And looking at them as regular single player games, War of the Visions and Opera Omnia clearly stand out as the best of these games. On par with the other spin offs like a Dissidia or Type 0 in my opinion.
I'd recommend Opera Omnia to any fan of the series. And War of the Visions to any fan of the Tactics games. For the price of free, both of these are definitely worth checking out for a few hours.
And if you enjoy those. Record Keeper and Brave Exvius are enjoyable too.
No need to check All the Bravest. And very much avoid A New Empire completely.
As it is, the money you can spend in Opera Omnia or War of the Visions is never worth what it gets you. Spending €80,- in Opera Omnia only gets you a third of the gil I already earned just by playing a few hours. And only enough space bucks to unlock maybe ten characters. If you're lucky at the roulette wheel. But the single player campaigns in these two games would definitely be worth some money in my eyes. If these games ever showed up on Steam/Switch/PS4 for like €30,- without the gambling mechanics, I would buy them. So setting that as your budget in the in-game currency store seems reasonable.
submitted by RobinOttens to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

Non-obvious tips for newbro's

GTA Online just got a boost in new players due to the free giveaway at Epic Games, myself included.
After playing and doing some research online I decided to write this brief no-nonsense "tl;dr" list of tips, sadly not included in the game itself, for my friends. As it got larger and more thorough I decided to post it publicly - hope it helps!
(June 2020; PC version 1.50, mostly applies to console too)
The order of tips is simple to technical, meaning arguably the most important stuff is near the end.
  1. Gameplay
  2. Equipment
  3. Business
  4. Settings
  5. Troubleshooting
[ 1. Gameplay ]
[ 2. Equipment]
[ 3. Business ]
Once you have competent equipment, consider investing your cash into a (single) Business to earn more cash later. Note that most of my info on this comes from other guides:
[ 4. Settings ]
First the important stuff:
The default keybinds are poor. Here are my recommended changes:
The "Online" > "Options" menu:
[ 5. Troubleshooting ]
This section is only useful if the game is malfunctioning somehow (which sadly is very common):
Lastly, and I had nowhere else to put this: You can currently get a free million and Pete's Arcade using an Amazon/Twitch Prime temporary offer. NOTE that it's set up so that although you can get the whole thing for free, it comes with automatic renewal for the subscription at 3 bucks a month. You can get rid of this either on the Twitch page or by contacting Amazon (chat) support.
Edit: Fill the arcade with the free games to get $3600 per "day" (48 mins). Optionally add the 90k game in the empty slots to raise this to the $5000 max (1400 more). You'll recoup the investment in: 90/1.4=64 "days" or 51.42 real-time hours.
P.S. If any veteran players have more tips to share in the comments I'd appreciate it.
submitted by Gessie00 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Just take a hard left at Daeseong-dong…10

“Well, if that doesn’t throw the damper on things.” Dax remarks on our trip back down to the ground floor.
“Yeah. How rude. Up and deceasing your own self without bothering to tell anyone beforehand.” I noted.
“This is going to be a bloody balls-up. Trust me. This is going to be inordinately messy. A bog-standard botch job. A total dog’s dinner, just wait and see.” Cliffs adds.
“First, we have to contact IUPGS. Then what? Does Bulgaria have a consulate or embassy here? I wouldn’t think so…Then what?” I grieved. For once, I was rather low; both emotionally and on ideas.
“Let’s go back to the conference room and let everyone know. We’ll pull a brain session together. We should be able to sort out what needs to be done. The hotel already knows, so the state security forces also do as well. Be prepared for lengthy interrogation sessions, Gentlemen”, Cliff advised.
Back in the conference room, we relayed the sad information. All were taken aback and there were general notes of commiseration. However, since no one knew Iskren too well personally, it was more detached professionalism rather than overt weeping and wailing.
“Let us toast to our fallen comrade!” was accepted as both entirely appropriate and a damn good idea.
I got on the conference room phone and ordered up some more sandwiches, mixers, and bottles of booze. The moment was obviously structured that way, I reasoned.
We made our toasts to our fallen comrade and we had half a chalkboard filled with suggestions of what to do next.
The main consensus was: “Nothing.”
As in there was not much we could do. We were foreign nationals in a strangely foreign land. Our comrade was the sole member of his country, that is, Bulgaria, and the closest geographically we had aboard was Dr. Academician Ivan. No one wanted to loose Ivan on the DPRK security forces and have to deal with all that international fallout.
After some number of hours, after I suggested we all remain in the conference room as we’d (A.) be together, as in unity there is strength, (2.) we’d have each other’s backs when and if it came to interrogations, and, (iii.) this is where the free booze was.
Then there was a polite knock on the door.
I, as the den mother of this special education class, slowly got up and answered the knock.
It was a cadre of DPRK internal security forces, kitted out in their spiffy, tailor-made, and actually, quite smart-looking uniforms. Shoes and buttons polished to mirror-finishes, pants creases that could cut flesh, and enough polished brass to construct a spittoon.
“Hello? Yes?” I said through the semi-opened door.
“May we please come in? If the time is convenient.”, the head military type, very treacly asked.
“Of course”, I replied, “Please, do come in.”
Four of them entered as one. They did a quick-step, tight-march formation together and went to the head of the conference table.
“Good day, gentlemen. I am Colonel Hwangbo Dong-Hyeon of Internal State Security. First, we must offer condolences on the loss of your comrade. It must have come as a shock.” He intones.
There are mutters of “Thanks.” and “Damn right it was.”
“I have been entrusted to update you on the, ah, ‘situation’. First, Dr. Iskren Dragomirov Dinev, recently deceased, has been examined by the best medical practitioners in the country. He was obviously a foreign national and state guest, and we do not wish this to be a cause of suspicion or mistrust, especially during this auspicious Festival season.” He asserted.
We listened with rapt attention.
“I am authorized to tell you that it does not appear that the late Dr. Dinev expired of any untoward circumstances; or ‘foul play’, I believe is the western term. It has been ascertained that he expired due to wholly natural causes; namely massive myocardial infarction. Given his age, apparent health, and, ah, mass, this does seem a most reasonable explanation. This has been verified by no less than three DPRK medical professionals; one of which is the Emeritus teaching professor of Cardiology at Pyongyang Medical University. Again, you have our deepest condolences on the loss of your comrade.” He continued.
“I do remember Iskren complaining of gas pains the other night at the bar,” Joon agreed. “Thought nothing of it, given the change in all our diets.”
Colonel Hwangbo studied Joon like an entomologist examining a particularly fascinating new species of beetle.
“Which has been fine! Just rather rich compared to our usual food!” Joon hastily added.
Satisfied that Joon wasn’t making light of the ‘fine’ North Korean cuisine, Colonel Hwangbo continued, “As such, the Bulgarian Embassy here in Pyongyang has been contacted and apprised of the situation. They have taken over the case, as well as recovered the mortal remains and possessions of Dr. Dinev; all of which were conserved and authenticated by his Bulgarian national counterparts.”
“Ah, that’s good”, I said, “I’m pleased that there actually is a Bulgarian embassy here.”
“Ah. So.”, Col. Hwangbo continued, “Yes. They have already taken possession of Dr. Dinev’s mortal remains and possessions as I had noted, and will handle their repatriation to his country and family. As you can see, we have acted in the best of faith and with the utmost respect for your lately departed. Again, our condolences.”
There were some “Harrumphs”, and “Yeah, rights”, from the crowd, but since I was the team leader, it fell to me to handle this situation from here on out.
“Yes, indeed”, I replied, “We see that and do so deeply appreciate your efficiency and your keeping open the lines of communication. We have absolutely no room to complain. You, your team, your country, and your services have acted to the highest degree of professionalism and decorum. Let me extend, for the team, our heartiest appreciations in this most unfortunate matter.”
That seemed to please the Korean security forces. So much so they didn’t see the rolling eyes and smirks of grudging compliance from the crowd. I gave the evil-eye to several who were twittering quietly at my delivery of a load of over-the-top twaddle in the name of international goodwill.
“Thank you, Doctor…? Doctor…?”, he asked.
“Doctor Rocknocker.” I replied, “It’s spelled just as it sounds,”, I chuckled a knowing chuckle.
Colonel Hwangbo cracked a small smile for the first time since we met.
“As long as our orders of business are concluded, “ I inquired, “Might we offer you and your men a drink or sandwich or…”
“Cigar?” he suddenly brightened.
I smiled the sly, smirking smile of one of those used to the old duplicitous game of international diplomacy.
“Why”, I replied smilingly, “Of course.”
Col Hwangbo gratefully accepted a brace of fine Oscuro cigars. Probably more tobacco he’s seen in one place at one time since the last he rousted a snozzeled Western journalist or hammered European tourist with an overage of custom’s tobacco allowances.
His team eschewed cigars, but gladly accepted a pack each of pastel-colored Sobranie cocktail cigarettes.
It still slays me to see these battle-hardened, armed-to-the-teeth, unsmiling servants of the great state of Best Korea mincing about the courtyard smoking avocado, baby-blue, and peach-colored pastel cigarettes.
The Colonel and his team left after a couple of quick smokes, sandwiches, and surreptitious beers. I even enticed the Colonel into a couple of convivial vodka toasts when his team was otherwise occupied.
“Well, gang”, I said, closing the door, “Looks like that situation has been handled, most appropriately at that. We’ll miss ol’ Iskren, but at least he went fast and hopefully painlessly.”
I knew that last one was but a load of old dingo’s kidneys as I’ve had run-ins with cardiac disorders in the past and they are anything but painless. In any case, that was, as I noted, in the past. What was done is done. It was as it was. It is as it is.
“So, gentlemen”, I say, “Let us get back to work. Reality calls. Now, we’ve given you landlubbers the lowdown on our seismic pleasure cruise. Now we’d like to hear what you who had stayed onshore have come up with.”
Erlan, Graco, and Viv fill us in on the regional geology of Best Korea and lay out a plan to examine the sedimentary piles closest to the few paved roads in the north and east of the country.
We’ll be traveling by bus, as my request for four or five off-road vehicles was denied due to timing and lack of availability.
Yeah. Right. What a massive pile of bovine biogenic colluvium. A country with a military as huge as Best Korea’s and they can’t spare a few jeeps or Hummer reproductions?
Truth be told, they still don’t trust us and don’t want to let us out of their sight.
However, we did manage to snag some internal publications from the Central Geological Survey of Mineral Resources, which we figured as a major coup. Never before were Westerners allowed to even know of the existence of these materials, much less be able to research (read: slyly copy) them.
That ‘personal shaver’ I carried was actually a sneaky personal copier, a Vupoint ST470 Magic Wand Portable Scanner with all the external stickers peeled off, and any serial numbers abraded away.
Hey, they photograph us from every angle on the sly, listen in on our conversations, record our phone calls…hell, turnabout isn’t just fair play, it’s almost expected.
It’d be rude to refuse to play along.
Anyways, we learned that The Korean Peninsula (KP) occupies a junction area of three large tectonic domains that are the Paleo-Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt, and the Western Pacific Orogenic Belt.
To summarize:
  1. The Archean Rangrim massif is divided into the Rangrim and Kwanmo submassifs, high-grade region and greenstone belt, respectively.
  2. Early Paleoproterozoic rocks underwent metamorphism up to granulite facies, which may be correlated to the Jiao-Liao-Ji mobile belt in the North China Craton (NCC).
  3. Proterozoic rift sequences in North Korea are similar to those in the NCC with rare late Paleoproterozoic strata and more Neoproterozoic strata.
  4. Mesozoic igneous rocks are extensively distributed in the KP.
  5. The main Paleozoic basin, the Phyongnam basin in NK, have a similar Paleozoic tectono-stratigraphy to the NCC.
Of most interest is item #5. The Phyongnam basin is the only sedimentary and depositional basin of mention in the north of the Korean peninsula; and therefore the center of our attention as it pertains to oil and gas.
The potential source rocks, and possible reservoirs, include the Paleozoic Late Ordovician Miru Series was identified as the Koksan Series and subsequently renamed. The 170-meter thick limestone and siltstone centered around the P'yongnam Basin have extensive crinoid, coral, and gastropod fossils. Paleogeography researchers have suggested that corals formed in the Miru Sea-a branch of the South Yangtze Sea. At the base of the Taedong Synthem is the P'yong'an Supergroup, which lies disconformably atop older Paleozoic rocks.
In the Pyongyang Coalfield it is divided into the 650-meter sandstone, shale, and conglomerate of the Nogam Formation, the 500-meter Kobangsan Formation, 350-meter coal-bearing Sadong Formation and 250-meter chert-bearing Hongjom Formation, all typically assigned to an Upper Permian shallow marine environment.
In the Mesozoic, north of Pyongyang, Precambrian basement rocks are unconformably overlain by a Jurassic limestone conglomerate ascending to layers of siltstone and mudstone. The Upper Jurassic Shinuiju Formation northwest of Shinuiju has sandstone, conglomerate, and mudstone up to two kilometers thick.
Offshore drilling in the West Korea Bay Basin indicates these rocks are the onshore extension of offshore units. It is subdivided into fluvial rocks and Upper Jurassic black shale, limestone, conglomerate and sandstone formed in a lake environment.
There are very few Cenozoic sediments are known in North Korea, likely as a result of erosion due to uplift of the peninsula. Submarine normal faults along the eastern coastline may have driven crustal tilting. The 350-meter thick Bongsan Coalfield in Hwanghae Province on the west coast preserves and coal-bearing layers dating to the Eocene.
Further to the north, in the West Korea Bay Basin Eocene and Oligocene sedimentary rocks up to three kilometers thick unconformably overlie Mesozoic rocks, formed in lakes and coal swamps during the Paleogene.
What this meant is that we’d need to travel mostly northeast and/or southwest. This was fortuitous as the paved roads in the country were created in structural valleys formed by the primary fault trends in the country. The main trans-tensional set trended NE:SW and the conjugate set trends approximately 900 to the main set at NW:SE.
The topography was heavily dissected by drainages and the terrain consists mostly of hills and mountains separated by deep, narrow valleys. The coastal plains are wide in the west and discontinuous in the east.
The plan was to take the bus north to Sunchon, then hang a right off towards Unsan and Yongha. There were outcrops between the last two towns and they appear to be upper Paleozoic to Lower Mesozoic clastics. Ideal oil and gas hunting grounds.
From there, we’d head north-northeast towards Yangwon. There appeared to be some fair to excellent outcrops of rocks that are as of yet, unidentified as to age. From there, we’d continue to follow the outcrop belts either to their termination at the basin’s edges or at international borders with China or Russia.
But, once we hit the field, time goes into relative warp. Put a bunch of geologists out on some relatively virgin outcrops and just stand back as they spend hour after hour after hour first looking for evidence of the formation’s provenance, it’s age and field relations. Then begin the heartfelt, stalwart, and sometimes vicious, arguments between all concerned about each and every one of those salient points.
We were all looking forward to it and wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s our intellectual and scientific equivalent of meat and potatoes.
We all agreed on a way forward and generated a document to deliver to those in charge of our logistics on this trip. There would be a total of 11 Western geoscientists, four guides, perhaps a couple of national geologists or geophysicists, and whatever cadre the shiny suit squad wanted to include.
There would also be a driver, his relief, and a couple of extra translators. Good thing it was a large bus, as it’s going to be a huge crew.
We needed to allow our handlers a full day to arrange room and board for us while in the field, as we had to be bivouacked somewhere outside our fine hotel. It needed to be secure, pass sanctuary muster, and be ‘controllable’, referring to both Western scientists and nosy locals.
One thing we found odd was the lack of concern for long-term logistics, not to mention the end of our self-ordained indentured servitude. When this trip and all the Western geoscientists were contacted, we were all assured of an opportunity to meet with the Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un once our trip was completed.
We were to personally deliver one hell of an international photo-op. A ‘hey look how progressive we are’ meeting and our findings in this wonderful and progressive country.
But lately, with what we thought was the fallout of the Festival washing out all the usual propaganda, we’ve heard nothing about Herr Comrade Leader Supremo, K1J1-Un. Nor had we heard one iota about our intended final meeting with him before we left for China.
Since there are “absolutely no” COVID-19 cases in Best Korea, it seemed, well, odd that Beijing was our only possible current exit port of call, and onward to our individual homes.
There were all flavors of rumors flying all throughout the basement bars and casinos of the hotel. One claimed that Kim was now receiving treatment at a villa in the Mount Myohyang resort north of the capital Pyongyang after cardiovascular surgery. That he was near death and that his sister, Kim Yo Jong, is already warming up in the North Korean political bullpen if her brother kacks it.
Others said Kim is believed to be staying at an unspecified location outside of Pyongyang, with some close confidants. It was said that Kim appeared to be normally engaged with state affairs and there has not been any unusual movement or emergency reaction from North Korea's governing party, military, or cabinet.
There was also one other that tries to cover up any conspiracy rumors by shouting over a raspy bullhorn: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"; but most ignored that little crank.
We all thought that rather odd, but of fairly low concern. In the final analysis, it would have little impact on our studies and their outcome. In other words, it wouldn’t affect our pay one way or the other. We all felt like we’ve given more than what was called for on missions such as this.
And we still haven’t a clue as to when this will all come to an end.
However, we all agreed to the consultation, it would have been fun to meet with him and have our pictures taken with the Supreme Leader. Dr. Academician Ivan Ivanovich Khimik. was especially cheesed that he might miss the opportunity to make finger-vee bunny ears behind the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the DPRK during one of our photo sessions.
We all agree if we do somehow find ourselves in the same room with Ivan and Kim Jong-Un, we’ll form a human shield around the latter. We want to get back home; as we’ve all heard the rumors of the horrors of ‘political realignment’ camps here in Best Korea.
So the meeting breaks up and I’m left with Dax to take the final inventory. Two loads of sandwiches gone, piles of used napkins, ketchup-y table linens, bacon rinds and chicken bones, drippy ends of ice cream cones, prune pits, peach pits, orange peel, gloppy glumps of cold oatmeal, pizza crusts, and withered greens, soggy beans and tangerines, crusts of black burned buttered toast, gristly bits of beefy roasts…
“The hell with this”, I say, I grab the last nearly full bottle of vodka and hand Dax a bottle of Royal Navy dark Rum.
“Tally’s good”, I say, not really giving two tiny shits at this point. “At least, I think it is. Let’s make like horseshit and hit the trail.”
“I’m headed back to our floor and going to zone out in front of some old, looped BBC for the next few hours with a cold drink and hot cigar.” I proclaim.
“Oh, hell”, Dax says, “I agree. It’s been a weird couple of days. Let’s go.”
And so we do.
On the way, I leave the logistics concerns and itinerary for the upcoming field trips with the front desk clerk. I slip her 1000 won as its Festival! and I had a bulgy pocketful of same. She smiled and quietly said there’s be a surprise waiting for me in my room when I got there.
“Rock, you fucking old hound!”, Dax exclaimed as he punched me lightly on the shoulder. “Taking a dip in the hotel secretarial pool?”
“Dax, you surprise me”, I said in my defense, “I have been, and continue to be, happily married for the last 38 years to the most loving, most intelligent, most well-connected, and most accurate snap-shot with a Glock .380 Automatic I know of.”
“Well, me ol’ mucker”, Dax smiles slyly, “If one has been happily married for 38 years, one must have a little something on the side. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge, ‘eh, Squire?”
“Oh, nothing like that”, I replied, while waiting the obligatory 30 minutes for the fucking elevator to arrive. “I couldn't break my word to Esme, and not because I don’t believe in a God that will send me to Hell without an electric fan or because it's not the right thing to do. I simply don't want to. A man is only as good as his word; and if he loses that, he loses too much. I couldn’t function without people thinking that I’m square and on the level. My business would crumble to dust. As would my marriage.”
“Yeah, there is that”, Dax agrees, “You say something is going to happen and God damn, it fucking happens. That’s what makes you honest and honestly scary.”
I stare intently at the annunciator that tells me the fucking elevator is stuck on 4 again.
“You’re not mob, are you?” Dax harshly whispers, snickeringly.
I turn to face Dax and smile wistfully.
Я с уважением отказываюсь отвечать, потому что я искренне верю, что мой ответ может обвинить меня”, I reply quietly.
“What the hell does that mean?” Dax demands.
“I respectfully decline to answer because I honestly believe my answer might tend to incriminate me”, I calmly reply.
“Oh, look. Bloody elevator’s finally here.” I note and stride aboard.
Dax gets caught up in the tsunami of the crowd and is carried bodily inside. It was so remorseless, he almost lost his grip on his bottle of Dark Rum.
Up on ‘our’ floor, I go to key open my room. Dax is just down the hall and looking around to see what special surprise might show up. I was too tired to wait so I just push in, and see all my field clothes fully laundered, pressed, and either folded or hanging.
Someone broke into my room during the day and committed a compound neatness.
“POUND! Pound! POUND!” Hmm, appears to be someone at my door.
“Yes, Dax?” I said.
“You too?” he fumed, “Everything, cleaned to within an inch if its life. They even polished my bloody field boots.”
“Oh, fuck”, I said and ran to find mine re-pristinized.
“FUCK! FUCK! FUCKITYFUCKFUCK!” I swore. They had polished my field boots and removed the fine years-of-work-to-acquire near-subsurface of the leather’s oil layer. They polished the water-proofing and conditioning out of the leather of our boots.
“OK. OK.”, I said, “Minor emergency. Cool out. I have the solution.”
I toss Dax a small can. It was brown, oily, and claimed to be “Neatsfoot oil”. It was the SPF- 500 of field leathers.
“Go ahead and oil them up with that”, I told Dax, “I’ve got another can, so don’t worry. Use what you need, don’t be shy, but if there’s any left, let me know. I’ll combine ours and offer it to anyone else in the team who had their boots steam-cleaned.”
So, a bit later, I’m sitting on my hotel room’s floor, on several sheets of newspaper, rubbing Neatsfoot Oil into my ancient, multinational size 16 EEE Vasque™ Tracker field boots.
Then there’s a knock at the door.
“It’s open. Enter carefully”, I say aloud.
It’s a bell clerk with a room service cart. On the cart are a bucket of ice, a bowl of sliced limes, I think, several gimlet glasses, some Best Korean ‘Air Koryo’ carbonated citrus drink, and a fresh bottle of “Kaesong” vodka.
“Compliments of the front desk”, the bellman says.
I stand up, tip him a few thousand won, and set a new record in mixology; a fresh brace of drinks in less than 7.3 seconds.
I offer the bellman the lighter one and he accepts with a wide smile.
I say “건배” (geonbae) literally means 'empty glass', which is similar to the expression 'bottom's up'. For you see, my Korean’s coming along a treat.
We clink glasses and send those drinks to the places that they’ll do the best.
The bellman smiles offloads the cart onto the table in my room, shakes my hand, and departs.
I finish my boots, my drink, and my cigar. After another drink or seven, I crater early. Dax was right; it had been a long, weird day.
The next day, Festival! is still going strong, but still no word on the whereabouts of El Líder Supremo. I find that odd, only slightly interesting, and since it will impact the day’s events zero, I file it away for maybe later use.
I go to the hotel pool around 0530 and there’s no one there. I’m able to get in a good 100 laps, unburdened with either small talk or by yammering kids blocking my lanes. I go early as I don’t wear gloves in the water, obviously. Statistically, there is less chance there will be others, adults and kids included, that would get freaked out by my gnarly left hand. I really don’t feel like recounting the old Russian Rig Accident story again.
After a brisk shower and double shower-scotch back in my room, I dress casually and wander down to the casino and bar level. It’s essentially breakfast time, but with the revelers not giving two hoots to AM vs. PM, it’s surprisingly busy. I find a perch up on Mahogany Ridge and order a classical breakfast cocktail of one liter of beer and 100 milliliters of chilled vodka.
I see Mr. Ho is manning the bar. I ask him to ring the massage parlor down the hall and see if Ms. Nang Bo-Hee is free sometime this morning.
He does and reports that she has an open hour and a half at 0900. Would I like it or any portion of that time?
“I’ll take the lot”, I said. “Tell them I’ll be there spot on 0900.”
“That’s great.”, Mr. Ho says, hanging up the phone, “Doctor Rock, they tell me that with the Festival discount and you taking the full 90 minutes, they can cut you a very special deal.”
“I’ll bet”, I replied, “Like what?”
“Oh, I cannot say for they did not tell me”, he smiled, “They will tell you when you arrive.”
“Marvelous”, I exhaled tiredly. “Another, Mr. Ho; make it a double, if you would please.”
The massage center here is run by a group not employed directly by the hotel. It’s a separate entity altogether. They run specials and have different discount programs that are not only not controlled nor advertised by the hotel, but they’re also not in any way beholden to the hotel, except for rent, I suppose and run it like their own little fiefdom.
Ms. Nang, my preferred masseuse, is a little, tiny Korean lassie about 5 feet tall and probably all of 90 pounds soaking wet. However, she is amazingly well trained and could probably put me in the hospital for a lengthy visit with her wiles and methods of flesh, bone, and muscle manipulation.
She offers a whole suite of different massage genres: Swedish, hot stone, aromatherapy, deep tissue, sport, trigger point, reflexology, shiatsu, Thai, and Rolfing.
Oh, fuck. I know Rolfing. I tried that nonsense back in grad school with an old east Indian lady that could have linebackered for the Minnesota Vikings. That shit fucking hurt. Today, it’d incapacitate me permanently. That’s a definite no-go.
I decide that it’s going to be the Hot Stone-treatment today. A geological-manipulation inquiry.
At 0900 I’m the only client at the massage ‘store’. It’s early, day two of the festival, and people are either sleeping off the previous night’s festivities or too wobbly to even think of partaking in a massage.
I’ve had several major back surgeries over the years, including one bilateral laminectomy about seven years ago that removed 7.5 kilos of overgrown bone and muscle from my lumbar region, so I’ve been very cautious about soliciting a massage. The masseuse has to know that area is strictly verboten and will do everything to avoid annoying that particular piece of bodily real-estate.
I’ve walked or limped out of massages before where the practitioner said they understood my reticence, but went ahead and kneaded and provoked that land of keloids and deep-body scar tissue.
However, based on past experience, Ms. Nang knows full well my reluctance as well as my desires. That’s the reason I’m returning. She’s very, very good; a consummate professional and has a never-ending series of jokes and observations while she’s pummeling you into submission.
Today, we retire to a private cubicle and she hands me a small robe or napkin, not sure which, of Korean manufacture.
She tells me to get au natural and to wear the robe while she prepares the tools of her trade.
OK, I’m not a small person; not by a long shot. This robe, however, is made for a sprite, not even for a small person.
She returns to our massage cubicle as I’m sitting there, at the end of the massage table, sipping my drink clad only in my dapper red-and-white checkered boxers.
“You need to be unclothed, Doctor. Use the robe. OK, sir Rock?” she says.
“Ms. Nang,”, I said, shaking my head, “It’s one or the other.” I show her how laughable the robe is as I can’t even get it over my upper arm. It’s not even as a tea towel when it comes to covering my expansive acres of exposed epidermis.
“I can close door.”, she says, “I’m used to it. I am professional. Does not bother me if it does not bother you.”
I lost all forms of bashfulness, timidity, or prudery long, long ago. After years and years of Russian banya, Swedish massage, Turkish baths, and surgery; well, if it don’t bother you, it don’t bother me.
“OK”, I say, using the robe as a small two-dimensional breechcloth. She tells me to ‘hop’ up on the massage table and lie down, facing the floor.
After chuckling about the fact that I haven’t hopped for decades, I wander over to the nicely padded and extremely clean massage table and lie down. She rearranges the ‘robe’ to cover my backside and tells me to relax. She’ll be right back with the stones.
I’ve never tried this type of massage before, but as a geologist, I must; if for nothing else, progress in the name of science.
Ms. Nang returns with a large parcel consisting of many sizes of steamed stones. They were river-washed and tumbled basalt from the looks of them, all wrapped in a large fuzzy towel.
Now she finds the large towels…
She selects them one by one and places them in ‘special, strategic’ spots on my exposed back. From the lower 2/3rds of the nape of the neck, down the spine, over the fundus mountains, and down the back of each leg.
It’s a warm, almost hot in some places, but not an uncomfortable feeling. She returns to adjust them, grind them in a bit in places, and flip them to extract all that igneous lithological thermal goodness.
I have to admit, at that point, it was feeling quite delightful. Relaxed; I had my drink and was being kneaded My dorsal musculature was being de-lithified by the application of hot rocks and expert point massage.
All was going quite well as Ms. Nang was building a huge tip in her ‘job well done’ bank.
Then the rocks had all attained room temperature. She excused herself to reload with another minor outcrop’s-worth and told me to flip over for round two of the process.
“In for a dime, in for a dollar”, I said, as I flipped over and use the robe as a laughable forward-facing breechcloth.
Ms. Nang mentioned that she was always fascinated by Westerners and their surplus of bodily fuzz. With my long, shoulder-length silver hair, full Grizzly Adams beard that drooped down to my sternum, and torso that picked up where my beard left off; she was quite unprepared to see the beached silver-gray panda that awaited upon her return.
“Dr. Rock!’, she exclaimed, “You are as a bear! So much hair. And silver color!”
“Yeah, sorry”, I replied, “Just the hand genetics dealt me. I guess it’s an adaptation for ethanol-fueled organisms that never feel cold.”
“I will soon return.” She titters excitedly and almost runs out of the room.
“Hmmm. I wonder what that’s all about?” I muse as I lie largely undraped in the massage cubicle.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and every female massage practitioner there herded into the room. They simply had to see the specimen upon which the delightful Ms. Nang was working.
OK, truth be told, I was a bit taken aback. Here I am lying on an elevated, and heavily padded, massage table. I’m ‘wearing’ only a crooked, worried grin and a sheet of a cotton washcloth that measures about 12x12 inches.
They Oohed! and Ahhhed!
I did feel like some form of an alien animal suddenly thrust out into public view. It was a bit disconcerting, but as usual, I just tried to deflect any unease with jokes and idiot remarks. At my age, not much is going to bother me, and this I found all the more laughable than troubling.
Suddenly, I was fielding their barrage of questions:
“You are American? All American men so…hairy?”
“Yes and no”, I replied. I also mentioned I hadn’t undertaken a study in that particular subject.
“Why you so big?” one tiny lass asked, eyes as big as dinner plates.
“Genetics”. I replied. “Just a corn-fed Baja Canadian doofus. We grow ‘em big back home.”
“Can we touch?” one particularly brave little lass asks.
“Touch what?” I asked. Look, I might be over 6 decades old, but there are still some areas reserved for my one and only betrothed.
I did tell Esme of this whole event later that evening during our nightly call. She laughed herself silly.
“Your beard! Oriental men never have such beard. We touch maybe?” she implored.
I was going to say “Go nuts”, but I decided that a simple “Sure” would be more fitting.
So they did. They were enthralled. They had never before, from what I was told, seen such a large silver-gray ZZ Top-style beard, especially here at the hotel. That part was weird enough, but when they started in on working their way south toward the equator, I had to say something to dissuade them.
“Where were you girls 45 years ago?” I laughed.
I don’t think they got the joke. They became somewhat bolder in their austral exploratory activities.
“OK! Time out! Ms. Nang! We have an appointment to keep”, I said as I shooed the rest of the lassies away, “We need to finish what we started.”
By the time that the third syllable of that last sentence came into being, I knew it wasn’t the right thing to say.
They all laughed and tittered as Ms. Nang ushered them out of the room. I could have sworn I heard the door lock behind them.
Ms. Nang reprieved her earlier stone placement therapy, with a couple of strategic detours.
She wasn’t that type of masseuse, and I wasn’t looking for that type of massage. She did, however, knead and pummel me mercilessly.
I’ve been bruised less from barroom brawls.
Finally, she announces that she’s finished. She’ll leave while I shower, as she used essential aromatic oils, and would await me out in the lobby.
After showering, I felt like a large bowl of pummeled Jello. I felt relaxed, and for the first time in weeks, my back was silent. My head was clear as a spring Sunday morn in Reykjavik.
The full 90 minutes, plus sideshow, was 4,500 won.
I paid the owner the required sum and handed Ms. Nang an additional 15,000 for a job well done. And for another anecdote that goes into the hopper.
I left the massage parlor feeling quite fine, thank you. I wandered over to the bar to see if I could augment and prolong this feeling of harmony with the universe. The mental picture even now of all those cooing Korean lassies in the massage room never fails to elicit a laugh and head shake.
A few hours later, I’m back in my room, tidying up my field notes and making certain all my paperwork was heavily encoded and up to date. It was, so I placed a number of expensive overseas calls to catch up with everyone on the outside.
I’m thinking of calling room service to have my mini-bar repaired when my room phone rings.
“Now who would be calling me at this hour?” I wondered.
It was the tour group leader. He informed me that the itinerary had been worked out and we’d be leaving tomorrow for the field at 0600. We were to arrive with all our luggage and be prepared to check out. We would spend at least a week in the field, if not two, depending on our results, and be bivouacking in different places in the interior of the country.
I thanked him for the information and said I’d inform the rest of the team. He told me that wouldn’t be necessary as they would come up to or floor, deliver the notice verbally, or by note if they were out of their rooms. If I wanted to later call each participant and ensure they were apprised of the situation, that would be most appreciated.
I assured him I would do so and that we’d be ready, to a man, at 0600 the next day.
I whip up 10 Post-it™ notes and stick one on each member’s door.
“Leaving for the field. Check out 0530. Wheels up 0600. Bring all luggage. Road trip!”
To be continued…
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (6/10 to 6/16)

Any advice for a new guy headed to JBLM?
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Do men get to wear makeup on duty? I’m dead serious and Google doesn’t yield anwsers
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I am looking for some guidance on completing my SF-1199A. I am transferring from Army National Guard to Regular Army and was asked to fill out a SF-1199A from my recruiter. I asked my recruiter for clarification and he said, read it. I know that most army forms contain instructions that explain what is needed for each section. This is not the case for this form.
For example,
Section 1, Box C. ** CLAIM OR PAYROLL ID NUMBER ** the instructions on the second page say look this information is found on my government check. One thing I found on google said SSN, so that's what I put.
Next section, ** PAYEE/JOINT PAYEE CERTIFICATION and JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS’ CERTIFICATION (optional). ** Does that mean my wife needs to sign since its a Joint Account I am assuming that they want both of us to sign.
It wants Govt Agency Name, since its for Active Duty Army would I put that, additionally for Govt Agency address what do I put?
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How does one go about filing a claim against the federal government in regards to automobile damage?
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How far from base can you travel on active duty? And can you just travel freely in the reserves or guard until drill ?
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Can you use your phone at AIT?
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Hello there, I am a 18 year old male who had a dream of serving. I tried to join the Airforce out of high school. I went to MEPS and tested perfectly in all aspects except one. The very end of the physical the doctor noticed I had flat feet. He asked if they hurt or bothered me and of course I said they do not. He said, “ok sounds good to me, I won’t DQ you”. I walk out thinking I passed the first phase to joining to be told I was in fact DQ’d. I later found out the report he wrote said I complained about severe foot pain due to flat feet. I gave up and tried again this year for the Army. I had to submit a waiver to join and it was denied all because of the lie the doctor wrote down. It has been my dream to serve for the longest time. I’m at the point now where I am stuck and have no guidance. My recruiter dropped me as soon as the waiver came back denied. Do I have any hope for other branches? Can I clean that off my record? I’ve looked into appealing the waiver and all I’ve got from it is that is almost impossible. Is this true or is there hope to appeal? Any information is appreciated and I thank you for reading and hopefully commenting. Thank you -Jordan
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This is going to sound weird but maybe I just need to hear is from an outside force. My fathe grandfather were Airborne grunts and i’ve always wanted to do the same, turns out i’m colorblind so infantry and airborne are off the table.
Is it okay “serving” and not being a combat mos? I know that is a large part of the Army and not to say anything about 99% of MOSs but it just seems so disheartening. Are you still proud of shit you did or is it just a 9-5 and you go home and you’re out in 4 years?
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Any of you guys have any experience with 4th Engineers up in Carson? I’m headed that way, I’d like to know what some people’s experiences are. Thanks!
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So if I sign a 6-year active duty contract, does my 6-years start after I finish AIT? Or does it start the very same day you being BCT?
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I’m enlisted and I ship out in July. My question is, what is fort sill AIT like?
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Hello reddit, I’m a civilian who is currently trying to make tape so to go to MEPS, take asvab, etc. I have done extensive research on this site as well as others, but would like direct opinions about what my options/routes. A little background info:
Age: 26
Wt: 230 lbs (need 197 lbs or 3 in. Off waist)
Criminal History: DUI-2014-21 years old.
Vision: maybe correctable to 20/20, maybe not will find out at MEPS.
AFQT: 79 (walked in off the street no studying) asvab should be in 90’s range after studying a bit.
Employer: I deal cards in a casino in CA. Make pretty good money, have no job satisfaction.
I am currently doing everything I can to make a great decision as to what my MOS will be. When I was younger (19-20) I scored really high on afqt and recruiter wanted to push intel on me. Ended up not enlisting because I thought (why enlist when I can finish school and commission duh), but life doesn’t always pan out how we expect. I have enough units to enter as a PFC, which is nice since I’m older. I always wanted to join the military, and now that I’m getting older I’m trying to make the leap before it’s too late. My main questions are:
What MOS would you recommend for someone in my position? I’ll need waivers for my DUI, and actually can’t do most of the cool MOS because I can’t get a TS clearance and possible vision requirements. Secret maybe, but also maybe not.
I’m very interested in an opt 40 contract, but I have worries I won’t be able to get in the shape I’ll need in BCT or OSUT to hack it, any opinions in regard to this?
My mind is telling me to go support or look at an MOS that translates to civ world, but my hearts wants to go infantry. I am 26 and worried I’ll be too old to be able to do the grunt life. Is this true or am I overthinking it? Also will having high ASVAB scores do anything for me in infantry? Does it make a difference?
Other MOS I think are pretty cool that I QUALIFY for are: 12D, 12M, 19D, 68W, 88K.....these are pretty much what I can qualify for out the gate. Can’t do anything cool such as: 31K, 35series, 37series, 38series. Those would be my top, but I can’t because of DUI.
Basically what are the best options for me based on my pros/cons?
Lastly at 26 possibly 27 would you recommend 3 or 4 year commitment?
P.S. was also planning on trying to go tacp with AF but for some reason the army appeals to me more. Can’t tell you why.
Thank you in advance for you time
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My question is about combat training. I’m naturally left handed and when shooting guns I am a left and shooteleft eye dominant. How will that affect me in combat training? Will the Army make me switch to my right hand dominant?
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People are saying in my guard unit if we fail this new pt test it's an honorable discharge. I'm almost positive that this isn't true guy can someone tell me why this isn't true?
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Been a while.
So my active duty 11B journey comes to an end in about two hours, and I'll be transitioning into the old NG as a reclass: 35T. Seemed like a good step after completing the MSSA program for cloud/server admin, plus I'm super interested in all the equipment.
I'd like to hear about what I can expect going into the lengthy AIT as an MOS-T. Heard in general it's way more relaxed than a brand new private's experience, but if there are any major pieces of information I'm gonna need, I'd appreciate the heads up.
I know I can expect to get my Sec+. Any other major certs? Currently hold MCA: Azure Admin & the paltry MTA: Networking Fundamentals.
Going in for the "Try 1" contract, but I have two years to schedule my AIT. Is there a time of year that's better than others?
Cheers all.
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Prior service guy, was out for a while and resigned to the national guard for six years. It's been two years and they have not sent me to AIT yet. Does anyone know if there is a way out of my contract if they don't send me by a certain date? If so please site regulations or where that info can be found.
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Is it possible for a non-citizen/green card holder getting overseas on first assignment?
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Question about working as a contractor in Afghanistan or other war zones: ------------------
Are there any 3-6 month contracts in Afghanistan which one can apply to? Not sure if contracts like that exist, and wanted to ask.
My story/background:
Long story short, I'm a mechanical engineer with 4 years experience and speak 3 languages (English, Spanish and Polish).
I've been running a small online business the past 4 years, but just went out of business recently due to unforeseen events.
I have $15,000 in debt and was looking for a 3-6 month contracting job I could apply to, to help pay my debt.
I would be open to any type of contracting job, hopefully one paying at least $4k-$5k a month.
Any advice is highly appreciated, thank you in advance for your help
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Shipping off to boot in a month and I have a series of dumb questions:
I just did my OPAT and got enough to qualify for a Heavy MOS even though I’m going in as a 13j(moderate) is that going to correlate with how well I do physically in basic(LWOOD)?
Should I shave my head prior to going? I kinda want to see myself in a Mohawk before shipping out and I’d probably shave it off a couple days before. Is there a stigma to that?
Will aspirin be available? I’m afraid that I’ll get a headache and fuck something up at basic. If there isn’t I can just ride it out. I bring this up because I had a terrible one at MEPS but it got better right before I had to do the testing.
Swimming? I can’t swim that great but I have enough time to practice if I need to.
When is my first APFT? I can defiantly hit the requirements but at the same time idk what’s going to happen between now and then.
You don’t have to answer all of these, answering just one would be more than helpful
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This will sound GENUINELY gay, but I just wanna get it off my chest:

I was hyped for enlisting, but now I'm shook on the idea. How do I get over this weird sense of dread? I keep thinking of all the positive things that will come and change my life for the better, but I can't help but to feel nervous and somewhat scared.
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I have already gone through MEPS, as well as had an interview for my potential security clearance. If I decide that I do not want to join the army, then will my fingerprints show up for other jobs showing that I applied for a security clearance? For example, if an employer does their own background investigation and runs my fingerprints, then will the army's "findings" be available to them even though I never joined? Thanks for any help!
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As a new infantry 2LT, how difficult is it to attend different schools like Sapper and Airborne if you aren't in a unit where these tabs would be necessary? The recruiter I asked basically just told me "Yeah, sure, of course you can go to Sapper school!" but I'm wondering if attending these different schools as an officer actually is super easy, or if it's more difficult and based on some sort of application process or random chance.
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Hey guys
My Question has to do with the Army Space Badge im having trouble finding any forms or online location for the online class just trying to see if am qualified or how i can go if anyone has any information please DM
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Hey y’all, this isn’t related to joining but I dunno if it merits its own post. I need to obtain ASUs in the next two weeks; what’s the cheapest + fastest way to get a set in that time?
I am not near a post but I can make a day trip to one, if that helps.
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If you have a slot for a mobilization in a different MOS than your primary and don't go to re-class for it, will it be awarded after the mobilization is over?
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Currently deployed, being sent home for NCOES. Is there a regulation on how many days prior to my report date I should be sent back stateside?
I’ve heard rumors of a 30 day window, I’m not getting a flight till about 2 weeks prior. I’m fine with that if that’s how it has to be, but I’ll have to do reintegration and figure out my TDY shit within that time. I’m not finding anything on google about this.
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I graduated a few years ago with a bachelor's in chem and minor in math. My interests have been research and development, but I also tend to really like technical, hands-on work that involves troubleshooting and instrumentation. Nuclear and radiological fields are also of interest.
Can someone perhaps suggest some other roles that may be applicable? I know very little about the military, so if you know of roles outside of this branch that may also apply I would be interested in hearing about those as well.
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So I'm not fat, I'm a skinny build but I do have some flabs and a pretty soft stomach. Haven't gone to a gym seriously in over a year and a half. What's a good routine to follow to get back in top shape for BCT? Should I just stick solely with the PFT requirements? (Push-ups, sit-ups, and distance-cardio only) Or should I include some weight-lifting in the process as well?
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Regarding promotion to E-3 out of BCT with 2,100 hours in trade/vocational training. I'm in the process of graduating from my medical assisting program, and am thinking about enlisting. I will of met the hour requirements upon graduation, but has anyone received promotion this way? I have yet to ask a recruiter about this, I'm still waiting for him to get back to me. until then any info? Specifically what programs are applicable and how I would find this information. I go to a federal program run by the department of labor, so I assume I'm golden but I'm not sure. Google searches are getting me everywhere but to the information I'm looking for. Thanks!
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Interested in commissioning, does anyone know if a past visit to BH years ago is disqualifying?
Also, does anyone know if rosacea is a DQ?
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Gotcha. Thanks man! I'll follow up with my recruiter and get the details.
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I'm planning on trying to commission by the end of the year. I have some weight to drop still, but when I get down to weight I want to make sure I am ready to go.
What records should I be working on collecting now? For example, I went to the ER last year for a work related injury. I ended up having to do 3ish weeks of physical therapy but I'm fully healed now. Should I get all those records or will they not need them?
What about when I broke my hand when I was 16? I'm 30 now and have had no issues with it.
Do I need letters of recommendation? If so, how many?
Basically I'm just curious what I should be doing (other than PT) to prepare myself to meet with a recruiter when I'm ready.
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I'm an 88L. My Mos is has too many people in it. So they are taking volunteers and pushing them into other Mos'. If there are not enough people volunteering they may take people anyways. That's what all my NCOs in my unit are saying.
So, I don't like gambling with my job. I like being an 88L. But, its either I choose an Mos I like or there is a small chance I'm forced to change. I've not been at my unit for over a year.
So, my question is: I'm thinking about 25D as an Mos. There's an almost 30000 bonus if you have more than 3 years on your contact going into it. I qualify. I'd get a promotion if I pass the AIT. Is 25D good? Should I just stay as an 88L even with the small risk off being reclassed forcibly? I heard the schooling for 25D is hard. But so was 88L and I passed that.
Any general advice or info would be nice.
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My dad recently went to Ft. Campbell and was talked up about 11B getting insane bonuses, so now he wants me to enlist as 11B. Is there any truth to this? He thinks I'm gonna get $20-30,000 cash upon signing, but I kind of doubt it being that ludacris.
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So I'm in Italy and am on a 2 year tour, I was interested in extending for year and 7 months to my ETS. I had a change of heart, but am wondering if I am stuck here now. I haven't signed the 4187 or FSTE. Do they need my signature to extend me?
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Hello All,
I'm seeking to figure out, can I enlist in the Army as a Counterintelligence Agent? I'm honestly pretty confused by what and my local recruiter say about it.
For context, I'm going to graduate with a BA soon, and I'm pretty confident about scoring high on the ASVAB (based on my practice with the recruiter) and I think I'll be a go for the clearance.
Any advice on this, or about being a 35L in general, would be appreciated.
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I want to check what unit I’m going to using UIC, is that public info or do I need a DODComputenetwork?
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I'm going to see my recruiter tomorrow and i want to be a 19 kilo m1 crewmen but i have had multiple surgery when I was born but I have never broken anything and am phisicaly fine and able to do daily task and,have no underlying problems other then i have no bellybutton and have a large scar i had what is called,an omphalacele and everything is fine now so im hopeing I'm good to go my biggest concern is the medical everything else i can studay and work out but its medical somthing i cant controls that worries me . please if any one knows what my chances are please help and cheer me up im stressed .... This has been my dream for years and i have always been told i cant do this or that and,i just want to serve my country and work with an amazing team in these big metal beasts.. Olease if anyone has any tips let me know thanks...
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How do I ruck faster? Did my first 12 mile in 2:40 with 50 sumn lbs and I've been doing 3 miles lately with 75+ holding a 15ish minute pace(walk no run) If I just go out there with 35 or 45 (trying to prepare for ranger, maybe someday) what can I do to just ya know walk faster? I have a civilian Osprey bag with about 28lbs or so dry and I can run a ways with that on but that's not heavy enough for standard I just like using that bag in my freetime. But as far as just walking faster I dont feel like I can, what's a good tip? I already ruck and run I know the pole trick but how do I walk faster between running?
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I see a lot of talk about sending more troops to various places in the news. Is this having any real impact on deployments right now?
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Question about joining.
So I started the whole process with National Guard and when the packet was done I told my recruiter I wanted to switch to Army Active Duty. I'm guessing he would switche my packet over and he told me somebody else he knew would be taking care of the process. He was genuinely cool about it and I talked with him the other day about it. The recruiter he's sending me to has yet to even contact me and it's been a month. I still have 3 new papers to sign and havent been to MEPS. I'm wondering if I should just tell him I want to talk to another recruiter or I should keep waiting? Thanks in advance.
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Are you allowed to take OTC medication out in the field and on deployment? Obviously taking it in boot camp wouldn't be allowed. I have a skin condition that requires me to take hydrocortisone cream once daily. Without it I can get bad flareups.
I can tolerate the symptoms, but I get red rashes on my face that itch like crazy. Would I get pulled out of bootcamp, or would they allow me to suck it up and graduate?
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If I have an rfo can I still try and drop my refrad?
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Anyone knows anything about AC/RC? career counselor said it was a good gig, tried researching but all it says is that I'll be doing the planning for Reserve components as an active duty soldier. Anyone has any feedback? anything helps
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Trying to get an airborne slot while in AIT. Like a retard, I believed everyone that said "don't worry, you can get it in ait, they always need intel." Looking at HRC it appears I can send a packet to my branch G1 with a 4187 and airborne physical through ATRRS. Where is ATRRS? I can't find it anywhere. Should I ask the airborne POC directly?
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I’m in AIT currently for 91f (small arms repaiartillery repair) I’m a reservist, and know I’ll be stationed at Fort Knox 11th aviation. I was wondering what kind of weapons I’ll mostly get to work with, and what kind of gear will I actually be issued? I also have a 275 pt score, what kind of extra schools could this MOS or my pt score get me as a reservist? I also know that in some units 91f is able to go to the front lines in deployments. How likely would it be for me to get that opportunity, given I’m in an aviation unit?
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So about 5 years ago I started the process of enlisting in the Army. I would have been able to enlist as an E3, and was trying for 12r. My father's health ended up going down hill extremely fast so I put that idea on the back burner. It was a good thing I did because he passed away a few months later. My life got a little crazy after that and I never had a chance to entertain the idea of enlisting again.
So here we are now. I'm now 29, happily married for 3 years with 3 kids under 3 years old. We own a house with 12ac and a small, somewhat successful, sheep ranch. I'm an ASE Master Technician and own my own automotive repair business which is starting to pick up steam and actually be profitable.
Yet despite all of that, I really regret never enlisting, and am starting to get the urge to do so again before I'm too old.
My wife and I discussed the idea of going into the National Guard last night, and she said she would be ok with that, as long as we didn't have to move around. The time away for BCT and AIT would be difficult, but after that we agreed it wouldn't be too bad, until a deployment anyhow. My state is in need of several decent MOS that have $20k bonuses. Plus, I have about 13K in student loans that would be nice to have paid with the SLRP.
Honestly though, I kind of want to go active duty. See the world some. Experience all the bullshit and fuck-fuck games. I may also eligible to go 25S, $40k bonus.
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What MOS translates into the most money in the civilian world?
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My post got removed for some type of violation. Hope this is the right spot to post. Hello everybody, i've got an issue with my asvab line scores. I took the Asvab twice, many years ago. The second time i took it i received higher scores, that is also the time i enlisted. For some reason my ERB is showing the scores from the first time i took the test. Anybody have any idea on who i would contact to get this issue fixed? I asked around in my company, but no one was able to figure it out. Thanks.
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Hi guys, I had a question for my friend who doesn't have a reddit account:
She's a college graduate studying to go to law school and is interested in going to JAG route through the Army or Air Force. However she isn't sure if she would work her entire law career in the military and she was wondering how the transition from military to corporate law firms are because from what she's read so far, corporate firms prefer to hire fresh graduates. She wants to talk to an OSO about all this as well but is worried she'll get baised answers and wants to see if anyone has similar experiences or advice they'd like to share.
TLDR: Do JAGs do well transitioning from the military to corporate/outside jobs?
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So this morning, my recruiter looked at the available MOS's and the list is so sad. lol No 36b or 25b. I understand that all the recent grads from May likely took all the jobs, but does anyone which months are best for availability?
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Hello all, I am an enlisted future soldier and I ship off to basic next week! I am very nervous and feel like I’m not physically ready even though I have been training for the last month. I am shipping off to FLW for OSUT, so I was wondering if anyone has any advice? I know it’s gonna be hot as hell, that’s for sure. Thank you.
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Is there a rule about running shirtless on post? I assume it's in the post/div standards document, but I just pcs'd and don't have internet yet. I also assume it's pretty standard across the country. Anyone looked it up before?
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What compelled you to sign up to defend Israel and Exxon abroad?
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So my question is this, I enlisted with the Gaurd back in February. Now, I haven't been in long, but it seems like swearing is the defacto way to speak. So, needless to say, fuck yeah. Me and my drill buddies start swearing, drill Sargeants are swearing along with us. All is good. However. I recently came to learn, some Sargeants don't take kindly to swearing. I had to take a few laps and do some push ups. What are some ways of knowing who is and isn't cool with the occasional F-bomb?
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I'm currently in DEP waiting to ship to basic in August, I was just wondering if I'm eligible for military discounts or not? I was planning on switching my phone company and the one I'm switching to offers a discount.
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Part 45.

Sorry guys. The Mandela Effect technically slowed down but I found Maybe It's Mandela'd on YouTube and they have reported tons of changes from November 2018 to May 2019 and even some from 2016 I haven't heard about yet.
7073.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember any of this stuff being different or not a thing?(Just gonna link their tons of interesting videos.)(El Pasco, Texas/El Paso, Texas)(MOAM/MAOAM candy)(Ring Pops/Ring Pop)(Is the knife that Chucky is holding on the Child's Play movie cover different?)(Girls and guys have different natural body odors.)(Anonymous masks now have red lips and red cheeks.)(Didn't Grumpy Cat die way before May 14, 2019 and wasn't she male?)(Watermellon/Watermelon)(Flying squid.)(All different colors of flamingos.)(Titantic/Titanic)(Lots of new Steven Seagal movies.)(The music video for Hotline Bling by Drake has changed in a lot of ways.)(More changes to the Anonymous mask.(Miki Lauda/Niki Lauda)(Other spellings?)(Certain living and dead members of Iron Butterfly dying more than once or still being alive.)(Tempermental/Temperamental)(Other spellings?)(Galapagos giant tortoises born for first time since 1800's.)(All the new videos and angles of the JFK assassination.)(Embryonic Fluid/Amniotic Fluid)(Buzzing boy heard in his ear was a tick.)(The lyrics to Rock Me by Steppenwolf have changed.)(Rebecca Grayheart/Rebecca Gayheart)(Juwanna Nan/Juwanna Mann)(Black rainbow roses now exist.)(You can no longer sink in quicksand.)(Days Go By is no longer a 90's hit and Dirty Vegas is now popular for it and not The Rembrandts who used to be The Rembrants.)(Bumblebees can't sting.)(Mean Girls movies both have connected letters.)(Red eyed cats.)(Blue eyed box turtles.)(Half albino peacocks.)(A group of cats are called a Clowder or Glaring.)(Quantus Airlines/Qantas Airlines)(There were female pilots in some of the really old wars.)(Masters Of Reality/Master Of Reality)(Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget shows his face now.)(Zupas has connected letters.)(Black sunflowers now exist.)(Black and purple bell peppers now exist and the different colors for bell peppers now might apparently be them in different stages instead of being separate types.)(The first E in Deep Purple is now reversed.)(More animals eating weird new stuff.)(Bed Bath & Beyond D is stretched out.)(Are the colors used for some of the signs off?)(Was the name different?)(The first recorded sound was April 9, 1860 now.)(Cursive Q looks like a 2.)(More weird looking mantises.)(Megaduck/Negaduck)(Air plants now exist.)(Star shaped cities now exist.)(Area 54/Area 51)(Was it something else?)(Two names for "They Live"?)(Red LobsteRed Lobster: Fresh Fish Live Lobster)(California breaking up into multiple separate states.)(Royalty way back like Queen Victoria wearing things like sunglasses.)(Tornado ripped off roof of church as children sang Jesus Loves Me story came out last year?)(Taiwanese Leopard spotted for first time since 1983 extinction.)(Christie Alley/Kirstie Alley)(Chucky's jumper and shirt have changed in Child's Play.)("If the glove don't fit, you must acquit."(Aquit?)/"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.")(Did he not have a hat and was he referring to a glove?)(Johnny Cochrane/Johnnie Cochran)(Anything else off?)(More lyrics in Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi have changed.)(Was Swum not a word for you?)(Weasel riding on the back of a bird.)(Pigeon dancing to street music.)(Anything famous the Theremin is used in seem off to you?)(Was it the Theramin?)(MannoManor)(Swamp Thing was now released exactly 5 years earlier in 1982 instead of 1987.)(Tony Scott killed himself exactly 5 years earlier in 2012 instead of 2017.)(Tom Skeritt/Tom Skerritt and did he die?)(Did the little girl die before or after 3rd movie?)(Anything else off?)("Got out of bed."/"Fell out of bed.")(Vinegarette/Vinaigrette)(Other spellings?)(When The Heart Calls/When Calls The Heart)(Caress/Carress/Caress)(Rare black deer spotted.)(Dogs dying from saltwater poisoning.)(Outtro/Outro)(Anything else off?)(Feather stars can swim.)(Brittle stars can swim.)(Sea anemones can swim.)(Was it The Family Circle or Family Circle?)(Did Richard Leroy McKinley and him dying and the two other guys who died with him not exist?)(1670 painting showing cell phone and many other paintings and old movies, films and the 1995 boxing match and all the other photos and paintings of time travellers.)(The Wizard Of Oz theme park closed decades ago but has been open since the 90's.)(Brian Mullins/Brian Mullin)(Lots of new flag designs.)(Zapruder film with sound?)(Other spellings of Deion Sanders?)(Akira Toriyama is now alive.)(Lots of new deep holes.)(Red hourglass change on black widow.)(Paul Mason/Paul Masson)(Women having a freckle in the same spot.)(British Indian Ocean Territory?)(Gem found in Israel worth more than diamonds.)(Animals in places where they never used to live.)(Capricorn is an actual goat species.)(The Mysterious Case Of Benjamin Button/The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button)(Have you heard of The Great Dying?)(The first inhabitants of Asia were black.)(Phenomenon vs. Phenomena?)(Salem's Lot logo has merged.)(Jennifer GardneJennifer Garner)(Lots of new Star Trek changes.)(Circle K letter K is now dipping into the outer part of the logo.)(Lavar Burton/LaVar Burton)(Grand Canyon city?)(Dobsonflies now exist.)(Green Humphead Parrot Fish now exist.)(Lizard giving birth without mate.)(Shaggy sometimes has a visible Adam's Apple.)(Lollipop color has changed in The Wizard Of Oz.)(Pokémon Go now has rainbows.)(Velella Vella now exists.)(Heward Packard/Hewlett-Packard)(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)(Cat born with 4 ears.)(More living rocks.)(Blue rolly pollies now exist.)(All Of My Love/All My Love)(Jimmy Paige/Jimmy Page)("Horny backed toad."/"Horny back toad.")(Anything else off?)(Game Boy Advanced/Game Boy Advance)(Anything else off?)(Vegas Vic is now more ecil looking, is now hitchhiking and not waving, and is now pointing down.)(Crystal Light logo has changed.)(Orcas now eat birds and they even bait them.)(Alligator scopes out somebody's houses.)(Ghetto Superstar lyrics have changed.)(Wendy Peppercorn/Wendy Peffercorn)(Frank N. Furter's outfit has changed.)(Pelican spiders now exist.)(Surface tension on water creates shadows.)(Did the Stonewall Riots not happen and lots of gay acceptance from the 1960's to the 1980's didn't happen.)(The Ghetto Boys/Geto Boys)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Juicy Fruit multiple slogans.)("The taste is gonna move you."?)(Superman peanut butter?)(Lord Of War has connected letters.)(Lava Soap has connected letters.)(Papersource has connected letters.)(9 Lives has connected letters.)(Freshen-Up has a striped version.)(Certs R has changed.)(Clorets has connected letters.)(A River Runs Through It has connected letters.)(Eagle Transport Corp. has connected letters.)(Toni Perm has connected letters.)(Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil has connected and off letters.)(Tang has changed.)(Double Jeopardy has connected letters.)(Sea Breeze has connected letters.)(Cutex has connected letters.)(ABC after school 80's special has weird logo.)(The Sands/Sands casino)(The Dunes/Dunes casino)(Charleston Heston/Charlton Heston)(The Bee's Knees/Bee's Knees saying originated as just Bee's Knees.)(Back To The Future fading photo has changed.)(Sea monkeys have changed in a lot of different ways.)(Mr. Potato Head was originally other vegetables before being a potato.)(Multiple different versions of Tank Man holding stuff or not and what the tanks look like.)(More logo changes.)(Didn't Bushwick Bill already die?)(TVs in cars in the early to mid 1900's.)(Pocket TVs back then too.)(Quantum Dot TV too.)(Napili-Honokawai/Napili-Honokowai)(GangStaGang Starr)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Was KISS not a contemporary band?)(Did Bob Dylan never wear white makeup?)(SofteneSoftner)(The Stray Cats/Stray Cats)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Were Stones never used as a measurement for weight?)(Birds that can sew?)(7Up Gold was now a thing.)("You won't like me when I'm angry."/"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.")(Bone that disappeared is now returning.)(Lisa Edmonds/Lisa Edmond/Lisa Emond)(The Weed Man/Weed Man)(Record breaking longhorn sheep in Alabama.)(Valais blacknose sheep now exist.)(Crocodile uses pool noodle.)(Valentina Tereshkova is now the first woman in space and she went up in the 1960's.)(Dogs and cats and many other animals have multiple sets of eyelids.)(Storm down bursts now exist.)(Gloria Vanderbuilt/Gloria Vanderbilt)(Crazy Frog's penis is now visible.)(Our skulls are changing due to mobile phones and other things.)(Spider-Man no longer clinging to the wall in the famous Nintendo 64 game.)(Emperor Tamarins now exist.) ("Had to know it was in your palms."/"Had to know it was in your card.")(Anything else off?)(Energizer bunny has sandals now.)(Hart To Hart has connected letters.)(Moonlighting has connected letters.)(The Love Boat has connected letters.)(Fame has connected letters.)(Rogaine has broken letters.)(A Family AffaiFamily Affair)(Heathers has a broken R.)(Soul Train has weird letters.)(The Outsiders has weird letters.)(Electric Youth has weird letters.)(Red Perfume has weird letters.)(Emeraude has weird letters.)(Flex brand has weird letters.)(Clean & Clear has weird letters.)(The Last Starfighter has weird letters.)(Dogs can actually drive cars.)(Abraham Lincoln might have had Marfan syndrome.)(Chenille plants now exist.)(Rafflesia parasite found in Southeast Asia.)(Smart cakes that make their own layers while baking now exist.)(Woody's gun holster has a ribbon on it.)(Whiskey A Go Go/Whisky A Go Go and it was called Whiskee A Go Go in the 1960's.)(Has Bugs Bunny's tail gotten bigger?)(Stepping Stone/Steppin' Stone)(Were there no red bats on the wheels of the Batmobile?)(South Park: Bigger, Badder & Uncut/South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)(A hat in As Good As It Gets has changed from blue to black with USA written on it.)(Theory Of Relativity/Theory Of Special Relativity)(Seeing the end of a rainbow is possible now.)(Cal Ripkin Jr./Cal Ripken Jr.)(Johnny Ive Of Apple/Jonny Ive Of Apple/Jon Ive Of Apple/Jony Ive Of Apple)(Ricky SchroedeRicky Schroder)(Chicken Of The Sea logo and letters and Starkist logo are now off.)(The Firm letters are connected.)(Cabrini College letters are connected.)(Liberty University and Jeff Foxworthy graphics on screen are merged.)(Malibu Musk letters are connected.)(Aqua Net new logo is off.)(Lynx car logo is off.)(Rave Hair Spray(Was it always Hairspray?)logo is off.)(Coast Soap logo is off.)(Kodak Color Watch logo is off.)(Great Westerners Savings Bank, Chevrolet and Pacific Bank commercials are merging.)(Aveda logo is off.)(Grizzly Adams is merged.)(Mork & Mindy is merged and Na-Nu is Na-No.)(LA Looks is merged.)(4C Iced Tea is merged.)(Cannonball Run/The Cannonball Run)(A Shark's Tale/Shark Tale)(Royal Dansk(Danish?)cookies logo is off.)(Baby jumping festival since 1600's.)("Standing there by the record machine."/"Dancing there by the record machine.")(Is the video off?)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Nestlé Krunch/Nestlé Crunch)(Was it the Lollipop Kids and not Lollipop Guild?)(Adam Bockovich/Adam Bockwich)(Adam GardneAdam Gardiner)(Vengence/Vengeance)(Other spellings?)(South Jersey isn't just a saying.)(Disposable clothing in the 1960's.)(Sausage trees?)(Pepto-Bismo/Pepto-Bismol)(Sharks that squirt glowing clouds.)(Argentina has their own space program.)(America's Tires/America's Tire)(Animals with Down Syndrome now exist.)(Amish people almost all wear straw hats now and not fedora hats.)(The Flintstones now all have only 4 fingers.)(Deer almost all have really long tails now.)(Arcacia Drive/Acacia Drive)(Song title too.)(More WW1 stuff.)("Planet earth moves slowly."/"Planet earth turns slowly.")("You'd think I'm rude."/"You'd think me rude.")(Do any of their logos look off?)(3 Non Blondes/4 Non Blondes)(Did one of the members not exist?)(What's Going On?/What's Up?)(Lyrics are still the same.)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Beast Number wasn't always 666.)
7074.(Movie Quote change.)"Put him in a body bag Johnny."/"Get him a body bag. Yeah."
7075.(Famous Singer name change.)Mary J. Blidge/Mary J. Blige(Other spellings?)
7076.(Song name change.)Getting TighteGettin' Tighter
7077.(Company name change.)Dress Barn/Dressbarn(Were the letters in Teddy Ruxpin not connected?)
7078.(Company name change.)Cooper Tires/Coopertires(Cooper Tire or Coopertire?)(Certains companies with the name Perkins looking like Jerkins.)(Perkins Cole/Perkins Coie)
7079.(T.V. Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in DIC not being connected?
7080.(T.V. Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in United Artists not being connected?(Do the letters in the My Little Pony logos look off?)
7081.(Famous Singer name change.)Chrissie Hines/Chrissie Hynde(Other spellings?)
7082.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the TSR logos being normal?
7083.(Tour Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Starr Tours(Star Tours?)being normal?
7084.(Fictional Area appearance change.)Do you remember the bathroom in The Shining being red or golden yellow instead of green?
7085.(Phantom fictional character.)Do you remember Moss-Man not existing?("My angel in a centerfold."/"My angel is the centerfold.")(Do any of their logos look off?)(John Lennon in Imagine keeps changing.)(Does Felix The Cat seem off?)
7086.(Famous Actor name change.)Stanley Livingstone/Stanley Livingston(Was Livingston always spelled Livingstone?)
7087.(Movie Logo change.)"Run like the wind Bullseye!"/"Ride like the wind Bullseye!"
7088.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Who singing American Woman instead of The Guess Who?(Did The Guess Who not exist?)
7089.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Liquid water on Mars, Huitlacoche, tusker elephants, mirror hand syndrome, clams can swim, 3 secret additional icky verses to the Star Spangled Banner, sock worms, harp sponge, the falling man is the brother of the extra GI ME guy in the Village People, more on camel teeth, feral parrots are taking over America, shadows are fuzzy now, East Africa is splitting in two, orange crocodiles, Devil's corkscrews, insect with interlocking gears in legs, are we in Kali Yuga, famous 40 year old image of frost on Mars, people with open damaged holes in their head do not get them closed again, changes to war horses, more anatomy changes.)(Video below.)
7090.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Bull Jumping not being a thing?
Add-On: Do you remember Arnold Schwarzenegger being Russian, German or both and not Austrian?
7091.(Album name change.)Eric B. For President/Eric B. Is President(Eric B. For President/Eric B. Is The President)(Do any of their logos look off?)
7092.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Gerard Butler being the main character in Wanted instead of James McAvoy?
7093.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Benjamin Franklin being first to find electricity?
7094.(Famous Actress name change.)Jenny Garth/Jennie Garth
7095.(Famous Singer name change.)Jan Ackerman/Jan Akkerman(Do any of their logos look off?)
7096.(Paint name change.)ZinseZinsser
7097.(Music Lyrics change.)"I need a gun to keep myself from harm."/"I need a gun to keep myself among."(Does the instrunental sound off?)
7098.(Fruit name change.)Mullberry/Mulberry
7099.(Food name change.)Tofurkey/Tofurky(The latter is more acceptable.)
7100.(Song name change.)Me And You And A Dog Named Blue/Me And You And A Dog Named Boo(Do any of their logos look off?)
7101.(Snack name change.)Whatsits/Wotsits(Does the logo look off?)
7102.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Theremin not being a thing?
7103.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the NASA Robonauts not going back as far as 2002?(Did they not exist at all?)
7104.(Spelling change.)Pigmy/Pygmy(Was the former the only acceptable spelling?)(Anything else off?)
7105.(Famous Singer name change.)Alex Boyd/Alex Boye/Alex Boyé(Other spellings?)(Not the artist known as Alex Boyd.)
7106.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Popeye and Olive Oyl not being real people?
7107.(Famous Actor name change.)Powers Booth/Powers Boothe(Other spellings?)
7108.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Freemartins, human body doesn't reject stem cells with foreign DNA, world population counter, 7 Of 9 of Star Trek's eye piece continues to change, Hitler was vegetarian, Hitler didn't like Jews due to Kosher slaughtering because Hitler was an animal lover supposedly, Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy intro has changed, bird attack causes traumatic brain injury and trauma to the spine, Stellar Sea Eagle/Steller's Sea Eagle, more Popeye characters I haven't personally seen already mentioned based on real people.)(Video below.)
7109.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Schwerer Gustav not being a thing?
7110.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the number next to the M on the back of a product meaning something else?
7111.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Switzerland not being considered a third-world country?
7112.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember London Bridge actually being in London and not Arizona?
7113.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember tomato sauce being invented in Italy and not Mexico?
7114.(Famous Football Player name change.)Deon Sanders/Deion Sanders
7115.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember uppercase I and lowercase L not looking so similar?(Didn't I have horizontal lines on it everywhere it was written?)
7116.(Famous Actor name change.)Kevin CosneKevin Costner(Is the pronunciation off?)
7117.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Magic Mike Johnson/Magic Johnson(Anything else off?)
7118.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Rain caused by fires, hairy frog fish, seagull eats another bird, Dick's Sporting Goods logo, Sigmund Freud's history is very different now as a Jew who chain smoked and had hundreds of surgeries on his face, EF3 tornado, CSF rhinorrhea,(Brain fluid leaking out like snot.)more weird sea animals, more geography changes, more weird clouds and cloud related changes, Tasmanian devil appearance changes, lots of Tasmanian tiger related changes, crow vs. magpie and birds are way more aggressive, toilet plant and more new weird plants and fungi.)(Video below.)
7119.(T.V. Show Quote change.)"Submitted for your approval."/"Submitted for the approval.")(Did Rod Serling say it more in The Twilight Zone as well?)
7120.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Ladybug swarms and they're on radar, Brazilian skipper caterpillar, USA now always had a migrant worker program, moving entire apartment complex on rails, more weird weather, earwigs can draw blood now, giant forest hog, boys that do not grow private parts until age 12, snub nose dolphins, warthog face lumps, can't see blue unless there is a word for it first, rainbow chemtrails, aerodynamic contrails, pet skunks and more weird stuff.)(Video below.)
7121.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember beluga whales not having knees?
7122.(Spelling change.)Pompei/Pompeii(Was the latter never acceptable?)
7123.(Coffee name change.)Chock Full Of Nuts/Chock Full O' Nuts(Is the logo off?)'Nuts
7124.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Ornithopter not existing?(1890's spy cameras?)
7125.(Fictional Character name change.)Jamie Summers/Jaime Sommers(Lindsey WagneLindsay Wagner)
7126.(Casino Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Primm not being connected?
7127.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Amadeus not being connected?
7128.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Black Sheep not being cut or connected?
7129.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Chrysler 200 not being connected?(Air Jordan logo has broken letters.)(Apple & Eve logo has broken and weird letters.)
7130.(Product Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Eckrich not being connected?
7131.(Painting change.)Do you remember the cherubs in the Sistine Madonna having different colored wings than they do now?(More changes to Chock Full O' Nuts logo.)
7132.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Jesus not having a forked beard?
7133.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember being able to stack Draw cards and also being able to draw cards until you can play one in Uno instead of those being illegal plays?
7134.(Music Lyrics change.)"I had to say I love you in a song."/"I'll have to say I love you in a song."(Song title too.)(Do any of his logos look off?)
7135.(New fruits.)Do you remember only green kiwis existing?(Was it never known as a kiwifruit?)
7136.(City name change.)Chernobyl, Ukraine/Chornobyl, Ukraine(Was the latter not acceptable?)
7137.(Movie Quote change.)"An angel gets its wings."/"An angel gets his wing."
7138.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the letter U never ever being depicted as looking similar to a V?
7139.(Famous Actor name change.)Will Farell/Will Ferrell(Other spellings?)(Was his outfit in Elf all green or were the tights beige or orangish?)
7140.(Township name change.)Belle Meade, New Jersey/Belle Mead, New Jersey,_New_Jersey
7141.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Leonardo da Vinci not being the first person to describe contact lenses?(Anything else he supposedly was the first to describe seem off?)
7142.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Juneteenth not being a thing?
7143.(Famous Singer name change.)Glen Fry/Glenn Frey(Do any of their logos look off?)
7144.(Famous Singer name change.)Jackson Brown/Jackson Browne(off?)
7145.(Movie name change.)Trains, Planes And Automobiles/Planes, Trains And Automobiles,_Trains_and_Automobiles
7146.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Cranial fissures on orbital bone, Sun double halo, mastoiditus, cholesteatoma, MH370 flight path and history, Fort Alcatraz, Eastwing rockhammer, slow crawling lightning, gnat larvae moving blob, more new moon types, cat fox, Bristol or Windsor hum, more new quakes, living fish found in boy's lung, teratoma tumor, inflatable moth man parts, black cloth is more cooling than white cloth, Sunda stink badgers, Our Lady Of The Rockies, Possum-eating spider, more Lincoln Memorial changes, Viagra makes flowers stand up straight.)(Video below.)
7147.(Hip Hop Group name change.)Die Antwood/ Die Antwoord(Do any of their logos look off?)
7148.(Famous Composer name change.)Johanne Sebastian Bach/Johann Sebastian Bach
7149.(Famous Drummer name change.)Barrymore Barlow/Barriemore Barlow(Do any of their logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Uncle Sam's jacket being completely light blue?(Does his pointing finger look off?)
7150.(Song name change.)Love Rain On Me/Love, Reign o'er Me(Are the lyrics off?)(Is the way he sings it off?),_Reign_o%27er_Me
7151.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Younger humans growing horns, human height varies by 1 to 2 inches a day, spiders that eat mice, you continue growing well into your mid 20's, Wagu beef is not Wagyu and is more marbled, a single hornet kills a mouse, horses routinely bleed through their nose and lungs and nose during heavy exercise and it's not super dangerous for them, Britain's opium wars against China, Sahara sand is more orange, dead fish still tries to "bite", the Jordan Lead Codices, electric cars 100 years ago had 200 mile range now, zombie snakes play dead, restaurants in Japan serve still living food and food that's just still moving including frogs and octopus, Space Shuttle changes, more weird new plants, more geography changes, UV light may be able to kill flu viruses, Equal Pay Act Of 1983, moon looked like the Sun, Camera Obscura goes much farther back now in time.)(Video below.)
7152.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Woody not having cacti on his boots and no string attached to his hat?
7153.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Red Fraggle having red hair instead of orange hair?
7154.(Restaurant Product name change.)Hunger BusteHungr-Buster
7155.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Mandela effect conference, PayPal log tilting, crow standing on wings, wasp super nests, humans running like horses, funny bone no longer easy to bang, monkey cheek pouches, flies have 5 eyes, temple elephant head hair, venom spraying scorpions, syrup from walnut and other trees besides maple, fat tailed goats, Gympie Gympie trees, Dalai Llama saying non-Buddhist jerky kind of things now, mini tornados, Scandinavia was never a country, Caduceus has 2 snakes instead of 1 and other things.)(Video below.)
7156.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Honeybees can sometimes sting more than once, cannonball star eating fort, water anole uses bubble on head to breath underwater, magnetic portals connect sun and earth, Canadians also did Japanese internment camps, semi slugs and their love darts, thread snakes, kneeling moals, more anatomy changes and more stuff.)(Video below.)
7157.(Village name change.)Teahopoo/Teahupo'o(Other spellings?)'o
7158.(Website Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in being normal?
7159.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Dongle not being a thing?
7160.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Smokey Bear having overalls or suspenders instead of no shirt?(Does he look bigger?)(Does his fur look off?)(Is his face off?)
7161.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the gloves not fitting on O.J. Simpson's hands?(Did he not have glove liners?)(Was there only one glove?)(Are the gloves different?)(Was O.J. Simpson the one driving the car?)(Was he the only one in the car?)(Did he drive his own car?)(Did he not have a gun?)(Did he have something else?)
7162.(New fruits.)Have you heard of the pink lemon?
7163.(Spelling change.)WaffeWafer
7164.(Music Lyrics change.)"When I was just a young boy."/"When I was just a baby."
7165.(Famous Singer name change.)Billie Ellish/Billie Eilish(Is the pronunciation off?)(Other spellings?)
7166.(Famous Actress name change.)Mindy Cohen/Mindy Cohn
7167.(Date change.)Do you remember the first electric toaster not going as far back as 1893?
7168.(Spelling change.)Nickle/Nickel(Everything Nickel is used in.)
7169.(Fictional Character name change.)Eric Carmen/Eric Cartman(Other spellings?)
7170.(Famous Singer name change.)John Entwhistle/John Entwistle
7171.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the Starbucks logo not having as many wavy lines?
7172.(Phantom person.)Do you remember Joe Bonamassa not existing?
7173.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the 3rd Degree Burn being the worst burn you can get instead it being 4th Degree?
7174.(Music Lyrics change.)"To think I might not see those eyes."/"To think I might not see those eye."(Any of their logos look off?)
7175.(Famous Paper name change.)Great Remonstrance/Grand Remonstrance
7176.(Fictional Character appearance change .)Do you remember Abby Mallard having braces?(Does her voice sound off?)(Did she have a lisp or speech impediment?)
7177.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the lid of the water tank in the Elisa Lam story being closed instead of open?
7178.(Famous Singer name change.)Andy Worhol/Andy Warhal/Andy Warhol(Other spellings?)
7179.(Company name change.)Cambell/Campbell's(Was Campbell always spelled Cambell in everything it was used in?)
7180.(Book Title change.)Kujo/Cujo(Do any of Strphen King's book logos look off?)
7181.(Famous Composer name change.)Andrew Loyd WebeAndrew Lloyd Webber(Other spellings?)
7182.(Music Lyrics change.)"Love is a burning flame."/"Love is a burning thing."(Any other lyrics off?)
7183.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Bison and Buffalo being interchangeable names instead of being 2 different animals?
7184.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Siphonomores and pyrosomes, Portuguese Man Of War is not a jellyfish, sailfish change colors by mood, spleen can heal on its own, pygmy hippos, more Easter Island statue changes, long tailed weasels in San Diego, Moon Hill China, giant trevally fish snatches birds from air, red river hog, cave pearls and other things.)(Video below.)
7185.(Dictionary name change.)Meriam-WebsteMerriam-Webster(Other spellings?)
7186.(Instrument name change.)Accordian/Accordion
7187.(Celebrity death cause change.)Do you remember John Belushi dying of a drug overdose instead of being murdered?(Anything else off?)
7188.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(More on Tikki Marsala, Finland sided with Nazi Germany, cherubism, more weird clouds, Venus was maybe once more like Earth, thousand year old moss and nematodes were recently thawed out of ice and are still alive, weird Abraham Lincoln statue, more Crazy Horse changes, lithophonic stones in Stonehenge, cichlids change colors with mood, dancing mini stingrays with bifurcated leg like man parts, antelope jackrabbits, huge Hindu temples in USA, and more.)(Video below.)
7189.(Famous Singer name change.)Roy Albrighton/Roye Albrighton(Do any of their logos look off?)
7190.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Dorothy's slippers not having bows?(Were her socks white and not blue?)
7191.(Movie name change.)The Devil's Advocate/Devil's Advocate
7192.(Music Lyrics change.)"And I said hey."/"And I say hey."("What a wonderful time of day."/"What a wonderful kind of day.")("Learn to walk and play."/"Learn to work and play.")(Anything else off?)
7193.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember screaming frogs and toads not being a thing?(Anything else?)
7194.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Bambi's spots and tail being different?
7195.(Famous General name change.)Poncho Villa/Pancho Villa
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

[Race Report] Viva Las Vegas! A 24 Hour Journey. Beyond Limits Jackpot Ultra Running Festival

Race information


Goal Description Completed?
A 130 Miles (Course Record!) No
B 120 Miles No
C 110 Miles Yes

About the Race

My only other run close to this duration was the Canal Corridor 100 Miler, so most of my race report is written in comparison to that. Enjoy!
This course was a 2.5 mile loop around Cornerstone Park in Vegas. The shape of the course is more like a 'C'. So the far end of the loop (1.25 miles in) was actually very close to the start line. From there it turned around the far side of the lake. Very different then the past 100 miler I did, which was basically out and back 50 miles.
There were other events on the same loop. A 48 hour race started the day before. A marathon, 50 miler, 100 miler, 6 hour, and 12 hour event were all starting out at the same time as us. The 100 mile event was also the USATF championship race, so we knew there would be a lot of fast people on the course. I didn't know if such a fast, crowded, course would be motivational or irritating.
A good friend of mine, A signed up for the race too. He's a marathon runner, but hadn't done anything longer than that. What a great chance for a first ultra! I was a bit nervous that he wasn't entirely sure what he got himself into, but he had an enduring, positive attitude and definitely wanted to give it his all.


Run every day! Seriously, race day was day 1,884 and ended on 1,885.
Mostly just a few 20 mile runs. Longest training run was 30 miles, felt really good. Cold weather impeded training, but that's just an excuse.

Race strategy

My crew consisted of two of my sisters (C and M), and my girlfriend, J.
I'm used to doing my long runs out-and-back with a camelbak. However, a few days before the race, I was reading some tips for short-loop-ultras that said definitely do NOT wear a hydration pack. It'll only weigh you down and slow you down more. There should be more than enough hydration at the aid station. (Here's a tip: Don't read strategy changing tips right before a race!)
So I changed my plan to run with nothing, and bring my camelbak and water belt just in case. (I'm VERY glad I decided to bring them!)
The new plan was drink water every lap, with soda/gatorade added in after 20 miles.
Gu every other lap (5 miles)
Salt tab every 4 laps (10 miles)
Solid food every 4 laps (10 miles). We went grocery shopping the day before and got all sorts of great food. Sour patch kids, pretzels, potato chips, and fruit were some of my favorites.
Here's my packing list
And everything getting ready
Change clothes every 40 miles. I never made it to the 120 mark for the 3rd change of clothes. Hat and bandana in the sunshine, brought cooler clothes for the evening "just in case". That choice also turned out to be a life saver.
Advil as needed, body glide as needed.
No phone/music the first 40 miles.
A and I wanted to stick together as much as reasonably possible. Figured we'd start out at around 9 minutes/mile and slow down from there.


Got to Vegas a few days ahead of time to get acclimated. Lost too much money at the casinos.
Weather looked perfect, mid 70s, not much breeze. Lower in the night, and the wind was supposed to hold off until Sunday afternoon, so that wouldn't affect our race (ending Sunday morning 8AM).
Picked up our bibs the day beforehand and saw some crazy 48 hour runners.
I made a cool spreadsheet to track myself through the race, and it gave estimates on certain goal distances. Here's a screenshot of what it looked like at the end. Spreadsheet
My crew was great at updating it almost every lap, which gave me a good checkpoint on how hard I needed to keep going. This was extremely helpful!
We showed up early to the race to set up our aid station and cheer on the 48 hour runners that had already been going for 24 hours. Elvis and some showgirls showed up at the start line to kick us off!
A and I with Elvis's showgirls!


Here we go!

Miles [0] (Race time 00:00) to [40] (06:22)

The race started with the Elvis impersonator belting out 'Viva Las Vegas'.
A and I started off strong, doing about 8:30/mile. Way too fast to be sustainable, but the cool weather was nice. Also a bit of shade on the course at the start. As the sun came out, I needed to slow down a bit. Put on a camelbak after about 6 laps and then A started getting ahead of me.
Learned the course pretty quickly, and which parts I was going to love and which parts I was going to hate. Most of the lap was crushed gravel, with a little bit of grass, and a rough, rocky (in comparison) trail section at the end. There was also a tight hairpin turn just after the start over the race, which you also went around on the way back. This became irritating, as every time you had to worry about how you were going to take the turn, and who was coming the other way.
The shade disappeared quickly as the sun moved into the sky. I was sweating a lot and probably not drinking enough water. The first time I used the restroom around lap 10, it was way too yellow for comfort. Needed to drink more.
Started putting ice in my hat, which was painful but cooling. Occasionally took the camelbak off in favor of a smaller hydration belt with 4 water bottles. This was a nice break from lugging around the heavy pack. I switched back and forth a lot throughout the race, as the camelbak with ice allowed the water to stay much cooler.
I was a little put off because my watch was reading each lap as ~2.54 miles instead of the course certified 2.5 miles. I should've been more prepared for that. It only made it a little more difficult to track each lap, but I got over it eventually.
I was growing frustrated as I felt like I couldn't really find a rhythm. In comparison to the other 100 miler, where I could zone out for 10 miles between aid stations.
My crew was amazing at getting our aid station ready for every lap. They would meet me slightly before the lap marker, then run ahead to get whatever I needed. A few laps we got the Gu/Salt combo wrong, but I think on average I stuck to a Gu every other lap and a salt tab every 4 laps. I grew to loathe the sun, as there was literally no shade on the course in the daytime. I continued to slow down, and A even lapped me!
M made lots of great signs that my crew got to wave around each lap. My favorite was a chart with 50 laps on it, and they would cross one off each time A and I passed. Very motivating!

Miles [41] (06:22) to [80] (14:37)

The first change was refreshing, but we noticed some blood on my foot. One of my toenails was slicing a toe, so I knew I'd have to work with my crew to clip it off. But not yet.
During this segment, I carried my phone in my camelbak and started listening to music. It popped out of the pocket and fell a few times. Whoops. When I wasn't wearing the pack, I held it in my hand. I'm used to that on my training runs, but lugging around a phone for 20+ miles is still a workout. The music was definitely motivating, but I honestly enjoyed chatting with my crew and other runners. Heard a lot of the same stories out there. "Just keep going, as far as I can!", "We can do this!", "You'll never know your limits until you try to go beyond them!"
As the sun went down, I started to use my crew as pacers. With my girlfriend, I was able to walk an entire lap at a time, which helped keep me positive.
The biggest emotional wall for me was the clock. As I hit a big milestone like 12 hours or so, my thoughts were simultaneously "Yes, halfway there!" and "Holy crap, I have to do this for 12 more hours?!?!?". I tried to avoid thinking of that and focus on one lap at a time instead, but it was always there.
I like crunching numbers, so it was fun to work out the times for every mile. 2.5 mile course, so a 12 minute mile would be 30 minutes a lap. 16 minute mile would be 40 minutes a lap, or 1.5 laps an hour, etc. This mental math helped keep my mind busy.
I'm VERY glad I brought a headlamp (the race director said it was recommended but not required, as 90% of the trail was well lit). The rough, rocky section was not lit at all and I would've been a mess if I couldn't see.
Eventually it was time to cut the toenail. I yelled some nonsense about amputation, and "Cut me, coach!".
Saw A at the crew station too, still a lap ahead of me, and he had some bad blisters on his foot. Our crew helped pop some blisters and keep him going. What a team!

Miles [81] (14:37) to [117.5] (24:00)

Second change was also refreshing, and less blody than the first change. Wrapped my left foot up with a bandage, felt a blister coming on.
Very dark at this point. The Vegas skyline was pretty in the distance, and the night sky was beautiful. The trail at my feet was miserable.
I am so glad that I brought my hat, gloves, and a long sleeve pull over. It got way colder in the night than I thought it would. I used all of them throughout the night.
J should become my social media manager. She was posting updates on Facebook, so my phone was lighting up with notifications and messages of motivation from friends and family back home.
I switched my watch to show me only the current mile pace. This helped to keep me focused on one mile at a time. This led to a fun game where if I was walking during the beginning of a mile, I would jog to bring the average down to something more reasonable. Rince and repeat.
I thought seeing the 48 hour runners shuffling along might make me miserable, but I found the perseverence to be inspirational, if anything.
The spreadsheet was becoming a bit more clear that 130 miles was unattainable, so I started to set my sights on 120 or 115 miles. "I can do 20 minute miles and hit 100 miles. That's easy! But there's 6 hours left??? Kill me now" as an example of my thoughts.
Able to find a little bit of a better rhythym. I knew which parts of the course I wanted to run on, and where I wanted to walk (all the hills, and the imaginary ones too). I was less concerned with the mile times, but tried to keep them under 13 or 14 per mile. Pretty much every lap at this point was with a pacer. C is the other avid runner in the family, I think she did a total of 35 miles with me. Crazy! Sometimes I needed that, and other times I preferred run/walking with M or J.
I made sure to run one full mile past midnight to make sure I got my Sunday 'run' in. That mile was ~9:48, easily my best mile in that half of the race. The rest was sticking to the rhythm of walking the hills. Passed A, so we were finally on the same lap again. He was in a lot of pain and I felt bad for getting him in to this!
100 was a nice milestone, but I knew I couldn't stop there.
Slipped into the lead at some point. A bit emotional since I'd never really won a race before and I wasn't sure if I could hold the lead. My sisters were doing a great job on analyzing the results each lap, telling me who was catching up and who was slowing down. Most of the competitors near me made it to 100 and stopped. A stopped at 100 to take a nap and decide if he would go on or not.
Listened to "The Circle of Life" at sunrise, which was an amazing feeling. We were so close!
There was one person about 4 laps behind me and he looked good. I hate to say it, but the motivation of staying in first definitely helped keep me going.
The last 2 laps were mostly victory laps as my lead felt pretty solid. Started joy-walking to positive music. We're almost home! Crossed my final lap marker for a grand total of 117.5 miles, and first place to boot.


I thought I would break down and cry at the finish, but I just sat down at the lap marker with about 7 minutes left on the clock. I probably could've made it to the .5 mile mark, but I was satisfied with the distance, and it was great to finish surrounded by my team. Couldn't have been happier. Smoke a victory black and mild.
Here I am curled up in a sleeping bag by the finish line. I realized then that I didn't use any sunscreen, and was pretty burnt. I was alternating between chills and sweating. We waited around a (long) bit for the award ceremony, where I collected my first ever first place trophy, then headed back to the hotel for some much needed rest. A flew home that night (insane!) and my sisters departed the next day. J and I relaxed in Vegas and (she) won and (I) lost money together.
I ate like a human dumpster the next few days. Pizza, chicken wings, burgers, and everything good.

What's next, and race reflections

I had a great time, but I don't know if I would to this course again. I might be interested in a smaller (mile?) loop.
Looking back, it was neat to have so many people and events on one course. There were some legends out there! The winner of the 48 hour event did 205 miles. Amazing! I don't know if I could handle that. Only one way to find out...
I didn't even mind being passed by the 100 milers (the winner did that in <14 hours!), since I was more focused on my own feet.
Overall I don't think I ate nearly enough during the race. Part of this was due to the nature of the course. In my 100 miler, I knew there were only a set amount of aid stations, so I had to eat a lot since I wouldn't see any food for 10+ miles at a time. In this race, it was always "Oh I'll be back in 2.5 miles, gotta keep moving", which led to some nausea and hunger pains around mile 70. I ate a bit more after that (hot dogs! hamburgers! pizza) which helped, but I should have stuck to the plan originally better.
I want to stress that I absolutely couldn't have done this without the help of my crew. C, M, and J, thank you very much!
And amazing recognition to A, who hit 100 miles in his first ever ultra. He went through an emotional rollercoaster and totally rocked it.
Thanks for reading this! I felt pretty lucid throughout the race, but trying to write through specific details was pretty difficult. I may have gotten some items out of order.
If this story of endurance has inspired you, consider making a donation to Back on My Feet, a charity that supports those experiencing homeless through the power of running and community support, providing essential employment services and housing opportunities. Back on My Feet Philadelphia

Garmin Data

Garmin Data
My favorite highlight is 15,000+ calories burned.

Other Race Pictures

M cheering me on and me looking confused
Flying across the finish line
Victory In-N-Out
Garmin mile marker map So many miles, in such a small area!

Previous Race Reports

Canal Corridor 100 Miler
Dirty German 50 Miler
Zion 50K
North Face Endurance Challenge San Francisco 50K
This report was generated using race reportr, a tool built by BBQLays for making great looking and informative race reports.
Edited for grammar / spelling
submitted by sumix_fit to running [link] [comments]

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