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Hi, I'm Alexander Westwater, creator of the dog finding game The First Friend. Q&A (Free steam key giveaway for my favorite question!)

Hi everyone, my name is Alex and for the past 6 months I’ve been creating a game called The First Friend.
The First Friend is a first person exploration game where your dog called Zack is missing and you have to find him and along the way, you have to discover these items that reveal stories about the owners life and special times he shared with Zack. The idea to look for a dog came from a friend as a joke but I saw potential in that and decided to make it into a game. Here's a trailer and the store page (and it's on a 15% discount on launch day!).
I was planning to do a 100% developer commentary of my game and answer a bunch of questions, but it turns out, I'm very camera shy so I decided to post the questions and answers here.
EDIT: Thanks for the Questions everyone. The winner is displayed at the bottom of this post.

A bit about me
I’m a self-taught solo game developer, I always wanted to release a game but personal life kept me from it. Due to Covid-19 I got furloughed and now I used the time to finally create and finish a project. I studied game design in University to get into game industry but no one would take me. So I thought, enough is enough instead of making games for a company, I want to makes games for myself.
This is my first game made using Unity. I’m not a programmer, it's not something I can get into. However, thanks to the endless growing support of Unity, there was enough resources and tools to help guide me on how to make certain scripts. This project started off as a quick portfolio piece which turned into a full blown passion project, powered by self-motivation and visualizing the end goal.
I love talking about games and game making in general so please feel free to ask me anything.
Before I start, this is all from my noobish perspective so feedback is greatly welcomed.
Note: I always wanted to do a giveaway, but I had nothing to give.....UNTIL NOW! My favorite question gets a free steam key! Key will be given on the 9th December 2020. 5pm GMT.
So how did I make this game?
I used assets from the Unity store and modified them to suit my vision for the game, I also used free models from sites like sketchfab, cgtrader, free3d they got free and premium 3d models to use. I got some royalty free music by MYUU which has really emotional music, a lot of piano work, I do love the piano, its just what I needed, I also got free sound effects from the website freesound, theirs also free sound effects on YouTube as well. It saved a lot of time in the end. If I had to make all the assets, music and sound myself this game would not happen, that’s a lot to learn and do which I just don’t have the time for.
Did you compromise?
So this game was originally meant to be third person, and you play as the dog instead of the owner. The thing is, I could not get the dog to work, I looked at a bunch of videos and it just could not happen.
So instead, I made it First person, which was much easier to get working. I do think playing in third person as Zack would of been more appealing but for the life of me, I just don’t get it.
What would you have liked to be in the game?
Other than the stuff, I mentioned in the previous question. Puzzles for each level to add some gameplay. A full player model where you can see your hands and feet would have been neat. Some interactivity with the memories that you find, like picking them and examining them. A 100% ending. An inventory where you can see all the memories that you collected and trigger the audio on a selected memory if the player wants to hear it again. Controller support. Some added sound effects during the memory narrations to really sell it. Wildlife in the game to make the world less empty.
How much is the game?
The game is £3.99, and its on a 15% discount at launch. You might be thinking why put a discount on a game that’s short and cost £3.99, it’s because I really want you all to play it and experience the game that I created. I really want to share this game to everyone I can.
Why did you make The First Friend?
The reason I made this game is because of a video by "David Wehle" The video titled titled "How Making Indie Games Changed My Life", he showed how you can tell a story through a video game with little to no code. I graduated in Game Design in 2018 and I have not done anything with it since. This video was sort of a wake-up call to sit myself down and make a game. I wanted to make the game as simple as I could, nothing too flashy. I booted up Unity and looked at all the essential tutorials I needed for The First Friend. I had the concept of finding forgotten memories planned but did not have the story built around it. A friend suggested having a dog as a joke, but I saw the potential in that idea and started to create a story. Thus, The First Friend is born. It is heavily inspired by David Wehle's game "The First Tree". During development, the name The First Friend popped in my head and even though the names are similar, I just knew that's what the game had to be named.
How hard was it making the game?
Making this game was hard, for me it was at least since this was my first game and my first time using unity, I had to learn quite a bit before the game really kicked off. When I learned more things, I had to go back to other levels and implement the new things I found out. Some of you might be thinking this does not look hard and yeah you are right, when you step back and look at its actually rather simple. If I were to make this game again, it would probably take half the time maybe even less. However, doing so I would not really learn anything new since I would be just doing the same thing again. So if I were to make another game, which I would like to do in the future, it would different.
I had a motto back in University when I was doing my end of year project. It was “If you can do it once, you can do it again, only better” What I mean by that is because you learn something, you don’t need to learn it again, you can only improve on it and you get a better and better at doing it.
Then again, that could be applied to anything, it is like saying I baked a cake but I didn’t use enough flour, not enough frosting, way too much sugar, but you know what you did wrong so next time you can make it better. So I haven’t followed that motto in a while.
It’s really amazing what some people can create in a short amount of time, I saw a game called "a short hike" by Adam Robinson-Yu who completed his game in 3 months and it looks amazing!
How did I learn things?
When I was learning unity I only looked at the tutorials I need to look at for the game like how terrains work, how to make a first person player, how to use animations, how to use post processing that sort of thing, If I needed to learn something for the game then I look at a tutorial for it, I didn’t look at tutorials for things I don’t need like shooting, damage, checkpoints, game overs, nothing like that.
So I focused on what I needed to learn for my game, and not something that’s not going to be in my game.
Why choose unity?
I chose unity to make my game because it has many tutorials and a crazy amount of support, plus a lot of game industry jobs are look for experience with unity. I researched what assets I was going to use and what videos to look at for the game. In the end it doesn’t matter, I used a game engine called buildbox to make a simple mobile game called “Cuby Bird” which is a flappy bird clone and there was no coding in buildbox so I thought what the heck. I would eventually like to learn how to use Unreal Engine because game industry jobs are looking for experience in that as well so I would get around to it in the future.
What about coding?
When it comes to indie game development, coding is a question that comes up a lot. I just want to say this right now, I suck at code, and not like, I know the basics of coding, like make simple mechanics, like movement and jumping, NO. I know next to nothing. So your probably thinking how did I make this game, it uses c#. Well that is what the internet is for, most of the coding is from tutorials and I tweaked the values for the game. I know how to tweak variables so if speed is on 5 then increasing it to 10 would the player go faster that sort of thing. There are times when I have a surge of will power and start understanding code a bit like, so this does that and that allows this to do that and this is this etc. Then most times I’m like I have no idea what this means, but it seems to work so whatever.
It was scary when I didn’t know if I could get something to work, like a key mechanic of the game, if I couldn’t figure it out then well then the vision is heavily compromised. Luckily, nothing like that happened. The thing is I made the game as simple as I can, no complex stuff, there were times when I was like wouldn’t be cool if you could do this or this happened, but I had to bite the bullet and say no, I’m on timer and I didn’t want to over complicate things.
I also had my brother helping me, he’s a programmer for Disney so he knows his way around code and he helped me with a few complex things like the save system and a small objective in level 2. I explained what I wanted and he figured it out. If it weren’t for him there wouldn’t be a save system or the objective in level 2.
So to simply put coding is not for me.
I looked around on sites, people had the same issue as me, and what it boiled down to is one question. Do you want to learn coding? I thought it over and the answer is NO. I don’t want to learn coding. I wish I could get into it because of how greatly it would benefit me. I understand how important it is in gaming and overall technology, still not for me, and even though I can’t get into code, I’m not going to let it stop me from making my game.
There are alternatives like visual scripting, like playmaker and bolt, and maybe that might be better for me, but I didn’t use those because there wasn’t many tutorials or resources for them as there are for C#, so I used C# instead.
How long did it take to finish?
I expected this game to take at least 2 - 3 months because of how short it is, but I was very wrong. A game is never finished when you think it does. It's taken a total of 6 months from development to release. I started making the game when I was on a holiday in Spain, I used my laptop when I had down time, then I moved everything to my pc where I worked on it full time. I don’t have a job right now so I spent my whole time working on the game. Of course, if I had a job and other responsibilities it would have taken longer.
I do think that this game should have been shorter or I should have made another game with a shorter premise, like just one scene because I didn't want to spend as much time as I did on the project. If you’re starting out, I would suggest making small games, like game jam sized games until you’re confident and able to create the game that you want.
How do you stay motivated?
Honesty just getting the game out there, knowing that I would have completed a pretty big project was enough for me. It took hundreds of hours trying to make this, many mistakes were made, there were few times when I had to re-create a level because it got deleted somehow losing hours of work. I did feel like giving up a couple times like I wasn’t cut out for it, but all you really need is a small break, get away from your computer or sleep on it, I started to feel better after that. I didn’t have anyone motivating me to make it, just me motivating myself to complete this game and have everyone experience it.
Paying the steam fee is a good motivator to get your game out there, once you pay, its non-refundable, so it’s like now you have to complete your game if you want the fee to be worth it.
How do you cope with stress?
I get stressed when something doesn’t go according to plan or I can’t figure something out or I’ve done too many tasks at once. The stress starts to get to me real hard. What I ended up doing was doing one task at a time instead doing many tasks at once. Another thing you can do is take a break, step away from your PC, be with your family or friends, and don’t worry about the game for a moment, it cheered me right up. There are times when I struggled to sleep because in my mind I was thinking of all the tasks I need to complete and just wanted to get it done. I was so obsessed with the game that it started hurt. So relax and take some time away from your game if you need to.
What is my schedule like?
I get up, go to the gym, then work on the game till like 9 or 10 pm then do my own thing for an hour or so then go to bed and do it all over again. Eventually I started to get stressed working so much so I ended cutting my working time down to 7 or 8 pm
I have no job or big responsibilities and nothing better to do so I just stuck with the game.
It can get lonely, there are times when I was like, “I wish someone was here right now”, at the same time I need to focus on the game so there is a bit of a conundrum there.
Why did you call your game “The First Friend”?
I didn’t name the game until near the very end of development, I struggled finding one and by the end I had a few suggestions, “Memories by the lake”, “Memories of a Friend”, a friend suggested the name “lost dog” and I was like nope. Then the name “The First Friend“ popped into my head and at first I didn’t want it because it’s similar to then name of the game I got inspiration from, but it just fit so I just decided to name it The First Friend.
What was your writing process?
The writing took me 1 week and I spent almost the whole day, every day on it.
I’m no writer so the best story I could tell was a personal one.
What I did was, tell some of the stories based on my personal life, so some of the stories from the memories are true stories, some are tweaked and some are just made up entirely.
Who did the Voice?
I did the voice, I’m not a voice actor and I didn’t have the budget to pay for one, so I borrowed a mic from a friend. I wasn't confident at first so I made a small music video to feel confident with my voice and it actually worked for me.
How did you get the name Zack?
The name didn’t matter to much, I was originally going to call him Mike but then changed it to Zack when I thought about a game called “Deadly Premonition” where the protagonist talks to an imaginary friend called Zach, so I used Zack instead.
Why didn’t I give the owner a name?
Theirs no one else to address him in the game so I just call him the owner.
How did you market your game?
I’m not really a fan of social media, it’s not for me but if I want to share my game to people and let them know about it, I have to use it.
I used social media, like twitter, tumblr, 9gag, gamedev facebook groups, gamedev discord channels and reddit.
I posted 5 – 6 second gifs of my game coupled with a link to my steam page and page so people can easily access it. I post most days while replying to as many comments as I can. I’m also making a press list and setting up emails to send to journalists and influencers, this is so a review of the game can be published to sites where viewers can look at them which then leads them to your game. There are plenty of resources online to show you how to market your game. I found this one to be a good read by David Wehle.
How is the First Friend going to compete with other games?
The First Friend wasn’t made to compete with other games, I made it to complete a project and put out there and share with it everyone.
There were times when I doubted myself thinking, “is this worth it?” “would anyone even care?” Don’t think like that, because the more you do, the worse it gets, you’ll never know if it’s worth it until you get your game out there. If you end up abandoning it, you may end up regretting it. I felt like abandoning my project many times, but I made so much progress that abandoning it now would mean all that time I spent making it would have a been a waste. Maybe my game wouldn’t get the rep I hoped it would, but I have learned a lot from making it. Since The First Friend is a walking simulator, they can get a bad rap because there is not a lot emphasis on gameplay and its more focused on story. I personally love narrative-driven games and there is a market for them.
Why are you releasing the same day as Cyberpunk 2077?
To be honest that was just coincidence, for personal reasons this game has to come out by the end of the year and the closest is when cyberpunk comes out. Since I'm not competing with anybody, it's fine, I just want to share my game with everyone I can.
What was the most challenging part about the game?
I would have to say the writing, since this is a narrative-focused experience; the story is the most important part, it was a struggle trying to come up with a story about finding your dog. So I took a page out of David Wehle’s book and turned into a personal tale. When the player finds a memory, a story is told and perhaps a life lesson is learned. Some of those stories are based off real life, some stories are tweaked and some are made up. It’s hard to explain what I was trying to go for, but as I as writing it, it felt like it fit in the game. Granted the writing isn’t Oscar worthy, but for my first time, I’m quite proud of it.
How did you set up your game on steam?
If your planning to put your game up on steam, it’s best to get it up and running as soon as you can, for those of you who haven’t used steam, there is a $100 payment fee or around £75 in the UK, every time you want to put up a product on steam. If you are genuinely serious about wanting to sell your game and put it up on steam, don’t hesitate to do it, you want to set up your store page and show off your game and get people to wishlist your game. Wishlists are a good indicator of how well your game is going to sell, and you can easily share the link to your steam page to people. Also the more wishlists you have, the more your game is pushed up in the new releases page so people can see your game and wishlist it as well as your other games that you have on steam. If you haven’t uploaded a game to steam before, theirs a bit of wait before you can get your page ready, you have to fill in some forms, pay the fee and fill out some more forms, and theirs a 2 – 7 day waiting period before you have access to steamworks. Once you have access their you can set up your store page, you have to fill out you description of your game and upload a tone of images in different sizes, steam does provide templates to make things easier. There’s also an additional 30 day minimum waiting period between when you paid the app fee and when you can release your game. Your steam page must be approved, and have it listed as "Coming Soon" for 2 weeks before you're able to release your game, You also need to provide a build of the game which must be approved as well. Then theirs publishing the game which is not as simple as just hitting an upload button. It’s a bit complex first time round, steam has documentation about it and theirs tutorials on how to do it as well. Optionally you can add steam achievements to your game, trading cards, badges, there’s a lot you can do. Once you go through this process once, your know what you’re going to be in for next time so it won’t be as overwhelming.
What did you learn from making The First Friend?
It's hard, I’m not going to lie. I have nothing but respect for indie/game developers, it's amazing how small teams or single individuals can create such incredible games. I didn't expect The First Friend to take so long to create, I thought it would take 2-3 months due to how short and simple it is. That's when I realized making the game is only half the battle, theirs also marketing, making your game known and getting people talking. What started as a simple project became a full time passion project. Many mistakes were made and time was wasted during development however it was my first proper game and I have learned a lot from creating The First Friend and I can use what learned for future projects.
What are your plans next?
I am getting super burned out from making this game, I want to take a break and work on some personal things. Sometime next year, I will be starting my next project and utilize all the things I learned on this project.
And that all the answers I have right now.
If you have a question or want me to elaborate on something, please write it down in the comments, I will try to answer as many as I can.
If you still want to check out my game “The First Friend”, you can get it here.
If you wish to support me on you can do so from here

EDIT: Thanks everyone, these are all great questions! It's hard to pick my favorite, but I'd have to go with the_noblesteed, very relatable conversation. Loved the questions about if I'll ever get into coding now that the game is almost out, and how it will effect me in the future really got my head scratching.
I'll PM you with a copy of the steam key for the game. I gotta go everyone, if any other question pops up i'll try to answer them. Oh, and buy the game (on 15% discount) if you'd like to support my future games. Thanks everyone!
submitted by Alexander_Westwater to pcgaming [link] [comments]

/r/RPChristians - "OYS - Where Progress is Made (02/10/21)"

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EDIT: As of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021, the post is at [2pts|6c]

About Post:

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Submission OYS - Where Progress is Made (02/10/21)
Comments OYS - Where Progress is Made (02/10/21)
Author AutoModerator
Subreddit /RPChristians
Posted On Wed Feb 10 10:00:13 UTC 2021
Score 2 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Total Comments 20

Post Body:

Struggling or failing? It's time to own it. Nice guys hide their flaws, trying to put on a false impression of who they are in order to impress others. We don't do that. We're up-front and honest with the fact that we're sinners and failures. James 5:16 compels us to confess our sins to one another and to pray for one another. 1 John 1:9 goes even a step further and makes confession a cornerstone of the Gospel - acknowledging that we are insufficient on our own. So, where are you failing? What do you need to confess?
To do this, it would be helpful to get to know how you're doing in a variety of areas. To that end, just as God is triune, he created us with three core parts of our being: our physical bodies, our heart/mind, and our spirit/soul. Try to cover all three. Use the questions in each category as inspiration, but roll with whatever you need to put out there.
- PHYSICAL: How are you doing with lifting? Losing weight? Where's your body fat %? What have you been eating lately? How about your porn/alcohol/drug/cigarette/whatever use? Are you employing kino on your wife properly? Are you going too far with your girlfriend? How's your fashion sense? Are you still lounging around the house in gym shorts and using your ratty flip flops when you go out? How are you spending your time? How's your income doing? Your body is God's temple: are you reflecting that appropriately? For married men: how's your sex life?
- MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: How have you been doing reading and learning new things? How's your frame? Do you still struggle with living up to someone else's expectations? Have you mastered Agree & Amplify? Amused Mastery? Negative Inquiry? STFU? Your DNGAF attitude? Are you failing fitness or comfort tests? How are you leading your wife/girlfriend this week? Do you feel pressure from any sources to do something or to act/not act a certain way? Are you depressed or lonely? Are you secure in your heart/mind that God's will is good, even if it's not what you want?
- SPIRITUAL: How are you doing on the 7 basics? Rank yourself:
  • Assurance of Salvation
  • Quiet Time/Devotional
  • Bible Study
  • Scripture Memory
  • Prayer
  • Evangelism
  • Fellowship
-MISSION: Have you solidified your mission - and does it have eternal consequences or does it only affect this world? Does your mission extend beyond the home? Do you have someone discipling you? Are you discipling anyone else? Have you talked with your non-Christian friends about Christ recently? Are there parts of the Bible you're just not understanding? How are things going with your church or small group?
Again, these are all things just to get you thinking. Share where you're really struggling. We may give you some encouragement. We may kick you in the butt and tell you to get to work. Or we may leave you to meditate on your comment yourself. How we respond to your comment and update isn't the point. What matters is that you put it out there so you have a milestone to look back on next week - something where you can ask yourself: have I improved or not?

Related Comments (6):

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Author redpill-cool
Posted On Wed Feb 10 18:54:54 UTC 2021
Score 1 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Conversation Size 0
Body link
OYS #1, 2/10/2021, 19 YO
Reading: Sidebar - finished this week, Exodus, Tough Minded Leadership
Physical: 6'2", 185, ~13% BF, Bench 195, Squat 345, Deadlift 275, Mile: Sub 5 min
Going to eat out less this week.
I have been overtraining on lifting, I'm cutting it back slightly now, I want to lift hard but not to the point where I'm exhausted the rest of the day.
I don't care about others expectations, but I do struggle to live up to my own expectations.
Assurance of Salvation: 8/10
Quiet Time/Devotional: 9/10
Bible Study: 4/10, I read for about 30 minutes a day, but I need to research more into parts that I don't understand.
Scripture Memory: 0/10
Prayer: 8/10
Evangelism: 0/10
Fellowship: 0/10
Mission: Fix internet in rural America through my business. Looking back on it, I easily could have converted a few of my employees by now, which I will work on now.
Other: I just recently found this sub, and realized that I've been a churchian all my life. It's a real struggle to remove the garbage "knowledge" I've grown up with. Glad that there's still a place like this that exists.
--- --- Notes
Author throwawayme123454321
Posted On Wed Feb 10 20:46:38 UTC 2021
Score 1 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Conversation Size 6
Body link
OYS 6.
Physical: Needs work
Single, early 20's.
Height: 6'2'', Weight: 166 (-4)
Lifts: Bench: 185 DL: ??? Squat: ??? BF: 15% ???
Income will be good. My investing/trading has been solid as well although it's a bull market so it's hard to lose money at the moment. I started strong lifts but stopped because I'm having some mental health issues. Want to start it again at some point but busy with school for now. Might have to wait until spring once my coursework is done. Lost some weight as well and want to eat more to get back to 170.
Mental: Better than last week
Have depression and anxiety over finding a gf/wife. Need to work on that. BDD is better this week.
Reading: Read most of the sidebar so far.
Agree & Amplify? 0/10
Amused Mastery? 0/10
Negative Inquiry? 0/10
STFU? 0/10
Your DNGAF attitude? 2/10 (+1)
Spiritual: Quite bad
Assurance of Salvation 2/10
Quiet Time/Devotional 0/10
Bible Study 0/10
Scripture Memory 1/10
Prayer 1/10
Evangelism 1/10
Fellowship 2/10
Struggling with my faith still.
Going on a date Saturday. It will be my 4th date ever. With a new girl I met on a Christian dating app. She seems pretty cute in some of her photos (her best photo she looks like an 7.5-8 her worst a 6, I'm guessing she's around a real life 7. Which for a Christian dating app is basically a goddess lol). We texted a little before setting up our date, I mentioned I was looking for a more traditional relationship (with the man leading the woman), she said she was too.
My concern is that she says she was raised Christian but "didn't have a relationship with Jesus until college" in her bio. Which is a red flag to me because that makes it seem like maybe she was hooking up with guys before returning to Christian values. I'm still young enough that I am not going to entertain settling for a non virgin or a girl who abandoned her faith and now wants to settle down, unless she has everything else going for her. I mentioned to her that I believe sex should be between a husband and wife (I probably gave away too much information about my beliefs) and she said she agrees 100% but that doesn't mean she's a virgin or that she always thought that way. I also gave away too much information about my college and job which would reveal me to be beta buxx material. I'm a little worried this is dual mating strategy at play.
But, I'm working on my DNGAF attitude and even if she is not a virgin it will still be a worthwhile date because it will be good practice for talking with a girl and trying to figure out her charactehistory.
Any recommendations on how to figure it out on a first date, is it even possible? I don't want to waste time with her because I'm busy with other things.
--- --- Notes
Author brainmeatjuice
Posted On Wed Feb 10 13:50:26 UTC 2021
Score 0 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Conversation Size 0
Body link
OYS #12 2/10/2021 47, wife 37, married 11 years to wife2, previously 10 years to wife1, 4 daughters (17,15,7,6)
Reading Sidebar reading completed: NMMNG, WISNIFG, MMSLP, Rational Male, 48LOP, BoP, TMM Current reading: Matthew, MRP OYS, RPC OYS, Future reading: MAP, HTWFAIF
Physical: 5’-11”, 175, 15% BF (5x5x) (SQ 165, BP 150, BR 125, OH 100, DL 195)
Friendship: None
Spiritual: Reading Matthew 1x/wk with wife2 and daughter2, reading Job with old lady neighbor
Wife1: My first legal marriage-divorce has been a disaster. Still dealing with the aftermath (involving daughter1 and daughter2), and examining how it happened.
When I was single, I was a heathen fornicator. I was successful at it. I had managed to learn TRP/PUA principles by trial and error, long before there was a manosphere. But I was never very satisfied with “the game,” even when I was winning it. And I thought that when I got married, that would be my opportunity to retire from the game, hang my jersey in a case, “settle down,” and enjoy a life of chivalrous servitude to my “One,” who would appreciate my sacrifices and reward them with sex, housework, and a feeling of stability and legitimacy that I had always wanted as a child. She would be Mommy II.
There were some obvious flaws with this plan. One was that I deliberately picked for my One a girl who was “not like the others,” a unicorn, somebody I thought I could trust not to hurt me by infidelity because she was ladylike. Emphasis on -like. She knew how to act like a virgin in public, and around me. That’s literally how low my bar was, and the first girl who met the bar, I married. That allowed me to prove to my ego and to the female sex in general that all along, the problem lay with them, not with me. She was the prize. Local boy made good.
But very soon I found that I was not sexually satisfied with my unicorn. I missed fornicating with girls from around the globe. Because I thought I had married a unicorn, I did not try to train my wife to satisfy my sexual desires. (After all, she was completely different from all the other women, so there would be no point in that.) Instead, I allowed myself on occasion to fornicate with “ordinary” girls, lie about it, “repent” a little, then do it again.
Wife1 was understandably upset when she found out about this. Threatened divorce-rape, etc. I responded with the only trick I knew: simping for my life. It worked for a little while, until the greatest trial of my life came.
Wife1 had gone seeking spiritually herself at that time, and had sought the wisdom of a Hindu teacher. He convinced her rationally to forgive me, and she paid him some money. And we seemed to be reconciled. We made love, and she conceived. That child never saw the light of day.
When I failed to prevent my child’s murder, I went back to my affair, this time feeling no guilt about it. Divorce was simply too frightening a prospect for me because of my childhood trauma from mom repeatedly threatening to divorce herself. So I decided that a miserable marriage with lots of affairs was the way to go.
Because the affair was my way of leveling the scoreboard, I never attempted to regain power within my household. I just continued serving as her plow horse, and fornicating on the side in order to have a satisfying relationship.
Wife1 eventually realized this was my plan, lost whatever shred of respect she still had for me, and divorced herself. I did not want to lose my kids, and I was paranoid of divorce-rape, so I negotiated for 50/50 custody, while still paying incredibly generous “child" support, just to keep us out of court. That left me with a desperate need for childcare and domestic labor, so I decided to remarry. Yes, that was the extent of my illness. Since I mistakenly believed that my SMV was unsalvageable because of my age (still mid-30’s then, and handsome, skilled), I proposed marriage to my former affair, and she became . . .
Wife2: Wife 2, when she was still fiancee2, persuaded me to be baptized. I confessed my sin, renounced Satan, accepted Jesus Christ as my lord, and began my new life as a Christian.
I was still completely trapped in a NAWALT narrative, however. I thought that the only problem with my first marriage was that wife1 was not able to submit to my authority as the head of household. Wife2 was naturally submissive, both in and out of bed. When we exchanged vows, we went back to the 1789 Book of Common Prayer, the last edition in which the bride promises to obey the husband. These vows were witnessed by friends and family. Problem solved, right?
Wife2 never fulfilled those vows. She is a female version of a “nice guy.” She is the kind of person who would make a sacred vow on the altar of God, only to be pleasing in that moment to someone, without having any intention of keeping it.
Even after I had been through divorce 2.0, I was still terrified of going through it again. I was still so trapped in my NAWALT/local-boy-made-good narrative that I could not bear the thought of friends and family knowing that I had made yet another horrible mistake. So I tolerated it -- financial infidelity, physical abuse. I worked and paid bills, she bought stuff on credit and beat me when I ate something for breakfast that wasn’t what she had planned. In response I stayed away from my house for eleven years, sleeping in a truck while continuing to pay for everything. The result was that over eleven years, most of my kids’ childhood, I became alienated from them, and they learned not to look to me for support, structure, guidance, or spiritual strength. They learned that I was good for one thing: money. And in return for that, they owed me nothing.
I am now trying to reestablish a relationship, on better terms, with all six of these wymz. That is going to be difficult. I need supernatural help.
Daughter1: She was my ace, until recently. I had been close to her as a child, and so she still trusted me when I advised her, for example, to do her homework and take a seat on the gravy train (she is extremely intelligent, like me). But last semester she came up with another plan, to get a bunch of C’s and be cool with that. She also decided that she would come and go as she pleased from my house. I put on my Captain Rainman hat and told her to go live with her mom (wife1).
Daughter2: Anorexic. Self harming. Went back to the hospital. I visited her there, and saw her surrounded by medical professionals giving her the competent care she never had at home. She ate with gusto, and was like her former self. I don’t expect that to last long, now that she has been released. The eating disorder will strike back. Wife1 has taken her to grandma’s, which may help, especially if there are other family members around. I have no idea how to fight this. I was prepared for the MRP fight, but not for this. Praying, asking for help.
D3: doing great. Extremely athletic, confident, intelligent, and Christian (more than anyone I know). Not currently getting her talents adequately nourished, but still growing strong. Her mom, wife2, is still sex-bonded to me, so I can work on that relationship and use it to be a strong head of household to her.
D4: also doing well. Athletic, artistic, loves life. Much like her mother (anxious), but still enthusiastic about life. Has not yet been traumatized.
CareeFinancial: I had to make a decision whether to get rid of my house and go be a single dad who pays child support, or stay on board the ship and try to pilot it through the ice. I chose to stay on board.
Hired a nanny. Wife2 backed out of our agreement to split the cost. Is probably running up debts again. Mounting medical bills for daughter2. Hull in my ship is starting to crack, but I am trying to repair it at sea.
Last week: 1) do weekly Bible study with wife2 FAILED 2) increase lifts DONE 3) hire nanny DONE 4) order MAP DONE 5) get new cell service home network POSTPONED 6) get rid of other people’s junk in my house POSTPONED
Next week 1)weekly bible study 2) cell phones home network 3) junk gone 4) increase lifts
--- --- Notes
Author husky-viper
Posted On Wed Feb 10 13:53:27 UTC 2021
Score 2 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Conversation Size 0
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Physical / Stats

Married 7.5 years. Divorced. No kids. Age: 32, height: 70", weight: 178.6lbs, waist: 35", neck: 14.75", BF 22% (verified with calipers)
Sleep: averaged about 8 hours in bed a night Food: upped my caloric intake, added veg and peanut butter back in. This has resulted in water retention and bloating. Other than that I feel great and I'm recovering well from working out.
Exercise: revamped, now on a 3 day split (deadlift/pullup, bench/bent row, squat/overhead press) which seems much more manageable. Next week I'l\l add BJJ back in to see where I'm at.

Mental / Emotional / Social

Emotional: "up". I feel fine, but that doesn't change the thoughts. I am keenly aware that my primary friend group is on Discord. I am also aware that I am disconnected from the people in my church. I want what we have on Discord, but in person, and my church fails at that. Maybe that's because I have unrealistic standards?
Reading: No secular reading this week. Bible Study: Started a word study with u/aaaquad. This should be very interesting.

Other Daily Habits

  • 3L water: 6/7
  • practice piano: 0/7 :(
  • track macros: 5/7
  • flexibility work: 2/7, I suppose rolling out muscle groups counts...


  • Assurance of Salvation: yes
  • Quiet Time/Devotional: 6/7
  • Bible Study: 2/7!, started a word study!
  • Scripture Memory: 3/7
  • Prayer: 3/7, u/cubedcoffee95 and one other person have been running morning prayers during the week and I've dropped in on a few.
  • Evangelism: 0/7 D:
  • Fellowship: 3/7, my standards for this are shifting. Discord is amazing, but I need to... do something. Not sure what.


To give glory to God in each part of my life by actively giving each over to Him; in prayer for His will, and diligence in His strength. I will seek to make disciples by inviting people to do life with me and centering those relationships on God. I will include God in these relationships early and often, so that there is no question about my faith or the hope that I have.
I will seek to draw close to God through my daily spiritual practices of prayer, quiet time, study, and scripture memorization; in these I will seek His wisdom and desire to be humbled. I will invite those around me to join me in these practices and in this way build up believers around me.


Last week I bailed on my OYS because I was frustrated/overwhelmed with all the things, all the numbers, all the stuff.
Over the last week I blocked out non-negotiable time commitments on my calendar and defined what the quantifiable stuff is being measured against (well defined goals).
  • Sleep/Food/Exercise: all are in service of first: getting stronger, second: getting leaner. This means my lifts are moving up each 6 week cycle and that my BF% is dropping each 6 week cycle.
  • Emotional/Reading/Bible Study: all are in service of becoming generally more knowledgeable/well read. This means I am consuming a secular book a month, and talking about it with someone.
  • Spiritual Disciplines are in service of seeking to know God more. All of these are in service of my mission: physical/emotional well-being means I will be better able to engage with people around me, and the Biblical disciplines mean I will be better equipped to teach, correct, reprove, and train up young men in the Way (1 Tim 1:5, 2 Tim 3:16).
This is all still rather loose in terms of "is it quantifiable?". I'm ok with that. For now.
--- --- Notes
Author TheInventor49
Posted On Fri Feb 12 07:44:02 UTC 2021
Score 1 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
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OYS 2/12/2021
20M 5'8'' 130 lbs
Lifts (5x5): SQ: 180, BP: 110, DL 1x5: 175, OP: 70, BR: 120
My Mission is to become a man who brings glory to God by living as a light to others, sharing the Gospel directly, and making disciples through my relationships.
In order to accomplish this, I will practice the Spiritual disciplines and carefully study the Word in order to be an imitator of Christ, and building a more loving relationship with Him. I will gain confidence through building a solid body and frame. I will put myself in a place where the Gospel is needed (STEM field).
These are necessary in order to become a positive influencer, leader, and servant for others. In addition, With the help of the Holy Spirit, I am working on being more joyful in any situation, being more loving through sympathy while listening to others, and having more self-control day to day.

Have been consistently in the gym 3 days a week for a few weeks now. I am finally getting past those pre-covid numbers, so that is good. My weight has also been going up, and it crossed 130 for the first time. I have been eating a lot more, basically adding 4 eggs a day and a lot more bread to what I was previously eating.
Porn has been an issue for a couple of night sin the past few weeks, but I am doing a lot better with not engaging in it. Really trying to be laser-focused on mission, so I think that has some benefits. Some time spent on Youtube as well.
Fashion is sub-par, basically wear the same clothes when I go to classes, with some slight variation.

Doing a lot better mentally over all. Eating more food makes a bigger difference than I initially expected. It is really easy for me to fall in to mild depression when I skip out on meals, leading me to skip out on more meals. Trying to get a breakfast in really helps throughout the day.
I have been working on being less lonely, since that is a big reason I wasn’t doing so hot last week. I have introduced myself to a lot more people, including a few a the gym, and a few in the classes I am currently in. One girl I introduced myself to at the beginning of the semester and sat next to started to sit on the other side of the classroom for some reason. Must be doing something right haha. Trying to get to know as many girls as possible to build up that abundance.
I think frame is doing pretty well, I don’t get frustrated easily and I think DGNAF attitude is good, but I will probably get more tests as I talk to more people.

  • AOS: 8/10
  • Quiet time: 7/10
  • Bible study: 4/10
  • Scripture Memory: 5/10
  • Prayer: 7/10
  • Evangelism: 1/10
  • Fellowship: 5/10
Have 2 bible studies a week. Did the smp challenge a while ago, but am not memorizing anything new. Have had consitent quiet times and prayer each night. I am seeing fruit in my own life.
I think my mission is pretty well internalized, but I am concerned that I am not living within it at all times. I really want to be "laser focused" so I have created this one sheet outlining the vision for my time here at college. It includes making 5 mission minded disciples, among other things.
A struggle that I am having now is finding someone to disciple and build a relationship with. I have a friend online, but he doesn't reach out to me too much, and when I reach out it takes a bit to get a response. Finding someone in person is difficult since campus ministry isn't meeting in person, and the zoom meetings are pretty much just games with the same 10 people. I look forward to more discipleship training on here.
--- --- Notes
Author Casesteamer
Posted On Wed Feb 10 22:15:52 UTC 2021
Score 1 as of Fri Feb 12 09:57:31 UTC 2021
Conversation Size 0
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- PHYSICAL 5'8", 173lbs 27% body fat
No lifting this week, I was in meetings all day Saturday, and then we got hit with a famous Missouri ice storm on Monday, so any unnecessary driving is basically life-threatening. Have been doing pull ups today, and am usually managing to chin myself, so that's cool. Wide grip pull ups are not working for me, though, and I'm pretty sure my form is wrong too.

- MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: Still struggling with my emotions. I think working out has exhausted me physically, and my emotional control has been diminished. I've been upping the dosage on my lithium supplement this week, and that seems to have helped. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, and we'll figure out what's going on.
Made arrangements to go to my buddy's funeral next week, that may be what I need to process some of the grief I've been working through lately.
Found out the other night that I have a plate spinning. More on that later. But finding that out, along with another conversation I had over the weekend caused me to do some introspection about what finding a wife would look like to me in an ideal world. Call me BP/PP, but on reflection I realized I truly do believe the patriarchal system in which I grew up is a good system in certain ways. That has led me to do some more introspection on the bitterness I've held in my heart for so many years, which will probably lead me to repentance later this week once I have myself sorted out.
I think I will quit my current job around the end of March. Having someone who looks to me as a mentor be my boss is getting to be a real strain on the friendship; from my perspective at least, maybe not from his. But it can't go on like this, so right or wrong I will be looking for new employment in April.

SPIRITUAL: How are you doing on the 7 basics? Rank yourself:
  • Assurance of Salvation: 10/10
  • Quiet Time/Devotional: 9/10
  • Bible Study: I'm still not sure how this is different from devotions. I'm always evaluating Scripture against itself anytime I read it.
  • Scripture Memory: Finished Psalm 5 last week. Not sure what to memorize next.
  • Prayer: 5/10 Have tried to be more intentional about prayer this week.
  • Evangelism: 1/10
  • Fellowship: 10/10 I've had some great fellowship this week.
    -MISSION: To actually draft a mission statement this week.

-Plate: Have known this girl & her family for several years. I got my first inkling that she was a plate a couple years ago, got some interesting vibes from her last September, and the other night I got confirmation from family members that she's a plate. I could actually see myself marrying this girl, but because of the long-standing relationship I have with her family, courting her would be like courting my kid sister. It just makes me feel weird. Remember how I said my boss at work thinks of me as a mentor? He's her brother. Her family is among some of my best friends in the world. We have significant theological differences, but in practice the way we see the world is very similar.
As I've prayed about it, I think the Lord might be nudging me in her direction, but I want to be careful so I don't let scarcity mentality be interpreted as the voice of God. I probably will start making some small movements in her direction in March. From a RP perspective, she seems to be a plate for all the right reasons: that meaning that her attraction is probably genuine desire not BB. But I'm not entirely sure what her desire is rooted in, so I want to wait to express any serious interest until I'm sure of that.
submitted by jw_mentions to jw_mentions [link] [comments]

I’ve played PoE on PS5 from zero to maps in a couple of days - here’s my impressions.

Since we didn’t get a new league this December and I managed to grab a PS5 on launch I decided to give console PoE a try. It’s a free game after all and I’m quite addicted to arpg’s in general so I always give them a chance. I’ll keep things short, I just want to share a bit of my experience and hear other people’s opinions/ experiences with it. TL;DR: I think Path of Exile is a bad game to commit on consoles. Maybe it works as a gateway to the PC version, maybe I’m just too used to the classic mouse/keyboard setup. The action in the game is kinda cool but managing items, crafting, mapping and even changing gems between sockets are exhausting activities through the controller and absolutely a breeze using a mouse. This game may work for veterans trying something different to spice things up, but a new player is in for a bad experience. Now the long version, for those interested: I’ve played a lot of PoE and consider myself an experienced player (over 5k hours, played since beta, reached 100 etc) so I figured it would be easy to get used to the controllers and try something new.
This “review” is based on my experience in the last couple of days, playing at a slow pace, taking my time, doing Heists while leveling etc. The character ended up a level 70 SRS Guardian - I’ve done all quests, all labs (except uber) and a bunch of maps (t1 to t3) just to scratch the surface of endgame. No trades, no group play. Just casually playing SSF. It took me around 10 hours to finish the entire thing. I decided to stop on early maps because I’ve seen all that I wanted and micro-managing the inventory killed all the fun. The combat is surprisingly good. Game is very smooth on the PS5 and even on crowded Delirium encounters the game didn’t stutter. I never played ultra-juiced stuff so there’s that, but during my playthrough performance was not a problem, even with a bunch of minions running around. I had a lot of fun controlling the character through the controller instead of mouse, it’s a bit more immersive.. And playing on the sofa on a big screen is also a plus. Using skills through the controller is kinda cool. It’s easy to aim, easy to change, no problem here. Flasks… not so much. The keybind is bad. Early in the game it’s easy to just press “quicksilver” and “mana” but once you feel the need to use other flasks the flow of the controller gets pretty clunky, specially due to the fact that current PoE is a flask-piano-fiesta and you have to keep them up at all times. It really makes you understand why D3 decided to stick to one big potion button tbh. Picking up stuff from the ground is weird. If there’s just a couple of items the “cursor” system works just fine.. But when the loot starts to pile up it’s annoying to actually grab what you want. Alva dropped a shitload of loot on the floor? You’re in for a ride! I constantly had to drop items that I never intended to collect and ended up in my inventory due to “misscliks”. Opening chests, especially in Heist, was also weird. Sometimes the cursor would simply jump to another chest and it would immediately open it, even when my character was far away, telekinesis style. Managing stuff in the bag was definitely what slowly killed the game for me. It constantly feels like you’re trying to type big words into a digital keyboard, navigating every block of the inventory and repositioning stuff. I got annoyed to the point that I’d just ignore loot for long periods of time in order to avoid the management - dealing with stash organization without any premium tabs was the absolute worst. When I got my first 4L I stuck to it for several acts just to avoid the gem management between sockets.. It’s really dreadful, especially for a game focused on loot and with so many cards, gems, jewels, rings, splinters, maps etc to deal with.
The skill tree suffers as well. I cannot imagine a new player getting a grasp of the game through the controller. Having to type on the digital keyboard to highlight stuff and navigate with weird commands is absolutely non-intuitive. Other interfaces like prophecies, pantheon and temple are just.. Hard to find? I barely interacted with them.. Wrapping it up: I’ll be honest, I love this game. I play a lot of POE and I have a high tolerance for league bugs and all kinds of stuff. I had a bit of fun in the beginning but it became quite frustrating really fast. I get the feeling that POE needs a lot of changes to be viable in a comfortable and entertaining way on the console. It just feels like you’re trying to pilot a spaceship with the ps5 controllers, fighting against the UI and spending a lot of time to accomplish simple things. Loot feels like a dread instead of reward. Combat feels off due to the flask positioning on the controllers. It feels really weird and unpolished from a design perspective. The game requires more fundamental revisions and I don’t feel like GGG wants to go there.. Overall it just feels like a worst version of PC PoE. I wouldn’t recommend it for more than a couple of hours to be honest. So, have you tried it? Did you like it? Am I crazy? After 100 hours the controller is better than a mouse cursor? Should I gid gut? Would love to hear other ppl opinions on this. (PS: My primary language is not english, sorry if I butchered it too much )
submitted by lehmannthiago to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Hi, I'm Alexander Westwater, creator of the dog finding game The First Friend. Q&A (Free steam key giveaway for my favorite question!)

Hi everyone, my name is Alex and for the past 6 months I’ve been creating a game called The First Friend.
The First Friend is a first person exploration game where your dog called Zack is missing and you have to find him and along the way, you have to discover these items that reveal stories about the owners life and special times he shared with Zack. The idea to look for a dog came from a friend as a joke but I saw potential in that and decided to make it into a game. Here's a trailer and the store page (and it's on a 15% discount on launch day!).
I was planning to do a 100% developer commentary of my game and answer a bunch of questions, but it turns out, I'm very camera shy so I decided to post the questions and answers here.
A bit about me
I’m a self-taught solo game developer, I always wanted to release a game but personal life kept me from it. Due to Covid-19 I got furloughed and now I used the time to finally create and finish a project. I studied game design in University to get into game industry but no one would take me. So I thought, enough is enough instead of making games for a company, I want to makes games for myself.
This is my first game made using Unity. I’m not a programmer, it's not something I can get into. However, thanks to the endless growing support of Unity, there was enough resources and tools to help guide me on how to make certain scripts. This project started off as a quick portfolio piece which turned into a full blown passion project, powered by self-motivation and visualizing the end goal.
I love talking about games and game making in general so please feel free to ask me anything.
Before I start, this is all from my noobish perspective so feedback is greatly welcomed.
Note: I always wanted to do a giveaway, but I had nothing to give.....UNTIL NOW! My favorite question gets a free steam key! Key will be given on the 9th December 2020. 5pm GMT.
So how did I make this game?
I used assets from the Unity store and modified them to suit my vision for the game, I also used free models from sites like sketchfab, cgtrader, free3d they got free and premium 3d models to use. I got some royalty free music by MYUU which has really emotional music, a lot of piano work, I do love the piano, its just what I needed, I also got free sound effects from the website freesound, theirs also free sound effects on YouTube as well. It saved a lot of time in the end. If I had to make all the assets, music and sound myself this game would not happen, that’s a lot to learn and do which I just don’t have the time for.
Did you compromise?
So this game was originally meant to be third person, and you play as the dog instead of the owner. The thing is, I could not get the dog to work, I looked at a bunch of videos and it just could not happen.
So instead, I made it First person, which was much easier to get working. I do think playing in third person as Zack would of been more appealing but for the life of me, I just don’t get it.
What would you have liked to be in the game?
Other than the stuff, I mentioned in the previous question. Puzzles for each level to add some gameplay. A full player model where you can see your hands and feet would have been neat. Some interactivity with the memories that you find, like picking them and examining them. A 100% ending. An inventory where you can see all the memories that you collected and trigger the audio on a selected memory if the player wants to hear it again. Controller support. Some added sound effects during the memory narrations to really sell it. Wildlife in the game to make the world less empty.
How much is the game?
The game is £3.99, and its on a 15% discount at launch. You might be thinking why put a discount on a game that’s short and cost £3.99, it’s because I really want you all to play it and experience the game that I created. I really want to share this game to everyone I can.
Why did you make The First Friend?
The reason I made this game is because of a video by "David Wehle" The video titled titled "How Making Indie Games Changed My Life", he showed how you can tell a story through a video game with little to no code. I graduated in Game Design in 2018 and I have not done anything with it since. This video was sort of a wake-up call to sit myself down and make a game. I wanted to make the game as simple as I could, nothing too flashy. I booted up Unity and looked at all the essential tutorials I needed for The First Friend. I had the concept of finding forgotten memories planned but did not have the story built around it. A friend suggested having a dog as a joke, but I saw the potential in that idea and started to create a story. Thus, The First Friend is born. It is heavily inspired by David Wehle's game "The First Tree". During development, the name The First Friend popped in my head and even though the names are similar, I just knew that's what the game had to be named.
How hard was it making the game?
Making this game was hard, for me it was at least since this was my first game and my first time using unity, I had to learn quite a bit before the game really kicked off. When I learned more things, I had to go back to other levels and implement the new things I found out. Some of you might be thinking this does not look hard and yeah you are right, when you step back and look at its actually rather simple. If I were to make this game again, it would probably take half the time maybe even less. However, doing so I would not really learn anything new since I would be just doing the same thing again. So if I were to make another game, which I would like to do in the future, it would different.
I had a motto back in University when I was doing my end of year project. It was “If you can do it once, you can do it again, only better” What I mean by that is because you learn something, you don’t need to learn it again, you can only improve on it and you get a better and better at doing it.
Then again, that could be applied to anything, it is like saying I baked a cake but I didn’t use enough flour, not enough frosting, way too much sugar, but you know what you did wrong so next time you can make it better. So I haven’t followed that motto in a while.
It’s really amazing what some people can create in a short amount of time, I saw a game called "a short hike" by Adam Robinson-Yu who completed his game in 3 months and it looks amazing!
How did I learn things?
When I was learning unity I only looked at the tutorials I need to look at for the game like how terrains work, how to make a first person player, how to use animations, how to use post processing that sort of thing, If I needed to learn something for the game then I look at a tutorial for it, I didn’t look at tutorials for things I don’t need like shooting, damage, checkpoints, game overs, nothing like that.
So I focused on what I needed to learn for my game, and not something that’s not going to be in my game.
Why choose unity?
I chose unity to make my game because it has many tutorials and a crazy amount of support, plus a lot of game industry jobs are look for experience with unity. I researched what assets I was going to use and what videos to look at for the game. In the end it doesn’t matter, I used a game engine called buildbox to make a simple mobile game called “Cuby Bird” which is a flappy bird clone and there was no coding in buildbox so I thought what the heck. I would eventually like to learn how to use Unreal Engine because game industry jobs are looking for experience in that as well so I would get around to it in the future.
What about coding?
When it comes to indie game development, coding is a question that comes up a lot. I just want to say this right now, I suck at code, and not like, I know the basics of coding, like make simple mechanics, like movement and jumping, NO. I know next to nothing. So your probably thinking how did I make this game, it uses c#. Well that is what the internet is for, most of the coding is from tutorials and I tweaked the values for the game. I know how to tweak variables so if speed is on 5 then increasing it to 10 would the player go faster that sort of thing. There are times when I have a surge of will power and start understanding code a bit like, so this does that and that allows this to do that and this is this etc. Then most times I’m like I have no idea what this means, but it seems to work so whatever.
It was scary when I didn’t know if I could get something to work, like a key mechanic of the game, if I couldn’t figure it out then well then the vision is heavily compromised. Luckily, nothing like that happened. The thing is I made the game as simple as I can, no complex stuff, there were times when I was like wouldn’t be cool if you could do this or this happened, but I had to bite the bullet and say no, I’m on timer and I didn’t want to over complicate things.
I also had my brother helping me, he’s a programmer for Disney so he knows his way around code and he helped me with a few complex things like the save system and a small objective in level 2. I explained what I wanted and he figured it out. If it weren’t for him there wouldn’t be a save system or the objective in level 2.
So to simply put coding is not for me.
I looked around on sites, people had the same issue as me, and what it boiled down to is one question. Do you want to learn coding? I thought it over and the answer is NO. I don’t want to learn coding. I wish I could get into it because of how greatly it would benefit me. I understand how important it is in gaming and overall technology, still not for me, and even though I can’t get into code, I’m not going to let it stop me from making my game.
There are alternatives like visual scripting, like playmaker and bolt, and maybe that might be better for me, but I didn’t use those because there wasn’t many tutorials or resources for them as there are for C#, so I used C# instead.
How long did it take to finish?
I expected this game to take at least 2 - 3 months because of how short it is, but I was very wrong. A game is never finished when you think it does. It's taken a total of 6 months from development to release. I started making the game when I was on a holiday in Spain, I used my laptop when I had down time, then I moved everything to my pc where I worked on it full time. I don’t have a job right now so I spent my whole time working on the game. Of course, if I had a job and other responsibilities it would have taken longer.
I do think that this game should have been shorter or I should have made another game with a shorter premise, like just one scene because I didn't want to spend as much time as I did on the project. If you’re starting out, I would suggest making small games, like game jam sized games until you’re confident and able to create the game that you want.
How do you stay motivated?
Honesty just getting the game out there, knowing that I would have completed a pretty big project was enough for me. It took hundreds of hours trying to make this, many mistakes were made, there were few times when I had to re-create a level because it got deleted somehow losing hours of work. I did feel like giving up a couple times like I wasn’t cut out for it, but all you really need is a small break, get away from your computer or sleep on it, I started to feel better after that. I didn’t have anyone motivating me to make it, just me motivating myself to complete this game and have everyone experience it.
Paying the steam fee is a good motivator to get your game out there, once you pay, its non-refundable, so it’s like now you have to complete your game if you want the fee to be worth it.
How do you cope with stress?
I get stressed when something doesn’t go according to plan or I can’t figure something out or I’ve done too many tasks at once. The stress starts to get to me real hard. What I ended up doing was doing one task at a time instead doing many tasks at once. Another thing you can do is take a break, step away from your PC, be with your family or friends, and don’t worry about the game for a moment, it cheered me right up. There are times when I struggled to sleep because in my mind I was thinking of all the tasks I need to complete and just wanted to get it done. I was so obsessed with the game that it started hurt. So relax and take some time away from your game if you need to.
What is my schedule like?
I get up, go to the gym, then work on the game till like 9 or 10 pm then do my own thing for an hour or so then go to bed and do it all over again. Eventually I started to get stressed working so much so I ended cutting my working time down to 7 or 8 pm
I have no job or big responsibilities and nothing better to do so I just stuck with the game.
It can get lonely, there are times when I was like, “I wish someone was here right now”, at the same time I need to focus on the game so there is a bit of a conundrum there.
Why did you call your game “The First Friend”?
I didn’t name the game until near the very end of development, I struggled finding one and by the end I had a few suggestions, “Memories by the lake”, “Memories of a Friend”, a friend suggested the name “lost dog” and I was like nope. Then the name “The First Friend“ popped into my head and at first I didn’t want it because it’s similar to then name of the game I got inspiration from, but it just fit so I just decided to name it The First Friend.
What was your writing process?
The writing took me 1 week and I spent almost the whole day, every day on it.
I’m no writer so the best story I could tell was a personal one.
What I did was, tell some of the stories based on my personal life, so some of the stories from the memories are true stories, some are tweaked and some are just made up entirely.
Who did the Voice?
I did the voice, I’m not a voice actor and I didn’t have the budget to pay for one, so I borrowed a mic from a friend. I wasn't confident at first so I made a small music video to feel confident with my voice and it actually worked for me.
How did you get the name Zack?
The name didn’t matter to much, I was originally going to call him Mike but then changed it to Zack when I thought about a game called “Deadly Premonition” where the protagonist talks to an imaginary friend called Zach, so I used Zack instead.
Why didn’t I give the owner a name?
Theirs no one else to address him in the game so I just call him the owner.
How did you market your game?
I’m not really a fan of social media, it’s not for me but if I want to share my game to people and let them know about it, I have to use it.
I used social media, like twitter, tumblr, 9gag, gamedev facebook groups, gamedev discord channels and reddit.
I posted 5 – 6 second gifs of my game coupled with a link to my steam page and page so people can easily access it. I post most days while replying to as many comments as I can. I’m also making a press list and setting up emails to send to journalists and influencers, this is so a review of the game can be published to sites where viewers can look at them which then leads them to your game. There are plenty of resources online to show you how to market your game. I found this one to be a good read by David Wehle.
How is the First Friend going to compete with other games?
The First Friend wasn’t made to compete with other games, I made it to complete a project and put out there and share with it everyone.
There were times when I doubted myself thinking, “is this worth it?” “would anyone even care?” Don’t think like that, because the more you do, the worse it gets, you’ll never know if it’s worth it until you get your game out there. If you end up abandoning it, you may end up regretting it. I felt like abandoning my project many times, but I made so much progress that abandoning it now would mean all that time I spent making it would have a been a waste. Maybe my game wouldn’t get the rep I hoped it would, but I have learned a lot from making it. Since The First Friend is a walking simulator, they can get a bad rap because there is not a lot emphasis on gameplay and its more focused on story. I personally love narrative-driven games and there is a market for them.
Why are you releasing the same day as Cyberpunk 2077?
To be honest that was just coincidence, for personal reasons this game has to come out by the end of the year and the closest is when cyberpunk comes out. Since I'm not competing with anybody, it's fine, I just want to share my game with everyone I can.
What was the most challenging part about the game?
I would have to say the writing, since this is a narrative-focused experience; the story is the most important part, it was a struggle trying to come up with a story about finding your dog. So I took a page out of David Wehle’s book and turned into a personal tale. When the player finds a memory, a story is told and perhaps a life lesson is learned. Some of those stories are based off real life, some stories are tweaked and some are made up. It’s hard to explain what I was trying to go for, but as I as writing it, it felt like it fit in the game. Granted the writing isn’t Oscar worthy, but for my first time, I’m quite proud of it.
How did you set up your game on steam?
If your planning to put your game up on steam, it’s best to get it up and running as soon as you can, for those of you who haven’t used steam, there is a $100 payment fee or around £75 in the UK, every time you want to put up a product on steam. If you are genuinely serious about wanting to sell your game and put it up on steam, don’t hesitate to do it, you want to set up your store page and show off your game and get people to wishlist your game. Wishlists are a good indicator of how well your game is going to sell, and you can easily share the link to your steam page to people. Also the more wishlists you have, the more your game is pushed up in the new releases page so people can see your game and wishlist it as well as your other games that you have on steam. If you haven’t uploaded a game to steam before, theirs a bit of wait before you can get your page ready, you have to fill in some forms, pay the fee and fill out some more forms, and theirs a 2 – 7 day waiting period before you have access to steamworks. Once you have access their you can set up your store page, you have to fill out you description of your game and upload a tone of images in different sizes, steam does provide templates to make things easier. There’s also an additional 30 day minimum waiting period between when you paid the app fee and when you can release your game. Your steam page must be approved, and have it listed as "Coming Soon" for 2 weeks before you're able to release your game, You also need to provide a build of the game which must be approved as well. Then theirs publishing the game which is not as simple as just hitting an upload button. It’s a bit complex first time round, steam has documentation about it and theirs tutorials on how to do it as well. Optionally you can add steam achievements to your game, trading cards, badges, there’s a lot you can do. Once you go through this process once, your know what you’re going to be in for next time so it won’t be as overwhelming.
What did you learn from making The First Friend?
It's hard, I’m not going to lie. I have nothing but respect for indie/game developers, it's amazing how small teams or single individuals can create such incredible games. I didn't expect The First Friend to take so long to create, I thought it would take 2-3 months due to how short and simple it is. That's when I realized making the game is only half the battle, theirs also marketing, making your game known and getting people talking. What started as a simple project became a full time passion project. Many mistakes were made and time was wasted during development however it was my first proper game and I have learned a lot from creating The First Friend and I can use what learned for future projects.
What are your plans next?
I am getting super burned out from making this game, I want to take a break and work on some personal things. Sometime next year, I will be starting my next project and utilize all the things I learned on this project.
And that all the answers I have right now.
If you have a question or want me to elaborate on something, please write it down in the comments, I will try to answer as many as I can.
If you still want to check out my game “The First Friend”, you can get it here.
If you wish to support me on you can do so from here
submitted by Alexander_Westwater to indiegames [link] [comments]

To all old or new players who never tried PvP: give it ONE serious attempt - advice from a player who's always HATED PvP.

I’ve always hated PvP. Like, really hated it, and avoided it like the plague in every game that had it. So naturally, when I tried it in GW2 in 2012, I was bad at it. Permanent panic, button-mashing, everything on cooldown, and I was invariably annihilated by literally everyone who took a shot at me. And I mean “literally” literally.
It was a miserable experience.
I started playing GW2 in beta, pre-launch, and for 8 years ignored PvP after that first attempt. I was a 100% PvE player, with which there’s nothing wrong. With the recent influx of new players, a few “GW2 for newbies” videos popped up here and there, and they all stressed how easy it is to get into PvP if that’s your thing –go in from level 1, all stats and traits immediately accessible, all skill-based, everyone on the same level, etc.
So I thought: “How about giving it JUST ONE serious attempt? Just ONE.” One week, ago, I did.
My years of PvE meant I was familiar with my main profession’s skills: a Mesmer. I loaded up the site and just mimicked their Mirage build. I jumped into an unranked match.
I won’t lie, I was bad. Other players still downed me with apparent ease, I was still panicking, pushing every skill I could, finding myself in the cooldown pit where anyone would make whatever they wanted of me.
But this time I thought:
“This is the meta build on that website. Other people have at least some success with this. It cannot possibly be that out of reach for me. If I try again, and again, I must, by force of just trying, eventually get better”.
I decided not to let defeats get to me. I expected them (I still do).
I adjusted my goals: instead of trying to win, I tried to do slightly better in any way. I focused on 1v1s, which are much less overwhelming. I focused on disengaging more often when I inevitably realized I wasn’t going to win that encounter. I memorized which skills would help me escape, and I used them with that purpose. I got a little better at disengaging.
I thought “OK, so improvement is possible”.
I then came up with a sequence of skills that would allow me to get some quick damage in. Starting off with a daze, so I’d have a 1-second break to get close, and then bursting with attacks and shatters. I failed at first, then slowly started to hit for a portion of the sequence’s potential – my fingers just weren’t sure what to do – hitting wrong keys, fatally hesitating.
I started to recognize the “dazed enemy” animation. That 1 second of opportunity somehow felt longer now that I noticed it, and I could process the keys I had to press. I started landing that combo more often, doing more damage.
After landing this combo, I was still panicking. That was all I had – that ONE combo. Then I would return to button mashing, back to that cooldown hell-hole again, and die. But the person would be at half health.
Again, improvement.
Not knowing what to do next, I used my recently acquired disengaging skills. I teleported away behind an obstacle, where I’d often stealth, just to get a breather. In those few seconds, I could think.
I had reached some sort of calm.
My first great achievement was that I wouldn’t panic as much.
Slowly, death by death, I could add more parts to my method.
Using the second weapon, I came up with another burst damage sequence, including another daze or immobilize. I added this second combo to the first one, which I had gained a little practice in. It felt viable – like it would actually produce a positive effect sometimes. I was still in the enemy’s melee range when that daze ended, but I had a dodge – why not use that? “Surely they’ll try and burst me down immediately after that daze is over. Maybe I can deny them that?”
Little by little, I was setting up my own methods of engagement. I didn’t start winning consistently, but these little improvements were visible and motivating. Repeating these sequences made them more automatic – this freed up some attention and cognitive resources to permanently analyze the situation and react accordingly. I started noticing their blocks (and was able to NOT automatically burst, instead waiting it out). I started anticipating their bursts, as they walked up to me and their character’s tiny arms went up, surely casting something meant to harm me.
I didn’t become a good PvP player in a week. I climbed up to Silver (3 of those little marks, I’m sure they have a name), and my match win ratio went up to 50%.
I die to a lot of people but I don’t die to everyone. Sometimes, even many times, I understand what is going on in a fight. I can adapt, escape, come back. Some fights I win, some of those I win easily.
Now the most important part:
I am having fun with these little improvements. I’m not doing it for the rewards – I don’t even really know what those mean yet. It’s the getting better, and the challenge. Playing against other players is extremely challenging, and it has the potential to feel extremely rewarding on its own – gold or no gold.
Today, I found out that just by playing ranked matches, I’d eventually have enough of whatever stuff you get to obtain a full legendary armor set. And for what? Just playing matches? For having fun? This was great news! I’ve been playing them for nothing at all!

Take home message:
I’m sure there is PvE content that is equally challenging, that requires mastery and gradual improvements, in which all I’ve said here probably applies. This is not a defense of PvP against PvE (which would be ironic, coming from me).
But PvP was the thing I hadn’t tried. And I wish I had.
It could have happened that I still hated it; not everyone enjoys the feeling of overcoming a challenge, and in that case it might not be for you. But nothing lost in that case.
I enjoyed it, and I’ve opened up a whole new game that I’m excited about, when PvE felt stale some days (my bad, though – the challenges also there, waiting for the day I give them that ONE serious try).
As a freebie, I’ll get legendary armor. In due (long) time, I know, but that’s not a problem when you’re doing it for the newfound fun you have.

I urge every new and old player to try it, if they haven’t. But remember that PvP is hard, and like every hard activity, it:
You wouldn’t expect to play the piano beautifully the first time you sat at one. No; you’d understand that it would require everything listed above, and you’d accept failure naturally – with much less frustration. Until you one day nailed that first 30 seconds of a song, and one day the whole song.
That’s what PvP has been for me. I hope this convinces some of you to try it too – maybe you’ll hate it. But maybe you’ll love it. Don't pass on the opportunity to maybe find something you enjoy - that's just a bad decision.
Load up a character you're familiar with from PvE, and go die a lot. Try to die slower, when when you do, congratulations! You've improved. Clearly, getting better is something you CAN do.
Oh, and thieves still make me feel like I’ve learned nothing. Seriously, that stealth, get outta here. Thanks for that panic PTSD I didn’t need.
Edit: typos.
submitted by zoejdm to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

[OT] Wisdom Wednesday #6 with BLT_WITH_RANCH & Errorwrites

Good Wednesday Promptians!

It feels weird being in someone else’s feature. As you may have noticed, I’m not ArchipelagoMind. He wasn’t able to make it today so I am your substitute interviewer for the day! I’m hoping my questions can help provide the same level of insight that Arch brings to the table month after month.
Last month we had Lilwa_Dexel and breadyly give us a look into their views on writing, advice for newcomers, and pushing boundaries. Today I am lucky enough to sit down with BLT_WITH_RANCH and Errorwrites to explore their methods and opinions.
BLT writes some fantastic horror and speculative fiction. In December 2018 they became a spotlit writer . They also have a personal sub with over 900 subscribers, several published research papers on plug-in hybrid vehicles, and a collection of great stories
Error has been lurking around the sub for three years posting here and there. When he drops a story it is usually in the supernatural or drama genres. They also made it to the final round of 20/20. After being spotlit in December 2019 they made a personal subreddit: collectionoferrors which, despite the name, is actually full of really good stories that are certainly not errors!
Both can be foundhanging out in the monthly FFC threads, Feedback Friday and Theme Thursday posts. It is my honor to welcome them to another alliterative feature!
So now you've met the writers, on with the questions...

When starting a new piece of writing how do you approach the project?

I start by making a caramel macchiato. Wipe down the desk, close the door, relax, focus. The important part here is to establish a writing routine and follow it.
Every story starts with a premise. This is a high-level description of the story distilled down to one sentence. I write this as a logline, my elevator pitch, and put it at the top of the page.
Next, I’m looking to establish the hero’s weakness, need, and self-revelation. This is the basis for a strong character arc; my stories fall flat unless they contain dynamic characters. Make sure to establish the “lie” the hero believes about the world. These are all bullet points.
At this point, I’m looking to write two or three knockout lines. These are the “oof” moments: the midpoint, the final line, the characteristic moment, the “plot twist” if I have one. These are usually easy to come up with since this is where the spark of inspiration originates.
Now I examine theme and create symbols. I write the theme as another single sentence and note down the repeated imagery in my stories. Examples of this in popular fiction: the letter “A” from The Scarlet Letter, the box of chocolates in Forrest Gump, the mouse in The Green Mile. My best stories all have repeated bird metaphors, for whatever reason.
Then I outline the plot with bullet point summaries of scenes.
Then I write uninterrupted.
When I write, I’ll usually work backward. I start with the ending and climax, write the midpoint, then go back and fill the rest in chronological order. This works amazing for prompt responses and absolutely terrible for novels, send help.
Once I have the first draft, I’ll take a five-minute break and begin edits with a fresh mindset.
Woah, I wish that I worked like BLT. My way takes a bit more time. I usually brainstorm unless an idea attacks me. I put a timer between 10-30 minutes depending on how big of a word count I’m aiming for and then I write whatever comes to mind associated with the project at hand. It can be phrases, quirky traits, specific settings, inciting incidents, yeah… kind of whatever and with no filter.
Then afterwards, I try to look at my scribbles and see what pieces can fit into something interesting, or expand upon a particular detail. I try to expand it into a synopsis and then I write the first draft. Just write down a beginning, one or two “try and fail”-cycles where the protagonist struggles and then let the protagonist get their happy ending. When that’s done, I finally have an idea of what kind of story I like to write. So my first draft is kind of like BLT’s bullet points, because afterwards I do the same things: identifying theme and core conflict, expanding characterization to fit the ideas, maybe tweaking their flaws a bit and so on.
Doing this takes a lot of time, which might be the reason I’m not good at posting to prompts. But when I do this, my editor-side takes a break while I’m writing my draft and that helps a lot. Otherwise, it always looms over me and judges every sentence I write. It’s good when I have a completed draft for it to scan, but it’s just counterproductive when I have a blank page and want to start something new.

When you open a piece for criticism and get feedback, how do you incorporate it into the next draft?

Feedback on mechanics: sentence structure, punctuation, word choice, comma abuse, etc. is typically taken as gospel. I’m bad at copyedits. I really, really appreciate all those nitpicks.
Developmental editing is a whole different capybara.
My favorite quote from Neil Gaiman is, “Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.”
When I get a piece of “big picture” feedback, I’m trying to identify the underlying issues. Error pretty much nailed it, so I’ll defer to his response on this, but it’s absolutely crucial to synthesize your own personal voice and style with feedback provided.
(It’s also worth mentioning that I absolutely love when people give examples of how they would fix the issues. Comparing these examples to my original writing makes it super easy to determine the root cause issue. So, for critique writers out there, please keep writing these examples.)
Ah, that Gaiman quote has helped me through a lot criticism.
I try to sort the feedback first to see where the problem lies. If it’s a minor problem like not knowing who’s saying what during dialogue, then it’s a simple fix by adding more dialogue tags. If the ending isn’t satisfying or they don’t root for the protagonist… well, then it’s time for some troubleshooting and find where the fault lies.
A lot of times, it’s that the characters or plot is not clear to the readers. They are so vivid in my mind that I skip details that a reader would need to grasp the situation. Or, I’m writing a long exposition that makes me giddy but makes the reader tap their shoes and glance at their watch. I can fall in love with a phrase or situation and fight to keep it in but later find out from feedback that it’s not necessary for the story. Solution: chop, chop. There’s a reason for the repeated phrase “kill your darlings”.
If the reader finds a side-character boring or flat, I try to see what function the character has. If there are three side characters to bounce ideas with the protagonist or give the next quest, why not mash them all into one? Then I can cut down on introductions and expand on that single character!
One time, the feedback said that the theme didn’t mesh with the plot. So I had to make a judgement call which to keep and it resulted in me re-writing half of the plot.
When feedback clashes, one likes it and another hates it, then it’s another judgement call. Try and find out their reasons. Does it slow down the pace, inconsistency or maybe it’s pure subjective experience of a certain trope? If it’s one who likes and one who hates with good reasons from both sides, I usually keep it. But if I get a lot of comment on the same issue, resulting in three likes and three hating, then it’s probably hinting at some fundamental aspect and I try to dig for more answers.
Hard agree with BLT in regard to giving examples on fixing issues. Also, when giving feedback - do try to give a reason why something feels wrong or right. It can be frustrating for a writer to receive a comment like “This sounds strange to me” on a sentence, or “doesn’t fit” on a phrase they wrote. Backup your claims! It doesn’t have to be an essay. Just adding a little bit like “This sounds strange to me, because in my mind I didn’t expect the character to say things like that.” helps much much much more.

How do you feel about unfinished stories?

Bold move to imply that stories can ever be finished.
I’m a professional “darling” murderer, so I honestly have no qualms at all with scrapping stories and throwing them into the archive.
I have a mindset that, up to this point, my writing is just practice. I write stories with a focus on improving. So, if a story isn’t working for me, or if I feel I’m not getting anything constructive out of it, I’ll toss it and start something else.
As a result, I’ll probably never “finish” a novel anytime soon, but I’m fine with getting some practice, getting what I want out of a story, saying “good enough” and moving on to the next.
There’s a quote from ol’ Da Vinci: Art is never finished, only abandoned.
And boy do I abandon stories halfway through, I still feel guilty about some cliff-hanger stories I wrote here... I think that I’ve learned to shrug it off. Sometimes, you write yourself to a dead-end and there’s no fixing it unless you change what you’ve already posted. It’s okay, and it’s an experience to learn from. But don’t throw these stories away! Unfinished stories are treasure troves for premises and inciting incidents or to glimpse into a wonderful world, archive them somewhere and re-discover them a month or two… or a year… later. Perhaps something clicks in the future.

What are common pitfalls you see new writers fall into? What advice do you have on avoiding them?

1) Stop Writing In a Vacuum
The biggest issue I see is that newer writers aren’t actively looking for feedback. Athletes hire personal trainers. Students get math tutors. Pianists get piano teachers. Engineers get internships. Writers get critiques and beta readers.
Sure, if you mash keys on a piano long enough you might make something sound decent. But why handicap yourself? Go out there to Feedback Friday or Theme Thursday Campfire or join a writing group or watch Brandon Sanderson’s writing lessons or read John Truby’s “The Anatomy of Story”. Stop writing alone!
2) Vary Your Sentence Length
Follow this one simple trick to improve your writing, Authors hate her!
No, seriously. It’s absolutely incredible how simple and easy and effective this is. I have a dedicated “sentence length” editing pass for everything I write. Remember that long sentences create movement and stretch the narrative tension. Short sentences create emphasis.
3) Vary Your Stressed and Unstressed Syllables
Similarly, if you want your writing to be fluid, you need to alternate stressed and unstressed syllables. Practice writing poetry. It helps you get a feel for rhyme and rhythm, crafting sentences that are actively enjoyable to read.
4) Layer It Like Lasagna
I dislike the phrase “show, don’t tell” because it’s cliché and misses the point. You shouldn’t worry about showing or telling, you should instead worry about developing complexity through subtext. Like a well layered lasagna, every good narrative should have meat and substance beneath the surface.
5) Don't Let Perfection Become the Bane of Progress
My early writing was awful. I won’t sugarcoat it. And that’s fine. If you never write because you are scared that your writing is “bad” (spoilers: it’s probably not as bad as you think) you’ll never improve. Don’t let yourself get down. Don’t let yourself get stuck writing and re-writing the same piece over and over again. Know that you’re practicing, improving, taking your first steps, and that’s all that matters.
Points up to BLT’s answer.
Those are some great points! I would like to add:
Don’t Ask. Just do it!
I’ve seen new writers ask “Is this plot okay?” or “Does character sounds interesting?” and jump abandon their ideas after reading answers that de-motivates them. Write it first and then see what a reader has to say about it. At the beginning it’s all about putting down words, not talking about ideas. Oftentimes, the ideas are fine but it’s the execution that’s lacking. And a new writer won’t know where their execution needs improvement unless they have written the story.
Searching for the Holy Grail Perfect First Draft.
Another pitfall that new writers strive for is to write the perfect first draft. It doesn’t exist. The first version of a story is (often) never how you imagined it in your mind. You need to transform it through editing and revision. Stop comparing your first draft with a finalized version of a book that’s out in the store.

What do you find helps with burn-out?

No clue.
Do something else?
See, writing is a hobby for me, and it’s fun. Life is too short to spend it worrying over words. If I ever become stressed over my writing to the point that it starts to take a toll, I’ll give myself a reality check and stop. Play the guitar. Write poetry instead. Go hiking. Read a book. Just have fun with it, knowing that burnout is okay.
Another key part of this is following a routine. I have an hour set aside every morning for writing. Monday through Friday, I’ll get my coffee and put words on a page. I keep these writing sessions short to avoid burnout. It works pretty well.
With all that being said, sometimes burnout is unavoidable, and the only recourse is to power through. But above all, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed.
Usually, taking regular breaks and not thinking about writing helps me. Watching a movie with friends, going out and dance or hit the the gym was the way for me to avoid burn-out but it’s been a bit hard to do that now due to Covid, so it’s been replaced with binging movies and tv-shows.
Most importantly, don’t take writing too seriously. It’s not the end of the world if the reader finds a typo, or if the reader doesn’t like the characters you wrote. Worrying too much about those things can put unnecessary pressure on your mind. That pressure can be paralyzing. Always take breaks where you distance yourself from writing, either through other hobbies or simply chat with friends and rant about things.
While with these two great writers I enjoyed hearing their approaches to writing. More interestingly though, I think, is the way they take criticism. We talk a lot about giving good feedback here. However what to do with it is often a conundrum for writers. Some people try to make every suggested change. Others dig their heels in and just look for the good things people say to make them feel good. BLT and Error though both take that information and decide what to use and how to incorporate it.
That Gaiman quote is great as it rings very true. You are your own writer, don't let someone else write your story. Stylistic choices exist and your own voice is important. Now some things can just be objectively wrong on the mechanical side of things. However that other capybara is opinion and reaction. Read the reactions you are given and see if they meet with your intent.
I think that will lead into my big main question for you all: What do you do with the feedback you are given?"
Also, because I really like the question above I'd love to hear how you all feel about unfinished stories.
Personally I have an entire "Graveyard" folder. It has a number of unfinished TT posts, short stories, a book, and a whole giant document of "Cut Words" which is where I put stuff I really liked writing, but had to cut for clarity, word count, or anything else. I fell bad about deleting them outright, so in the doc they go to maybe be used elsewhere.
I am a hoarder of words >.>
I hope you'll join in the conversation in the comments below as we continue the discussion!
If you're new here and want to say hello, feel free to introduce yourself in the comments, I promise to be overly-enthusiastic in my response!
Alternatively, if you have a question for next month's writers, ask it below, and we'll be sure to put it to July's writers.
submitted by Cody_Fox23 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

[Sweet Nola] - Chapter 12

Chapter 1
Nola sat at the dining table in the kitchen with her laptop in front. She scrolled through her college emails. She found out that her college results were going to be released next week. She was excited to see how high her results were going to be. She closed her email and switched back to a life simulation game she was playing. It was a sequel to an old computer game she had played in her youth. It brought back feelings of nostalgia.
She furiously clicked her mouse again, annoyed, ordering her avatar to go to work. Her character, which was created in her likeness, kept shaking her head. With a life of its own, her in-game self apparently had the audacity to refuse. It looked up above at the heavens and shook her fist.
"Ah! My character doesn't listen to me," she lamented to Allie.
"You have to do the recreation things," Allie said. He was sitting at the side of the table with colouring pencils spread in front of him. He was finishing off colouring a picture he did in the library's art club. "You can't force her to do things she doesn't want to do."
"I don't understand." She looked to him with pleading eyes.
Allie let out a moan. “Show me, son.” It was his new catchphrase. He had picked up some funny phrases over his time with Eleanor.
Nola shuffled over with her laptop.
"Your fun points are so low it's hitting double negative digits. Oh boy, you can die from unhappiness in the game." It was true, characters could enter into a spiralling depression that would eventually lead to a premature death.
"How high of a level are you in the occupation?"
"Whoa!" Allie's little eyebrows raised highly. "It takes twenty-four in-game years to grind to that level. Did you just skip out on building the social links?" The avatar's drooping expression said yes. All it cost was her happiness points. Allie didn't know if he had the gaming skills to reverse this. Lauren, the gaming god, might but she has moved out.
"Oh no, Allie. Look, her health bar is dropping by the second. She can't die now. I spent so much time manipulating and stepping on the other characters to max out my career points to become the CEO. The best part of the game is just about to start with all the cash I saved."
Allie got a idea. "What about your save files."
"I only use one save file," Nola said, "Just like real life, you only get one chance."
The avatar clutched its chest, the beginnings of the heart attack animation. Nola and Allie screamed hysterically. Then the doorbell rang.
"Silvie's here!" Allie face was exhilarated with excitement. "I'll get it!"
Nola opened the door with Allie piggyback riding.
"Allie!" Their second sister stood with open arms. The sunlight lit her long auburn hair. Below her eyes sat heavy eye bags due to jet lag. Nola and Allie had natural heavy eye bags unlike her.
Silvie hugged Allie through Nola.
Nola showed her the rooms with Allie on her back as they moved across the house.
"You can leave your luggage here. This is your room now. Our roommate just moved out. She's getting married soon. You have to tell me about the engagement with your boyfriend by the way."
Silvie threw down her luggage and threw her face onto the bed. She turned her head to Nola and smiled a sly smile. "Of course." Then she flipped over to face the ceiling, exhausted from her journey from France.
"Bigger than my old room at home. I hate to say it but I think this bungalow is better than our house. What do you think Allie? You like it?" Silvie asked.
"It's okay. I miss my stuff and my piano," he said while still piggybacking off Nola as she stood at the door of the bedroom.
"Ah yeah, he prefers it to the new digital one I got him. The location's really nice. We'll show you around outside later if you have the energy."
They went back to the sitting room where finally Nola dropped him off at the couch.
"I think it's time for some refreshments. Tea or coffee?"
"Orange juice."
"I'll have Tea."
Nola went into the kitchen. She took out some biscuits from the cupboard and then poured some orange juice into a glass. She could hear Allie's energetic chatter from the kitchen about the performance with Eleanor the night at the City Hall Theatre.
Nola came back into the room with the tray of refreshments. Allie laid exhausted on Silvie's lap. She gently stroked his silky, flaxen hair.
Nola looked at her with wide inquisitive eyes. “I’m dying to hear about your engagement. You sent me a picture of your boyfriend proposing to you in your Vienna holiday in front of a palace. How romantic!" she said dreamingly. "Tell me more."
"Alright, this is something I had to say in person." She took a deep breath with a hand holding her chest, "We sat there on the bench, I was sitting all clueless and disappointed. So the night before, he took me to the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in the city. We did everything a perfect date consists, we went through everything.
"We went to a café in a fancy area of Old Town. He told me he had to pre-book seats for the café. He had everything preplanned, literally planned it a year ago as you'll see with the restaurant he booked. Then we saw a romantic movie, it was in German and we couldn't understand a single thing. We went on this walk across this beautiful canal. I have more pictures I didn't send you. Here."
"Wow, it's beautiful," Nola said looking at her phone.
"Here's when we went to this open air museum. There were squirrels all over the little woods. Tim tried to catch one. It was hilarious. He's kind of like you."
Nola chuckled and she swiped Silvie's phone to see them standing beside a peacock. Silive's boyfriend was very tall and handsome. He had a neatly trimmed bread, always gelled up his hair and had a hyperactive look to him. He had a groovy demeanour and was the opposite to her sister whose resting facial expression was a cold, stern look. Opposite attracts, she thought.
"We went to Prater Park and timed it perfectly to see the sunset on the Ferris wheel. I was expecting it then but no. Instead, he told me that he booked a table at Amador. A three star Michelin restaurant. There's a waiting list for a year to get a table there. I was ecstatic about it and the food was fantastic. On level with my restaurant if I say so myself. So he snapped his fingers and called over a string quartet while we ate." Silvie laughed. "So at this moment, I'm fully expecting him to propose."
"Wait, how long have you guys been dating?"
"Three years. I was thinking it was about time as well. So the violinist was playing that violin piece, what was it? You know that really romantic one. Allie?"
Allie was half dozing on her lap, "Meditation from Thais by Massenet." Then he hummed the tune.
"Yes, that one! Then he got on his knees and everybody in the restaurant looked at him. Then he started shaking and I thought no, that absolute klutz. He ruffled through his pants' pockets then his shirt and jacket. He lost the engagement ring. The embarrassment! I covered my face in shame. I think the whole restaurant felt it. We all consecutively froze."
Nola cringed, they all cringed.
"We left the restaurant quietly. I don't even remember the rest." She sighed.
"What happened afterwards?"
She fanned out her fingers. On the ring finger sat a beautiful sapphire ring. "He proposed again the next day in front of Schönbrunn Palace." Nola and Silvie squealed like little girls and flailed their arms. Allie rolled his eyes.
"Bleh-" Allie stuck out his tongue. "Marriage."
"I asked Tim where he found it and he said the restaurant called him when a waiter picked it up. I really doubt it. I saw him sneaking off in the morning. I bet he bought a new one."
Nola laughed. "What a klutz!"
"Look Allie, Is it pretty?"
"Too small. Give me a diamond this big." His hand formed a shape of a large bowl.
"It's not the size of the crystal that matters," she patted her handbag. "But the size of the wallet."
Nola slapped her on the shoulder, her sister had a cynical humour.
"It's the size of the heart, I meant," she corrected herself.
"When's the date?"
"Marriage date? Oh it's next year. By the time you graduated. You better have a boyfriend by that time. I wouldn't want my sister sitting all alone drinking on the happiest day of my life."
"Nola has me." Allie said in a tired, hazy voice.
"Exactly, Allie would be there beside me." She smiled looking at Allie.
The next day, they went around the neighbourhood and did the grocery shopping together. They came back from the supermarket with heavy bags of groceries. Nola did most of the heavy lifting while Silvie wheeled Allie in front. Silvie rolled up her sleeves. The ingredients they procured lay spread out on the countertop. Today she would show them what it means to be the head chef of a three star Michelin restaurant in the heart of Paris.
Nola sat looking at her phone on the kitchen stool. She scrolled though her contacts. She saw the updates from her friends and classmates. Her beta orbiters have flown back to their home countries, sharing happy pictures of themselves, some with girlfriends. The HDips who were graduating were asking for jobs on the group chat. Some were bragging about securing jobs and telling others of job vacancies around their area.
"Look," Nola echoed her sister while rolling her eyes. Whenever her sister said look, it automatically invalidated whatever she was going to say. It was going so well.
"I found a doctor."
“In Belarus? Some mountain is it I guess? Where your mystic witch doctor resides,” Nola's eyes rolled back down having found a prepared retort. “Last time we went on that family holiday in Kazakhstan, we got off the bus and then you took us to an underpass where a homeless old Asian hag selling her shitty Chinese medicine, which was baskets of leaves and insect moults,” Nola said, eyes wide, nostrils flaring. “This witch, hag doctor was selling us, I don't know, eucalyptus leaves and cicada skins? That you need to boil it three hours and get Allie to chug a pint of it and he can walk again?!” She and her mother were the same. “Or that other time where that doctor felt his pulse and concluded that his iecur, whatever that is, was upside down and he prescribed some kind of goddamn concoction of celery and fennel stalks in a blender and forced him to drink a damn pint every morning. Remember how he ended in hospital with white boils all over his body. I haven't forgotten any of it.”
"This o-"
“He ended up in the hospital on an IV drip for over a fucking week! He still gets those boils showing up on his skin sometimes!” Nola had trouble containing her emotions. She gazed at her sister in anger. Her sister's back was turned preparing some dish. That's why he stays with me and not you, she thought.
"Anyway, didn't you say you wanted to invite your San Franciscan friend over?" Silvie changed the subject.
They were so frivolous, Nola thought, without any care or thought or responsibility. She could hear Allie's soothing piano playing in the other room and it calmed her down a little.
"I heard a lot about this mysterious person. You've got me interested with all the things you told me. Is it another Eleanor-like person?"
She sat staring blankly at her phone with another anxiety now. She decided to call him. He picked it up within a few seconds.
She gave him the details and he said he'll come over right away.
"Is your San Franciscan friend a boy or a girl?" Silvie looked at her with great interest over the kitchen counter. Nola was smiling now.
"You'll see," Nola said unable to hold a grin.
Within ten minutes, the doorbell rang.
"That was fast! Does he live close?"
"Not really."
"What does he do for a living?"
"He cycles."
"I'll go get the door. Go get dressed. I'm running a fancy diner here, not McDonald's."
"How dare you. Eating McDonald's hamburgers saved his bank account in the US."
Silvie ignored her, not even going for a retort and went to open the front door. She was expecting her friend to be some sort of a hobo. The door swung open and there stood a handsome, upstanding gentleman, Ben the former stalker of Nola. He had one hand ruffling his golden brown hair.
Wow, he's good looking. "Hello!" Silvie's eyes glittered, scanning him top to bottom and bottom to top. She extended her hand out to him. "I'm Silvie."
"Hi, Ben. Nice to meet you." the ruffled good looking youth replied. Nola had texted him to beware of her sister whatever that meant. He had predicted that she would shake his hand so he had his cycling gloves in the large pockets of his khaki cargo pants already. He had anticipated well to not appear awkward. He looked at her hand only to realise his plans were foiled. She was wearing oven mittens yet she expected him to shake it.
He let out a sigh and shook her oven mittened hands. Silvie was mature looking compared to her sister. Her eyes carried a stern and hard expression. They were small while Nola's eyes were large. They looked like they would be the opposite of each other, he thought. He wondered what she was like as he grasped her oven mittened hands.
Ben was thinking this must be some kind of character test. Perhaps with this, she's determined I'm submissive and meek or that I'm an airhead. Ben was thinking of the ongoing psychological warfare while Silvie was simply taken aback by his handsome, youthful looks. She eyed him, finally finding out what her sister's type was.
“I heard so much about the trip but she wouldn't tell me much of her mysterious travel partner.”
So she didn't tell her anything. Maybe she was embarrassed of him.
Silvie leaned uncomfortably close, her chin above his shoulder. "Did you guys bang?"
In a silence that felt like an eternity, Ben thought back to the already answered question that had forcefully persisted in his mind since the trip. He had deduced that it was unlikely that anything happened at the motel after he blacked out drunk following the strip club incident. For one thing, Nola wasn't drunk since she was able to bring him to a motel. If they were both drunk with animal instinct taking over, it would have been a different story. But one of them was not.
"I'm joking," she finally said and patted him on the backside. He was sure that he had fallen victim to her character valuation. She stood back at a distance. "Come in, come in."
Silvie led the way to the kitchen. He had been here a few times but today the kitchen was different. It was very different, like a high class restaurant. The curtains were closed and the room was lit with candles. The dining table itself was covered with a thick, satin, white table cloth. In the middle was a large wrought iron candle holder decorated with floral scented candles.
"Take a seat. Make yourself at home. Nola would be here in a second."
"I'll help out with setting the ehm... table."
"Oh no no, I can't have the guest doing the serving. Take a seat." She walked around the kitchen counter and twisted a knob on the oven. She was also a guest but Ben didn't say it. "Nola tells me you're quite the gourmet."
Ben and Silvie were exchanging deep culinary knowledge on food when Nola entered the room pushing Allie in front. Suddenly the air was silent. She had caught the male gaze. His gaze.
She stopped and bent slightly to fix Allie's collar. She wore a black, low cut dress patterned with large diamond patterns that gleamed from the candle light. In her cold shoulder dress, he could see her powerful shoulders bulged out with the fridge-like body of hers. She brushed back her unnaturally smooth blonde hair as she got up. She was beautiful in a strong menacing way
"Hi," Ben couldn't help but smile.
“Hi Ben,” Allie replied energetically. Noticing he was wearing a t-shirt, he said, “You need to wear a shirt to eat here.” Allie didn’t look much different. He wore slacks and a white dress shirt with a bow tie, the same clothes he wore to his concert at the City Hall Theatre.
“Hmm… I’ll forgive you this time if Nola forgives you.”
“Sorry, my mistake actually,” Nola looked up to him with the usual intensity in her eyes. “I forgot to tell you.” She laughed. She was her usual self but with make-up.
She lifted Allie out of his wheelchair and placed him at the seat at the top of the table. Nola took the seat opposite to Ben.
“My sister works as a head chef in Paris so we have to dress fancy to meet her standards. The restaurant itself is called-” Nola spoke up, “-La Aubergine.”
"It's L'Arpège, my god Nonna."
"Nonna is what they sometimes call me. Old Russian pronunciation. Parents were such dunces when they got here and wrote Nola instead," she explained.
"That's a big change," Ben said. He had accurately assumed that was the case before.
"You'll get used to anything. Especially when you're young." She leaned close to Ben, "Allie and I visited her in Paris once. Can you believe they wouldn't let a child under fifteen in the restaurant? French are such snobs," she whispered the last part so her sister didn't overhear at the kitchen counter. "She's the head chef of the restaurant now after the old guy got carpal tunnel syndrome from his gaming addiction. She's the best chef ever." she said the last part loudly so her sister would hear. "Ah, Allie. Tell Ben about Disneyland."
They chatted cheerfully over the appetizers of bread and olives about their Parisian holiday. It reminded Ben that he still needed to give Nola the holiday photos.
"-And they shot flames out of the castle with the fireworks, you could feel the heat from way over there. The fireworks were so loud. Eleanor covered my ears. She said she didn't me to damage them."
"The first dish has arrived."
"It smells so go-" Before Nola finished her sentence she looked down at the placed in front of her.
"This dish is called La Crème de chou de Bruxelles. You'll be surprised to know that all of the dishes from the three star Michelin restaurants are very simple. The secret is fresh ingredients." She looped around the dining table back to the kitchen to prepare the next set of dishes.
The dish was served in a plate that resembled an artistic dog bowl. A dollop of white creamy cream coloured cream dotted around the plate and in the centre of the plate, was a single Brussels sprout.
Ben, Allie and Nola traded confused glances with each other. They looked back at the plate. It was an aged looking Brussels sprout, meticulously placed in the most eye pleasing angle as possible. There was even a leaf growing out the top of the stud.
"Must be one of my sister's experimental dishes and we're her lab mice."
"I mean it looks... artistic to say the least. Subversive in fact."
"True, true," Allie added.
They forked the Brussels sprout, swirled it around the sauce and put it in their mouths.
"Wow! This is the best Brussels sprout I've ever eaten in my life!" Allie exclaimed.
"Incredible! The Brussels sprout's partially hallowed out. There's a broth injected into the centre. It's like heroin juice spurting out when you bite into it."
"It's good," Nola said with slight hesitation. The heavy drinking has not been kind to her taste buds. The full potential escaped her tongue.
The dishes piled on. Each one topping the next with the last meal containing illegal substance, black caviar. The meal finally finished four hours later with Allie dozing off halfway through eating.
Silvie left the kitchen with shaking legs after doing the work of a seven course meal without her line of chefs. Before she left the room, she gave Ben a pat on the back and they exchanged a glance of mutual understanding, as fellow gourmets. The producer and the consumer; the omega and alpha, and then wobbled to the sitting room to collapse face first into the couch.
They sat alone by themselves with a sleeping child beside them.
“Let me make you something too.” Nola got up and walked over to the kitchen table, hips swaying. She whipped out a bottle of white rum, pre-squeeze lime juice and a small bottle of simple syrup and poured them into a cocktail shaker. She shook it in a tango dance trying to draw a laugh from Ben and he did. She poured it into a martini glass and placed it gingerly in front of him.
"It's a daiquiri, it's really nice. Try it."
Ben tipped the drink to his lips.
"How is it?"
"It's great." Calms the nerves, is what he wanted to say. He had no more doubts with Nola, he was in love with her.
He looked at Allie, dozing on his chair. He was going to ask her out. If anything interrupted him, then so be it.
They sat staring at each other, locked in a mesmerised glance. The candles flickering.
In the end, Ben couldn't bring himself to ask the question he wanted to ask the most. He had never been in a relationship, never started a relationship with anybody, not even a friendship before he had met her.
"Looks like Allie's tired," she said, her eyes flicked over to the sleeping child.
"Yeah, I'm going to leave. It's late." He looked away as well, eyes dejected. "I'll come another day to give you the photos and videos."
"Come tomorrow. We'lI show it to Silvie and Allie together."
Nola led him to the door. He stepped outside and stood in the cold. A full moon stood above him, he turned around. Nola observed him, waiting; waiting for something, anything.
"I think you're beautiful by the way. Will you go out with me?" he said nonchalantly. He had pondered it enough over the weeks and was done with it, with getting nowhere. The scene called for it, he convinced himself.
After a long pause with another eternity passing under the moonlight.
"I can't," she said, "I'm in love with Allie."
"Huh?!" Emptiness washed over Ben. He was not expecting incestuous love if that was what she meant.
"But maybe next year," she paused mischievously, "I might bring you to the wedding."
To any readers that lingered to the very end, thx for sticking around and I hope you enjoyed my little novel. I've finished fixing some typos, grammar and badly phrased sentences that I hope didn't annoy you too much when you were reading it. If you like my writing, you can get the definitive edition, a physical copy (It's beautiful btw) on Amazon at and also on the amazing Amazon stores of you country.
They say that everybody has one novel in them. I can say for myself that I had a manga as well. This is my 2nd work, the first being a manga called 'Imitation World of Synth' and then this novel. I am an author without much imagination and so my stories must draw a lot from my experiences. I will say that nothing in this book is made up but just a twisted account of reality and the people I've met.
Having finished it now, there was a morbid thought that I have ran out of inspiration. In a recent rereading of a certain novel (I leave it to the well-read reader to figure out its origin), there was a quote that spoke my mind. A thought that I had for the longest time since I wrote my first story.
"There must be thousands, and perhaps millions of people like me. People accustomed to death, who feel that the only part of their lives that really mattered is over."
And so there it is with all my worthwhile experiences written. Maybe I can keep pumping out the same types of stories over and over again like a washed-out genre writer. I feel like my strengths lay in the crude humour that you have read throughout the story. The next one, I suppose, will have to be of imagination more purer.
My main project now is to adapt, at least the 1st chapter, of Sweet Nola into manga form. I may possibly be the first writer to adapt their own work into a manga. Updates, unfortunately, will be infrequent but I hope that I'll definitely release a couple of pages every week. My excuse being that drawing is infinity more laborious and slower than writing.
I don't exactly have an approach on the 'vision' of the manga form of Sweet Nola. Novels and manga are different mediums and so my rough idea, if it can even be called that, is not a direct translation from blocks of text into manga strips, but to focus on conveying the visual aspects that manga readers appreciate more. In a way, it also rewards the reader more as a second reading where I don't do a direct translation with all its exposition and be minimalistic in drawing scenes. The manga will probably be rough and dirty so I can output it rapidly.
If you are interested in being a proof reader or editor or collaborator on the manga ver., shoot me a pm and I'll respond as fast as I see your message. If you hated my story, then now is the chance to refine it in a collaborative effort.
The first few pages of Sweet Nola manga can be found at:
Follow me on Twitter for updates as I'll twit whenever I get something uploaded:
It's easy to write swiftly but for a manga, it took me 2 days to draw 6 pages that only covered the first two pages of the story. We'll see how it goes...
submitted by Readerstein to redditserials [link] [comments]

Chance a nervous military kid with meh ECs and average Stats

Demographics: Gender, race/ethnicity, state, type of school, and hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.): White male, 150k bracket, military kid (kind of a hook at a specific'll see)

State: Florida
School: Average public highschool

Intended Major(s): Either Poli Sci Or Electrical engineering
ACT/SAT/SAT II: Should be noted 'Rona took away my chances but I got a 26 in september of 2019 but have been consistently scoring a 30-34 on practice ACTs
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.7 UW/4.3 W Top 15% of class
Coursework: AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores, etc: Intense coursework, never took a standard class all honors and AP equivalent courses
-All State Band

-All District Band

-Academic distinction all four years

-Outstanding performer in band

-Rookie of the year for band x2

-Boys State Delegate

-Was invited to Naval Academy Summer Seminar

-An innumerable amount of superiors for district solo's on both my main instrument as well as piano

Extracurriculars: Include leadership & summer activities

-Have played piano for 10+ years
^have performed at nursing homes and concerts as well, multiple awards

-Tri-m Music honor society for three years

-Beta/NHS member for two years

-Have worked two jobs throughout high school, (sometimes working 40 hour weeks)

-D1 Soccer captain for one year (Played at the highest level for a German youth academy)
^Captain, also played JV for a year and we were conference champs, was as starter

-Indoor drumline for four years (We were top three in the world this past year lol)
^I have been as follows: the electronics section leader, the bass line leader and am now the cymbal section leader (all four years)

-Band (Oh boy)
^Have been involved in: Pit orchestra, marching band, jazz band, wind ensemble, district band. I have been section leader of every single one of those ensembles for about four years (principal player in jazz, wind, and pit orchestra)
^I am now the band captain (Highest leadership position) So I am the captain of about 250 people at my school (Largest student organization on campus)

-I helped start a club to help with student unity after my school was destroyed sophomore year (Smaller involvement I simply helped out with the creation of the club in it's infancy)

-I will have 100 community service hours by the end of senior year.

-I have experience in building and maintaining PCs, I have done this for my own family and have helped friends with their builds (Probably won't mention this)

-Am looking to start a Jazz Education Network chapter at my high school to encourage the growth and development of jazz in my area (have support for this so I think it will happen)

-Potentially starting a club to help new students integrate in to our school (specifically military students like myself) I have admin support but I don't know if it will happen for sure

Essays/LORs/Other: Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.

Chem teacher: I would assume it will be pretty good, I carried my lab partner this year and am in her class again next year so I will say probably an 8/10 possibly better. She and I have always gotten along and she has made me love chemistry a ton so I would hope to get a pretty good recommendation

Drumline Instructor: I have seen this one and it's pretty great, it attests to my leadership abilities and my accomplishments throughout hs so I will say a 9/10

Math Teacher: Probably going to be pretty alright so I can give it a 6-7/10, she really likes me as a student and we've talked about life philosophies. It possibly could be better

English Teacher: Not too sure on this one if I am being honest so I will rate it a 5/10

Other: I am a military kid, I have moved like seven times and I am applying to military schools. Not only have I encountered 'Rona I also moved states going in to my junior year of highschool, a category five hurricane destroyed my school sophomore year.

Schools: List of colleges, ED/EA/RD, etc

All RD: FSU,UCF, UF, Emory, UNC, USF (maybe), UWF, Pls reccomend any schools whether it be reaches, targets or matches

It should be noted that my top choice school is The United States Naval Academy and The United States Coast Guard Academy
submitted by Seanmurraysbeard to chanceme [link] [comments]

[Sweet Nola] - Chapter 7

Chapter 1
Every week, Eleanor would come over to visit for Allie's piano lessons. Some days she'd stay the night if her schedule was free. One day, she requested a strange favour from Nola.
"I have only ever attended the Conservatoire in my youth," she said, "show me what it's like to attend a normal university."
"Like, you just want to walk around it?"
"No, I've been to universities. I teach in one. What I want to do is attend the classes."
They walked to college together the next morning. It was all well and good except she dressed in a ludicrously high class concert dress that drew the looks out of every eye, male and female.
Nola covered her face with her handbag. Her face was flushed from embarrassment from drawing all the looks.
"Nola, you are easily embarrassed. You will never become a performer," Eleanor said. She carried the air of a queen among peasants. She let out a high haughty laugh, laughing at the childishness of Nola's flustered self.
"Aren't you embarrassed?"
"By the age of three, I was performing all thirty Goldberg Variations by Bach in concerts and reading dissertations on music."
Nola had much doubts that she could read at three years old but with Eleanor, anything was possible.
"At four, I had already written my first composition in pianoforte. Five, I had composed nine symphonies and by six, I was personally conducting them in the courts of aristocrats."
"Really!?" Nola's eyes were wide with amazement.
"No, I'm joking. Have you lost your sense of humour?"
Nola had a great sense of humour and Eleanor's remark rubbed her off the wrong way. She had always laughed when appropriate and even at times when it wasn't. Such an occasion occurred at her grandfather's funeral. Her sister Silvie's favourite food was beans on toast. When she was happy, she had beans on toast. When she was sad, she had beans on toast. When was stressed, she also, had beans on toast. Beans on toast was her coping mechanism and drug to happiness. The hotel they stayed at that had a breakfast buffet. She was in beans and toast heaven as she told Nola. In the solemn and grave silence of the funeral hall, she had held Nola's hands and looked at Nola with bottomless abyss in her eyes. "I can't hold it in anymore," and proceeded to let it rip the biggest and loudest fart she had pent up in death's ceremony. She farted so hard she felt herself propelled up into the air. Nola laughed her tears out.
"I guess you're right. I think I'm starting to lose it these days. There's something weighing in my mind." Nola looked to Eleanor with a fresh face full of confidence and laughed.
"Why are you laughing now when my joke was ten seconds ago," Eleanor looked bewildered at her sudden outburst. "You've always been weird."
They went into a dark lecture theatre hall and sat at the back row.
"So this is what being normal is like," she said the lecture. "How do you bear to live like this?"
Nola excused themselves from her social circle who were all dying to know who this strange princess sitting at the back of the class was. They grabbed lunch at the canteen in the Concourse. It was rare that they were alone together. Allie was usually there.
"I see that you are friends with everybody as usual," she smiled icily. "Why are your closest friends foreigners though?"
"Your words are cold as ice," Nola played along, "as usual."
"Those Indians, how can you stand their accent! Can't you pick better people to be good friends with?"
"I'm a foreigner myself!" Accents were the last thing she was worrying about. No doubt they would keep asking her for Eleanor's number tonight with how incessant they were.
"You are?"
"Belarusian. I speak Russian as well."
"You do? I must ask Allie about that too."
"Ah, he doesn't speak it. We started speaking English mostly by the time he was born here."
"No wonder. That explains your slight accent. I always thought it was your weird lisp." She forked a sausage and cut it neatly into eight divisions. "This college's food is quite poor. How can they charge so much for this as well?" Nola threw her a packet of ketchup.
"Ketchup goes with everything. I used to eat sandwiches just with ketchup. My sister prefers beans on toast." Eleanor scowled.
"Who's that guy in the far corner of the class all by himself? I feel an unsettling presence from him."
"You're one to say." Nola wiped her mouth, satisfied with her heavy carb meal. "Who? Which guy?" She knew exactly who she was talking about.
"The good looking guy that was messing with his laptop for the entire class. He should be doing modelling for teenage girl magazines instead of being here." Nola's mouth was agape. She did not expect Eleanor to be thirsty for anyone who did not play a musical instrument.
Nola's head slumped down into her hand. "I have to tell you about that guy. I think that guy hates me. He's actively avoiding me. Whenever I try to go up to him, he's gone."
"Have you set your sights on him? You're always looking for boyfriends in those gyms and bars."
"N-n-no!” she blushed. "You've seen my previous boyfriends-"
"Yes, to my deepest regrets. They're like mirror images of you. They're like-" Ella looked ponderously upwards to find the right words, "-like golden retrievers. Stupid and silly! Total goofballs. I'm amazed you're still single since they were all your splitting image."
"Rude. My goofball exes were all great except they were always secretly suffering from depression."
"I guess being around you would burn them out."
Nola laughed. Eleanor wasn't joking though. There's something about being around somebody who was one hundred and ten percent a ball of energy that would burn anybody out except kids. There was nobody better to take care of Allie, Eleanor thought and she was jealous of this fact.
"That guy looks like the opposite of you," she paused to remember his face. "He's dreamy looking though. Now, if only his intelligence matches his looks." She shrugged in an out of character way, "They say opposites attract."
"Yes." A look of madness glinted in Nola's confused eyes. She didn't understand his character at all. His boyish good looks and mysterious aura that drew her in, his joke which clearly targeted at her to make her shoot coffee out of her nose and his avoidance of me! It had become a gnawing doubt eating away Nola's self-confidence. It had occupied the back of her head for months, eating away bit by bit. Something must be done.
They put their heads together and schemed a plan against him.
Then the opportunity came.
As the weeks progress, the Research and Project course had dwindled down to a few. Nola told the ones in the MSc messaging group that she'll attend it for them and let them know if anything exam related was said. There would only be two in the class now.
The class was on today and she was running a few minutes late. She power walked to the lecture classroom in the main building.
She was opened the door and heard laughter erupting as she entered. The laughter suddenly stopped.
The normally chill lecturer looked at her gravely. He was a jolly, fat old man with tiny half crescent slits for eyes. His tremendous beer belly always caused Nola to stare in wonder. The button at the belly of his shirt always looked to be straining to the point of bursting. He smiled at her and Nola nodded her head.
She saw Ben at the very right back corner of the empty class. There was an unusually awkward tension and she felt unwelcomed in a strange way for the first time in her life. She quickly chose a seat two rows from the front and sat on the outside. She didn't wear her glasses nor her contacts today.
For so long, the ever elusive Ben had evaded her subtle attempts to talk to him. Her beta orbiters that she surrounded herself with were finally out of the way. Now she was alone, just the two of them, and she felt an oppressive air, stronger than ever, still parting them. There was something ominous about him, like he was hiding something. A malicious and mysterious aura that drew her in.
Her beta orbiters did not surround her now, limiting her movement. There was no better chance, she thought.
"-And that's how you solve Fermat's Last Theorem in less than fifteen minutes," the lecturer ended his monologue.
Nola felt like she missed something incredibly important.
"There's that. Now! Let's talk about the projects. I think we can go into specifics here. You at the far back," he pointed to Ben who was at the very corner of the corner typing something furiously into his laptop. "Tell me about your-" he clapped his hands and frowned his eyebrows, "-project."
"Okay." he nodded." Let's say hypothetically, I created an A.I. that can scrap every bit of data of a person I'm looking for. That's only one of its features. Basically a super advanced self-learning A.I. that powers itself by breaching other computers in a peer-to-peer system."
"So it's illegally using the processing power of unaware computer users."
"In a way yes, hypothetically. The A.I. thinks it's borrowing and has no concept of stealing or human laws since it exists in a different plane in regards to morality. I also don't control its methods. I ask the questions and it finds it for me using algorithms it derives on the spot. How would I market and sell such a service?"
"When a product you're trying to sell is in a moral grey service, there's only one simple answer. Asymmetric Dialectic Media Power."
"Ah, right," Nola nodded, "of course," completely lost.
"I see," answered Ben slowly. "So what you are saying is using the systemic topology derived from the Curran approach."
"Yes, yes. Similar to that but if the consumer uses an asymmetrical one that privileges the former then you'll find yourself in jail and with a hefty fine slapped on top."
Nola looked back and forward at the speakers as they spoke mumble jumble in her ears. She could only nod to appear less loss.
The professor continued, "-If you looked into the empirical research using Castell's Falsification theory based on the prosumer notion notwithstanding Tosser's uncritical option then you might be able to form some paths which you can take." He took a deep breath after finishing tongue twisters of hefty sentences.
At last they finished their back and forth which felt like an eternity to her. The professor turned his gaze at her.
"So! Your turn."
She took a deep breath. She had not put a single shred of thought into the project let alone come up with a fantastical idea like the genius at the back. Think Nola, she thought to herself. She knew she had a whole summer and next year to slowly trudge through it. Not to mention that her thesis project was in conjunction with her company. Though they did tell her that she should come up with some ideas herself.
"I'm working with my company for my thesis and they have to get back to me on the project details unfortunately so I can't start my research yet." It wasn't an excuse but she couldn't help feel that it sounded like one. Never had she felt so out of place before.
She sat in silence for the rest of the lecture doing her best to push away her feelings of not belonging. She wished she had her beta orbiters around her or her girl friends.
When class ended, she slowly packed her notebook into her bag. With lethargy she looked to the back of the class, there was nobody there. Ben had slipped out from her once again.
Her chance to get to know Ben was gone. He simply existed on a different plane compared to her. It was stupid anyway. I don't have to force myself to befriend everyone especially not the antithesis of myself.
"Don't worry about it, it'd come naturally," the jolly fat man spoke. He had a soft look to him. Nola saw the tiny slits of eyes that his flab was starting cover.
"The ideas."
"Oh right. Thanks," she muttered with annoyance at herself and those around. "See you next week," she forced a smile and left the room.
Ben stared up at the sky, pondering the meaning of his existence. He decided to sign into this course hoping to learn how he could make some money with the A.I. he developed over the past four years. So far, the only thing he learnt was that college was a huge waste of money.
In this city, there were two major colleges. One in the city centre and one on the outskirts.
The other college was an institute and was filled with second rate students and master students doing the lecturing instead. He was sure it was filled with gang wars, unwanted pregnancies, drugs and drug addicts. Maybe he would have enjoyed that culture more, he thought.
There were stories of gangs setting doors on fire for absolutely no reason, robberies and break-ins, animal blood sports, bare knuckle fight clubs where traveller gangs would provoke each other over social media, illegal underground sulky races on the motorways and the such.
Ben didn't choose this university because it was more prestigious or anything of that sort. He chose it because it was a five minute cycle from his home. In a way he was apathetic to the point of self-destruction.
Today was the first day he opened his mouth to a lecturer and he was glad that this college was closer. He had been able to converse with someone that could elegantly break his concept down into scientific basis. He also stood there thinking of dropping out.
The first three years in his Bachelor of electronic engineering, he did nothing of value. Neither did he apply himself to learn anything. He would pass exams on achieving exactly the bare minimal grade. As they taught him in engineering school: any fool can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build one that barely stands. He took it to heart quite literally. It seemed that nobody caught his genius and humour and it disappointed him greatly. He thought it was amusing at the very least.
As such, nobody hired him during his work placement year as he had the worst grades of them all, not counting the ones that failed. If nobody picked up on his genius joke, he didn't want to work for them anyway. A keen sense of humour was the most important characteristic in a person.
Then fourth year hit and he found himself needing to create something for the final year project. He spent all day burrowing himself under books with his genius intellect and he managed to crank out theories and algorithms in neck breaking speed. He was sure that a switch in his brain flicked into savant mode in order to graduate. Once the algorithms and technology and been designed and built, he reverted since to normal human being mode. It was a pain to be too smart. The obsessive nature of overanalysing and being overly sensitive was a drain to his brain.
Humourless autists were the common archetype in engineering school. The few that weren't, graduated and left the industry for good. He never spoke to anybody. He was an outcast even among the autists. Nicole was in his previous course and also in the current MSc in marketing. When he first saw her, he thought she looked familiar. It's said that those on the spectrum suffer from face blindness, but that wasn't really the case with Ben who had a great memory. It was because the memory of those four dark years in purgatory were blacked out in his brain.
He turned twenty-five a month ago and he celebrated it alone like every year. This year he made a culinary burger that wouldn't have been out of place in a six star Michelin restaurant. Six stars because that's how good it was. He squirted ketchup on top of the chips the numbers 11010. It was an engineering joke. That was the one time he ever applied the useless knowledge he learnt into the outside world. It wasn't very funny.
Ben had prayed exactly two times in his life. The first time he prayed was on the first day of primary school.
When the teacher explained about god and his miracles, the gullible child devoutly believed in the mysticism. He prayed with all his heart for his parents to die and it didn't happen the next day and so lost all faith in exactly a day and night.
His father's had an incredibly small head and Ben was sure that it was most likely the result of the zika virus. His premature brain had led to stunted mental growth and attention deficit disorder. It was very likely he was on the spectrum since he was retarded.
His mother wasn't much better, even dumber than his father. In her childhood pictures, she had the phenotype of a person with Down syndrome. Luckily or not, she had grown out of the look and became attractive as she reached adulthood. Her mental capacities however stayed at the level of a six year old.
His prayers on the first day of primary school did not come through and his parents remained retarded as much as he wished they weren't. It was as if they were destined to be a curse hovering over Ben forever.
Then a pandemic occurred last year and it was then he prayed for the second time in life. His father had succumbed to the pandemic's virus and died. He thanked whatever deity in the sky that had set forth this blessing.
The death of his retarded father set the household expenses to him. He lived paycheck to paycheck at the beginning doing odd jobs but life was finally bearable now living with only one pea-sized brain instead of two constant bickering morons. There was an incredibly oppressiveness being surrounded by subhumans. An oppressive darkness that had whittled away the light in him.
Ben had done various odd jobs in his life but he always ended up back to honest and good work in delivering food. He was a food courier. Nothing like handing a hot out of the oven pizza to a rosy cheeked fat women for less than minimal wage. Food was a tangible good that he could see. A primal chore that even an animal can understand. Better than being smart and stuff, he thought.
When times gets desperate, he freelances in low level programming work like web development. Since the work was low level grunt work, Ben had to compete with Indians. They numbered in the hundreds of millions and being grunt work, Ben's prodigious intellect did not matter, not when they sold themselves for a couple of cents each. The idea with competing as another code monkey threw him off.
His hobbies consisted of photography, books especially mystery novels, poetry, films and stalking people. He had found out where everybody in his course lived. Some of them he could deduce from their photos on their social media with a little detective effort.
Out of all the people, the bubbly blonde, broad shouldered Nola held his interest the most and he couldn't pinpoint exactly why. He had saw a photo with her and who he assumed was her little brother and not her son. He had deducted a fair amount of information about her including where she lived and how they lived. When he saw them in person from a far off safe distance, it took him by surprise that her brother was disabled from the waist down. It was like a twist in a movie. He could see she was a friendly and bubbly person from observation even in class, not to mention all the goofy party pictures in the class drinking sessions posted in the group chat.
Possibly her good nature and humour drew him in. Maybe it was her burden. She was the anti-thesis of him.
Chapter 8
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