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After sportpesa and Betin exit, which is the best betting website in Kenya?

After sportpesa and Betin exit, which is the best betting website in Kenya? submitted by Bokelo_Pulalah to u/Bokelo_Pulalah [link] [comments]

Toda repeatedly claimed his cirrhosis of the liver was cured before ultimately dying of it - so much for the "faith-healing" Toda and Ikeda claimed

If you'd like to first review Toda's and Ikeda's faith-healing claims, here you go:
2nd Soka Gakkai President Toda: "The magic chant can bring the dead back to life!" - and claimed to be personally able to cure polio.
Ikeda: "Every disease can be cured by Gohonzon!"
As you can imagine, Toda's untimely demise, and from the consequences of his attachment to alcohol, after having praised attachments earlier, was - and remains - quite an embarrassment within the SGI. Some try to claim it was lingering effects from his incarceration, but fellow Soka Kyoiku Gakkai member and Makiguchi shakubuku Shuhei Yajima spent exactly the same amount of time in the same prison under the same charges, and he lived to the ripe old age of 75.
Yet the "The Human Revolution" novels acknowledge that Toda had been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver (typically brought on by an excessive, intemperate drinking habit), so let's start there - in May, 1957:
From that time on [the start of the trials for the Osaka Incident], Toda frequently spoke about his own death. Such comments, however, were always cloaked in humor. It was often difficult to tell whether he was being serious or joking. For example, Toda once told his housekeeper:
"I think I'll leave this world in April next year, when the cherry blossoms are in bloom."
Bullshit. #ThatHappened
On another occasion, he said to some of the leaders closest to him:
"You have all grown splendidly. I will be leaving you soon. If you have anything you want to ask me - anything at all - you'd better ask now. Don't blame me if you don't and regret it later. Ha! Ha!..."
What a weirdo.
Toda's laugh was bright. His kind eyes smiled warmly. Because his words were so sudden, none of the leaders knew how to respond. One women's division leader,
...who will never be identified because the ghostwriters made her up for this scene...
her eyes moist with tears,
...because of course...buncha crybabies...
said, "Sensei, you have a mission. You cannot die yet!"
With a laugh, Toda replied, "Well, that's one thing I have no say over." (p. 1806)
Hold that thought.
Fast forward to November 20, 1957. Notice that the following dramatic scene unfolds just as somebody from the Soka Gakkai has arrived to take Toda to Hiroshima to meet with lawyers about the Osaka trial (this is related to the Osaka Incident in which Ikeda was arrested for election fraud, pled guilty, and this case dragged out over 2 years with ultimately 48 court appearances for Ikeda before Ikeda was let off, though other Soka Gakkai members were convicted and punished). Ikeda's alter ego Shin'ichi Yamamoto has just the day before tearfully begged Toda to cancel the trip (to of course make it all about himself). Such crybabies...
The following morning, November 20 - the day on which Toda was to travel to Hiroshima - Chief Secretary Tame Izumida went to pick Toda up at his home.
"Welll then, let's be off!" said Toda to Izumida when he arrived. But as he began to stand, his knees suddenly buckled under him and he fell to the floor. He tried to get up again but found he ahd no strength in his legs. Two or three more times he braced his legs before finally raising himself upright with some effort by grasping hold of a post. But when he tried to take a step forward, he staggered and collapsed to the floor again.
His wife, Ikue, turned pale. She grasped Toda's arm as he repeatedly tried to stand, but in spite of her support, he was unable to do so. His physical condition had deteriorated to such an extent that it now prevented him from walking. Toda lay on the floor, his breathing labored.
"It's no use," he murmured, wrinkling his brow in frustration before closing his eyes, apparently resigned to the situation. Ikue telphoned Kenya Yabe, the family doctor, asking him to make a house call. General Director Takeo Konishi, meanwhile, was hurriedly dispatched to Hiroshima to take Toda's place at the scheduled meeting.
Dr. Yabe arrived a short while later. Upon examining Toda, he found evidence of abdominal edema (excess abdominal fluid), complicated by symptoms of jaundice and a profoundly weakened constitution. Yabe suspected cirrhosis of the liver - and quite an advanced stage at that. He decided that an intensive program of treatment was necessary. He made a call to his former teacher, Dr. Toshiharu Kida, an associate professor at N. University Medical School and an expert in the field of gastroenterology (digestive medicine), requesting that he come to examine Toda.
The fact that they're going to the trouble of defining simple medical terminology points to their uneducated membership.
That evening, Dr. Kida conducted his examination while Dr. Yabe looked on. Yabe reported on Toda's condition, informing Kida that the patient had almost no appetite and ocmplained of extreme fatigue.
Kida examined Toda carefully. There was a definite accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, and the area was extremely swollen. Feeling around the upper abdomen, Dr. Kida found Toda's liver to be quite enlarged and hard as well. In addition, jaundice had appeared in the conjunctive tissue of the eye.

There was no doubt that Toda had cirrhosis of the liver.

Nevertheless, Dr. Kida decided to conduct extensive tests of Toda's blood and urine.
Toda's entire body was riddled with disease. While the icterus index of a healthy person is normally less than seven, Toda's index was forty-eight, indicating acute jaundice. Also, strong positive results for blood in the stool indicated bleeding of the digestive tract. Toda's condition was very serious indeed.
Something something actual proooooof??
In those days, by the time cirrhosis of the liver had advanced to the stage where abdominal edema was apparent, it ordinarily meant that the patient's prospect of recovery was quite poor, with little likelihood of the swelling going down.
Development of fluid retention in the setting of cirrhosis is an important landmark in the natural history of chronic liver disease: approximately 15% of patients with ascites succumb in 1 year and 44% succumb in 5 years. Source
That means 85% of patients with this symptom live more than a year, and 56% live more than 5 years. Glass half full, right? When you've got the Mystic Law on your side?
Dr. Kida suggested that the patient check into a hospital, but Toda steadfastly refused. He felt that he would be unable to take leadership for kosen-rufu if he were hospitalized. With news of Toda's illness, a veil of sadness shrouded the Soka Gakkai Headquarters.
Shin'ichi for his part
...determined to continue making it all about himself...
prayed fervently for Toda's recovery and long life.
Hmmm - wonder how that worked out?
He continued chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, sensing grimly at times that beyond the illness that plagued Toda there loomed the shadow of death.
Ooh - mystical insight! No one else could have possibly guessed that a serious illness like severe cirrhosis of the liver might result in death! 🙄
Toda had devoted himself to kosen-rufu without a single thought for his own well-being. The time he spent in prison during the war had damaged his health irreparably.
See how they're trying to take the focus off Toda's alcoholism and smoking addiction? "No, no - look over there! It was prison! Yeah, that's the ticket!" Yet fellow prisoner Shuhei Yajima, arrested at the same time, for the same reason, and kept in the same prison, was involved equally in rebuilding the Soka Gakkai and lived to 75. However, he did leave the Soka Gakkai to become a Nichiren Shoshu priest. The Ikeda cult spread vile rumors about him being drunk all the time, though...and he didn't do gongyo right, either, according to the Ikeda cult. And his wife was ugly, too!
Toda's first attack of illness occurred in February 1954.
Notice Toda was released from prison July 3, 1945. So almost 9 years later.
Doctors were then unable to discover any serious malady but found Toda to be suffering from a condition of chornic, excessive fatigue. They prescribed that a period of rest and recuperation was necessary. Sometimes when Toda was feeling out of sorts, he would request that Yabe, his family doctor, or Hiroshi Futami, a physician and Soka Gakkai member, examine him. But Toda submitted to these examinations
...that TODA requested, remember that.
simply to confirm the nature of his immediate complaint. As soon as his condition improved even slightly, he would completely forget all about his days of illness as if they had never existed and launch into a flurry of activity once again.
So Toda was stupid. Got it. Toda did not care enough for his health to take proper care of himself until he was stricken with an acute condition. Does this sound like "the wisdom of the Buddha" to YOU?
We then get treated to a description of how Toda had started having to go pee several times a night, but I'll spare you the details.
Reviewing Toda's test results at the time, Dr. Yabe found his patient's blood sugar level to be one hundred eighty milligrams per liter of blood. Because the normal maximum blood sugar level for a healthy person is one hundred milligrams per liter, Yabe diagnosed a full-fledged case of diabetes and began an intensive course of treatment. Though Toda continued to be an idiot did not get the rest he should have, his health returned after several months. By December 1956, the reading for sugar in his urine was hovering around normal and his blood sugar level had dropped to one hundred ten, indicating a return to near normal.
Perhaps due to a weakening of his immune system, however
Hmmm...that doesn't sound consistent with Toda's earlier boasting of how chanting the magic chant to the magic scroll fixes all health problems, though, does it?
Toda began to become increasingly susceptible to colds. This forced him to spend several days at home in bed at the end of the year.
What a baby.
He seemed to experience a respite in his illness at the beginning of the new year, 1957, but by April 30, after the by-election in Osaka to fill a vacant seat in the House of Councilors, Toda collapsed from his second attack. This time, symptoms of liver damage were apparent.
It was just after this that the Soka Gakkai's problem with the coal miners union in Hokkaido, and the "Osaka incident," which led to the arrests of General Director Takeo Konishi and Shin'ichi on trumped up charges,
...for which over a dozen people were convicted and punished, if memory serves...
occurred. The anxieties that accompanied these two events gnawed at Toda, bringing him to utter exhaustion. This only undermined his health further.
"See? It was prison AND the 'Osaka Incident'! Not Toda's out-of-control drinking and smoking habits!"
It was obvious that Toda had driven himself relentlessly over the years,
...because the alternative would have been to recognize that Toda had destroyed his own health due to those attachments he was so insistent upon protecting...
again and again pushing aside his physical pain and discomfort. Now he began to lose weight at an alarming rate. Though he sought to improve his condition by resting at Karuizawa during the summer, his body was fighting a losing battle with disease with each passing moment.
But how can this be with the "good medicine" of the magic chant??
Yet most people were unaware of the gravity of Toda's illness.
I'll bet you can guess who was aware of the gravity of Toda's illness, though...
Obstinate though Toda was, this time he had no choice but to entrust himself to the doctor's care. He was consigned to absolute rest and quiet, placed on a strictly controlled diet and prescribed medication to normalize his metabolism, protect and detoxify his liver, as well as regenerate and repair the cells of that organ. (p. 1819)
It was just a matter of time before the Soka Gakkai realized Josei Toda's dream of 750,000 member-households. But just as Toda was about to make the final ascent to the summit of his great undertaking
...which - note - is apparently what other people are accomplishing, but never mind...
he had fallen seriously ill. Though not in pain, he had been overtaken by severe fatigue that he was helpless to combat.
"Helpless"?? With the Buddhist Law at his command?? How can this be?
At the same time, he had lost the strength in his legs, making it difficult for him to walk. His appetite, too, had waned, and he could thus do little but stay in bed.

Heading [sic] the advice of his physician, Toda gave up his much-loved sake and cigarettes.

THERE it is! It was only at that point that Toda heeded his doctor's advice. Stupid!
And, given what a pack of lies this novelization is, Toda probably just continued drinking himself into a stupor and smoking like a chimney...
His single-minded determination to attend the completion ceremony for the Grand Lecture Hall at the head temple in March the following year, in good health and high spirits, enabled him to control his desire for these things. Toda's doctors were gravely concerned about his condition and continued their tireless efforts to treat his illness,
...and the doctors' efforts won't amount to much when the patient is sabotaging them at every turn, will they?
but the last week or so of November passed with no appreciable signs of improvement. Toda was battling an illness that stood in the way of his endeavors for kosen-rufu.
Around this time, Dr. Hiroshi Futami, who was a Soka Gakkai member and who had examined Toda quite frequently in the past, came to visit Toda to check on his condition and also to spend time with him as a friend.
Upon seeing Futami's face, Toda began to speak as if to encourage himself: "Futami, we are about to realize the goal of 750,000 households. It is only natural that devils will vie with one another to interfere. But the devil of illness I am currently beset with falls only into the category of a minor demon. If I let such insignificant devils defeat me, I will never be able to accomplish kosen-rufu."
This is extremely dangerous thinking on Toda's part - by defining the illness as something outside of himself AND caused by an external agent, in this case, a "demon", he is unable to appreciate the reality of his illness and, more importantly, understand that he MUST use a medical approach to deal with it, NOT an irrational, superstitious, "faith-based" approach! Yet even after what happened to Toda, even though we have made so much progress in medicine since then, we STILL see this sort of self-destructive thinking in SGI - all the TIME!
Fully aware of Toda's condition, Futami interrupted: "Sensei, all this talking is not good for your health. I would also like you to refrain from seeing visitors as much as possible. Now is the most crucial time for your recovery."
I wonder about the translation of this passage - either Dr is telling Toda that he needs to stop flapping his lips so much, or he's cautioning Toda that his way of thinking is not good for him. I suspect the latter. By "refraining from seeing visitors", that will ensure Toda gets more rest, right? It looks to me like Futami was trying to give Toda a REALITY injection, but as you'll see, delusional Toda was NOT having it:
"Don't look so serious," Toda replied. "I know the way for prolonging life, so don't worry. I fully intend to participate in the pilgrimage to the head temple this January."
That was only a little more than 1 month away at that point, mind.
The doctor's examination had indicated that Toda would need at least four to six months of thorough medical treatment and rest. This prognosis was made on the premise that nothing would happen to invite a further deterioration in Toda's condition from now on. For this reason, Toda's statement that he intended to participate in the January pilgrimage to the head temple was extremely bold.
"Reckless" is more like it - we've been talking about that lately. Also, "stupid" again comes to mind. Funny... "Toda, you're at death's door!" "Then I'll fling it open and throw myself through! I know the way for prolonging life!"
There's only so much doctors can do when their patients refuse to follow medical advice.
Faced with Toda's confident tone, however, Futami found himself at a loss for words.
Convincing Toda to become a partner in his recovery had proven utterly futile.
In early December, Toda's condition began to show slight signs of improvement. The strong sense of fatigue did not leave him, but his appetite gradually began to return and the excess fluid in his abdomen was being slowly absorbed. It was extremely rare for abdominal fluid resulting from cirrhosis of the liver to abate on its own. Yet, by around December 10, the fluid had disappeared almost completely.
Ooooh - mystic, right? Everyone's already forgotten how Toda had been "consigned to absolute rest and quiet, placed on a strictly controlled diet and prescribed medication to normalize his metabolism, protect and detoxify his liver, as well as regenerate and repair the cells of that organ" just 3 pages ago, right? So the medical treatment is helping - why not say that??
It was an astounding improvement. Even Dr. Kida was unable to conceal his surprise at the remarkable change. Kida even secretly wondered if it might not be a miracle.
If Dr was "secretly wondering" something, how did our ghostwriters learn of his "secret" thoughts?? Did they just make this all up the way SGI members do to this very day? It's extremely popular within SGI for SGI members to report that their doctors were "amazed", "couldn't believe it", even declared their recovery to be "a miracle". Yet these same doctors aren't interested in finding out anything at all about SGI - isn't that "amazing"?
With that worry off their minds, the doctors were thus finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. From that point on, they went about Toda's treatment with renewed confidence. (pp. 1820-1822)
But nowhere do we read that the treatment the doctors prescribed was proving to be effective! THAT's what the narrative is describing, but we're supposed to credit Toda's srs battel uginst deeeemoans as the cause, NOT competent medical treatment!
Fast forward about 5 pages:
A short time later, physician and assistant professor Toshiharu Kida came by to examine Toda. As soon as the examination was over, Toda asked, as if he had been waiting for an opportunity to do so, "Why did my stomach become so swollen, even though I had no appetite?"
"You lost your appetite because your liver wasn't functioning efficiently, which affacted your other organs, inhibiting the function of your entire digestive tract. In addition, one of the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver is a buildup of abdominal fluid. Pressure from this fluid causes the abdomen to distend, further contributing to a loss of appetite. In your case, however, the fluid buildup has subsided remarkably. The swelling is going down and your appetite is returning as a result."
Toda then asked another question: "Is there any surefire method for treating cirrhosis of the liver?"
"At present there is no method of treatment that could be called surefire," Kida replied. "What we try to do is to see that the patient gets plenty of rest and administer a diet that will aid in recovery. With this kind of illness, it is important to consider how to assist and enhance the patient's own natural recuperative powers."
"In other words," Toda remarked, "it's all up to the patient's life force, isn't it?"
Toda's trying to set up an opening to preach at his doctor - just watch...
"Life force?...I guess you could say that."
"If it's a matter of life force, then I'm absolutely confident. Yes, extending my life for a little while should prove no great hardship."
Looking perplexed, Dr. Kida peered over his glasses at Toda, who smiled in amusement when he saw Kida's expression.
"In the sutra it states 'let us live out our lives.' This means that through the power of Buddhist Law one can extend a life span that has already been fixed by karma."
Okay - notice how "the sutra" is expected to be accepted by all parties to this conversation as an authoritative source (so typical of religious zealots). AND the zealot expects his interpretation- his opinion - to be automatically accepted as authoritative as well. This is standard zealot behavior; we continue to see it. AND the zealot just casually inserts religious terminology - in this case, "Buddhist Law" and "karma" - without defining it, expecting everyone to just go along, nodding and agreeing. This is bully behavior. Low-level, sure, but still bullying.
Dr. Kida did not quite seem to grasp what Toda was saying.
So what does Toda do?
Laughing, Toda asked another question: "What are your thoughts on prolonging life from a medical standpoint?"
Toda laughs at him. Seeing the bullying pattern here?
"From the perspective of aging," Kida responded, "one way to prolong life lies in preventing degenerative conditions, such as arteriosclerosis, which hasten the onset of death."
"Prevention is certainly important from a medical perspective," Toda said, "but then you have those who are normally health conscious, yet meet sudden, early deaths due to accident or unexpected illness. This is what we call karma or destiny. Buddhism teaches us how to change even this. Genuine faith enables people to change not only their destiny but their environment as well, by effecting a change in their inner determination or attitude."
This is one of the things that makes these novels so tedious - scenarios are set up for the sole purpose of preaching and exposition. "SHOW, don't tell" is the "Golden Rule of good writing". Ikeda was such a yutz that he instructed his ghostwriters to just tell-tell-tell. Lecture, speechify, monologue. On and on and on...
Toda went on to say that the following March, the Grand Lecture Hall would be completed at the Head Temple Taiseki-ji with events and ceremonies being held to commemorate the occasion. He planned to recover by that time, he said, and to attend the events in good health, staying at the head temple for a month.
Who does that? Is there a fee? Who pays for and prepares the food of such a lodger?
"Hmm...March?" Kida said.
Dr. Kida thought it very doubtful that Toda would recover to such an extent by march.
Remember, Toda stipulated "in GOOD health".
Though he showed astonishing improvement, Toda was suffering from a serious case of cirrhosis of the liver. Kida's experience as a doctor told him that his patient would require a much longer period of rest and recuperation.
This scene is taking place in mid-December 1957, just 3 months before the events being described for March.
But Toda's voice was full of confidence. "You might not believe this," he said, "but people can even cure their illness through the power of their mind, the power of their inner determination. Just watch me. You'll see."
We have the advantage of knowing how this story ends. Toda only "proved" the opposite. That he was a foolish, deluded, addicted common mortal who didn't know anything and was incapable of understanding when others were telling him how to properly care for himself.
"There are many things in this world that are inexplicable. Our head temple rests on what is primarily a lava bed, so there used to be little ground water. We had geologists survey the area on several occasions, but each time they said there was no water under the lava bed.
Evidence, please 😐
But when I considered the growing number of members making pilgrimages to the head temple and their need for drinking water, I thought it would be a great problem if we couldn't find water. So I prayed and prayed.
And wept and wept.
And what do you think happened? Water began to gush out of a hole that had been drilled only twenty-six meters deep.
That's 85 feet deep.
So let me see if I've got this straight: MULTIPLE "geologists" had already told them there was no water, but for some reason, they'd decided to go ahead and DRILL BABY DRILL anyhow. THEY certainly weren't doing the drilling; I have some specific experience with well-drilling companies (I have a well) and it costs MONEY to drill. Besides, Taiseki-ji temple already had at least one water source (or there couldn't be priests living there, could there??) AND there are towns nearby. OBVIOUSLY, there's water in the area. You can look at a satellite image of Taiseki-ji here - their property is surrounded by farm fields and woods. If the vegetation and crops are being watered by rainfall, then Taiseki-ji would just need to increase its cistern capacity for collecting that rainfall - and of course limit the freeloaders lodgers. This image shows either a river or a pond/lake right next to one of the Taiseki-ji's large buildings. Here is another view. And another. And another. MOAR water at Taiseki-ji. WAAAAATERRRRR
This was no high desert, in other words. So I have no idea what that yoyo Toda was yammerin' on about.
"It might sound very strange, but this is Buddhism. It is the same even with the human body.
Oh lawdy. I can't even.
"I will definitely preside over ceremonies and events scheduled for our general pilgrimage at the head temple this March. This will be my final mission. I, Toda, will teach you the wonders of Buddhism with my own life."
Yeah, he went, and he was dead by the next month. Impressive 🙄
Toda was fond of the promising young Kida with his good-natured personality. He would often have his wife call Kida at home to request an examination, even when there was no particular change in his condition.
Ewww - stalkerish. "Hey, Fido! Call the doc - I want him to see me naked again!"
And as his health improved, Toda would often decline being examined
So he's just wasting the good doctor's time and taking advantage of him.
and instead ask Kida about various problems confronting modern medicine, firing one question at him after another. Toda was borrowing on Kida's medical knowledge to help him ponder the nature of life itself.
Number 1, Kida was getting PAID for these visits, and number 2, there's just no way to make this sort of inconsideration sound valid.
He said to Kida, "Forgive me for asking you to come by so often, even though I don't always let you examine me. I know you're very busy, but I find talking to you so interesting and enjoyable."
"Don't worry, Mr. Toda - you're paying for my new boat!"
At some point, Toda had turned even his desperate struggle with illness and ongoing convalescence into an enjoyable experience.
Oh brother...
Toda's condition was improving each day. By the end of December, his appetite had practically returned to what it had been before his collapse and his icterus (jaundice) index, which had been as high as forty-eight, had dropped to twenty. In addition, the fluid that had built up in Toda's abdomen had all but disappeared, and his liver was regaining its normal function. Toda's dramatic recovery in such a short time greatly surpassed his doctors' predictions and could be regarded as nothing short of miraculous.
And we can't help but suspect this is more made-up bullshit from Ikeda's ghostwriters.
Drs. Kida and Yabe both breathed a great sigh of relief; neither could help marveling at the strength of Toda's life force. (pp. 1827-1829)
Over the next few days he made an effort to get out of bed in the afternoons and sit upright or practice walking around the house. Though it seemed the worst of his illness had passed, there were times when Toda himself was shocked at how physically weak and unsteady on his feet he had become. (p. 1838)
Or not…
As Soka Gakkai president, Toda had been obliged to attend the New Year's reception on January 7 to which sixteen priests had been invited. But he was so painfully fatigued that he had to leave halfway through the proceedings.
Definitely not!
Although he had almost recovered from his illness, it was not so easy to overcome the physical weakness and debilitation it had inflicted. (p. 1845)
Then he WASN'T "almost recovered"!
Josei Toda's health was improving with each passing day. By the end of December, his symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver had miraculously diminished. The doctors proclaimed his liver to be functioning almost normally again, and the results of tests conducted in January indicated even greater improvement. (p. 1852)
Just like SGI-USA Culture Department leader Pascual Olivera declaring that his doctors had assured him there "wasn't a single cancer cell left in his entire body", and then dying the next year - of cancer.
The readings for urobilin and bilirubin were both negative, while the icterus (jaundice) index had dropped to the near-normal level of eight. There was also a marked decrease in the size of Toda's liver. Although sugar was detected in his urine, it was very slight and for the moment did not indicate a life-threatening condition.
The very specific nature of these details makes me suspect they're made up. Why would anyone else have had access to these specific medical details for someone else?
Toda was still physically weak, but that did not deter him from going to the Soka Gakkai Headquarters on New Year's Day and then trveling on to the head temple. Whenever he became too exhausted, he would rest for two or three days, waiting patiently for the time when he would be able to fully resume his responsibilities. Having victoriously weathered the crisis of cirrhosis of the liver and won a decisive round against the devilish function of illness... (p. 1853)
From February, 1957:
"I am therefore determined to do my utmost as president for another seven years." (p. 1854)


Despite having won a victory over the devilish function of ill health, Toda knew that he did not have long to live. (p. 1853)


"Happily, when I returned to Tokyo and was examined by doctors on January 7, their tests showed that all symptoms of liver disease, which they had earlier warned me were extremely serious, had completely disappeared. The only abnormality they found was a small amount of sugar in my urine, but this was so slight that it poses no immediate threat to my life."
Toda first sketched the course of his recovery and then proceeded to discuss the relationship of medical treatment and faith. By sharing his own experience, he strove to reveal the great power of the Daishonin's Buddhism. A person's testimony based on actual experience is more powerful than all the words in the world.
SHOW, don't TELL! You're quickly running through all the words in the world!
Josei Toda's article continued: "I do not mean to reject medical science. Just as one must pass through the gates of knowledge in order to gain wisdom, so in the pursuit of good health, it is foolish to ignore medical science.
"But I do not hold modern medicine to be the ultimate treatment for illness."
Okay, whatever.
"Just as an engineer building a road uses the science of surveying to measure the road's route and level, I respect medicine and medical science as a means for measuring the road to good health. Through faith in the Mystic Law, I defeated the devilish functions of illness and death that plagued me and utilized medical science to gauge the progress of my recovery. As a result, I have survived my fifty-seventh year and chose the date of my fifty-eighth birthday, on February 11, to celebrate my full recovery."
Just as travelers of old once made use of milestone mounds to measure the progress of their journey, I, too, hope to advance along the road to kosen-rufu, passing an important milestone every seven years. Looking forward to the continued cooperation and support of all of you, my comrades in faith, I will report here, in summary, on the course of my illness."
Toda here mentioned that he had lost his desire to drink whiskey, which he had so enjoyed prior to his illness, and that he had dramatically cut down his consumption of cigarettes, though now when he did smoke, he enjoyed it much more. (p. 1858-1859)
"Next, the high priest will be treating us all to some sake. Although I've been in somewhat poor health lately and unable to make my body respond as I would like, I still enjoy a drink as I always did. So today I'm going to drink to my heart's content before I die!" (p. 1863)
Dr. Kida arrived from Tokyo on March 24.
When he heard the doctor had been called, Toda was furious. But on seeing Kida's face, he quieted down and submitted to his ministrations. When the doctor had finished his examination, Toda asked him firmly, "Well, what's your conclusion?"
The doctor looked at Toda, surprised at his composure.
"Your illness is completely cured, but your body is extremely weak. Please try your best to eat, even if only some soup or thin rice gruel. It will give you strength." (p. 1904)



But by April 2, only 9 days later, Toda is dead. And, oddly, for all the paragraphs of the emergency activity and doctors and examinations, the cause of his "turn for the worse" is not mentioned. The narrative is that Toda was fine! FINE! He'd completely overcome his cirrhosis of the liver - Toda was CURED! But then he immediately got really sick despite being fine and having no medical issues and died.
An acute weakening of the heart was determined to be the cause of death. (p. 1920)
Yuh huh.
Heart failure (HF) and liver disease often co-exist. ...cardiac dysfunction and failure in the setting of liver cirrhosis... Source
Toda had an 85% chance of surviving over a year (and a 56% chance of living more than FIVE years), but he was dead within 5 months.
The only conclusion is that Toda was, once again, deluded about the reality of his life and he DIED of complications from cirrhosis of the liver brought on by his heavy drinking and too much smoking. Enough of the LIES, Society for Glorifying Ikeda!
I'm older now than Toda was when he died🙄
These page numbers are all taken from The Human Revolution, Book Two: Volumes 7-12, Abridged Edition.
submitted by BlancheFromage to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - December 21st, 2020

"One of “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” is proving to be a bit of an enigma to viewers who are familiar with Utah’s predominant religion. Lisa Barlow is a Latter-day Saint, but she owns liquor companies? And she drinks alcohol herself?
“I’m Jewish by heritage, and I’m active LDS,” Barlow said. “But I also practice it my own way.
“You can live it the way you want to, you just might not be able to go in the pretty building,” she said with a laugh. “The church is an open door. The temple — that’s a whole ‘nother thing.”
In other words, no, she doesn’t have a temple recommend, necessary to enter the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and participate in its highest ordinances. The card attests to the holder’s adherence to church principles and practices, and alcohol is forbidden by its health code, the Word of Wisdom.
Born and raised in New York with five siblings, Lisa converted to the LDS Church there. “I actually think I have a way better life because I became LDS in New York,” she said. She came west to attend Brigham Young University, and now in her 40s, she’s lived in Utah for more than 20 years.
She said her “untraditional” way to practice the faith is to be “authentic to yourself and take from the religion what resonates with you and what’s good for your family. Because maybe not everything is good for your family.”
Seth Marks, the husband of fellow Housewife Meredith Marks, “dubbed me Mormon 2.0, and it kind of stuck.”It’s similar to the approach to the faith that writer Jana Reiss saw as she wrote “The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church.” There’s a sizable minority, her researcher, Benjamin Knoll, observed, “who find value in the social aspect of the church but who don’t believe wholeheartedly in LDS Church teachings, don’t pay tithing, don’t hold a temple recommend, and who drink coffee and alcohol and take the counsel of church leaders with a grain of salt.”
If anybody has a problem with the way Lisa lives her life and her religion, she’s not letting it bother her. “I hope people see you can own an alcohol brand — you can own any business — and still practice a religion that you love, the way you need to and want to,” she said.
And she’s hoping to shatter some false stereotypes viewers may have about church members.
“I have a strong love of God and family. And that’s how most Christians are,” Lisa said. “So I think they’re going to say, ‘Oh, it’s not as different as I thought.’ I think some people have these odd misconceptions.”
Including, of course, that members still practice polygamy — which the church formally abandoned in 1890, although it lingered among members into the next century in practice. “My husband only has one wife and that’s me. And it’s always going to be just me,” she said with a laugh.
And she wants to make it clear that for her, following her faith (which opposes same-sex marriage) doesn’t stop her from being “super inclusive.”
“I definitely think I’m more progressive as an LDS person,” Lisa said. “... We’re very involved with Equality Utah and the LGBTQIA community.”
One of her grandfathers was gay, she noted.
“My grandfather died with a boyfriend. So I understand. I take the time to not judge anything and just understand,” she said. “One of my really good friends is gay and part of the LDS Church. And I think it’s important to know [the church is] inclusive.”
(Bravo) Jen Shah, Heather Gay, Lisa Barlow, Mary Cosby, Meredith Marks and Whitney Rose pictured at Valter's Osteria in episode 5 of the first season of “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.”
The primary reason Lisa signed on to “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City,” she said, was that the producers wanted to cast women who operate their own successful companies. She owns and runs businesses with her husband, John — including Vida Tequila and LUXE Marketing.
“My whole goal in coming on the show was to show women that you don’t have to just play one role,” she said. “You don’t have to just be a mom, or just be a working mom. Go be adventurous. Try multiple things. If you fail, that’s fine, too. Stretch yourself. To me, it’s living life to the fullest.”
But filming the show on top of everything else going on in her life — particularly during the 2020 Sundance Film Festival — wasn’t easy, she added.
“There were tough times,” Lisa said. “I mean, I had to do over 40 [LUXE Marketing] events during Sundance while filming, raising two kids and running our other businesses. And it was a lot.”
She also “put a lot out there,” she said, during production on Season 1.
“At the end of the day, I just hope that it’s in some way inspiring for someone,” Lisa said. “I just hope that people feel like, ‘Hey, if Lisa can work, run multiple businesses and constantly be looking for a new adventure, maybe I can, too.’”
Lisa said she’s has “thick skin” and is not feeling stress about how she comes across in “RHOSLC,” and the negative feedback that comes her way.
“I think you definitely have to be resilient” to be on the show, she said. “I think one thing that I was born with was an innate confidence. So for me, if someone thinks I’m ugly, it’s like, ‘OK, I’m sorry you don’t find me attractive. But, OK. Move on.’”
So far in Season 1, both Heather Gay and Whitney Rose have both been irked at Lisa, leading to some relatively minor conflict. Lisa, however, has been on the sidelines trying to make peace during the big blowups — including multiple showdowns between Jen Shah and Mary Cosby.
“I am really good at conflict resolution,” she said. “I’m not comfortable with it, but I’m definitely not afraid of it.”
It’s a skill she’s learned from childhood on — from dealing with siblings to leading her businesses today.
“I’ve been doing deals since I was in my early 20s. I definitely feel like I have a backbone,” she said. “So if someone’s creating conflict with me, I’m definitely not shying away from it. I want to resolve it.”
Still, while dealing with the other women in “RHOSLC,” “there were days when I felt exhausted — two, in particular. I just felt drained,” Lisa said. “I was, like, ‘I’ve never been around this kind of crazy before.’”
It was very different than dealing with problems at work.
“I know how to handle those,” she said, “but when you’re dealing with so many emotions and so many different women all at once, that’s a whole different ball game. But I think we all made it through.
“It doesn’t mean everything had a happy ending, but there was definitely progress.”
Lisa is hoping viewers will get a better look at the work her family is doing to benefit Utah Foster Care in upcoming episodes of “RHOSLC.” With the help of their parents, her sons — Jack, 16, and Henry, 8 — launched Fresh Wolf, a line of grooming products for men. And for each item sold, they donate a product to a foster child.
It’s personal for the Barlow family.
“John was given up at birth, adopted, returned, then adopted into a family. And, in between that, spent a short time in foster care,” Lisa said. “Luckily, my husband had an amazing experience with being adopted by a beautiful family. But not everybody gets that.”
The Barlows hope to help “shine a light” on foster care parents.
“A lot of people think that people take in foster care kids for money,” Lisa said. “To board my dog is an average of $45 to $70 a day … and then when you look at foster kids, the parents get $15 a day per kid. They’re not in it for the money.
“I hope you get to see [Jack and Henry] and why they want to give back — what that means to them.”
"Dropping sharp one-liners and serving looks, Brooks Marks certainly made a strong first impression when introduced to The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City viewers. But on the December 16 episode, Meredith Marks’ 21-year-old son proved that he's a force to be reckoned with in more ways than one when he unveiled his fashion line, Brooks Marks, at Park City Fashion Week.
Brooks chatted with Bravo Insider to dish on the “career-changing opportunity,” and the major moves he’s got planned for the future.
Given that his mom is a successful luxury jewelry designer who has created pieces for stars like Rihanna, Adriana Lima, and Chelsea Handler, it’s no surprise that Brooks first showed an interest in fashion at a very young age.
“I would cut up my clothes and sew them together, sometimes even glue them together before I knew how to sew, and I would force [my sister] Chloe to put them on,” Brooks explained.
He took his interest to the next level in 2018, when he first began working on his namesake brand. Intended to be a “universal brand for everyone” with “comfortability” as the main priority, Brooks notes, “My tracksuit isn’t just for one body. It’s genderless. It’s for everyone."
Throughout his entire journey, Meredith has been incredibly supportive of Brooks, and is always the first person he calls when he needs guidance, no matter the time of day.
“She knows the answers to everything,” said Brooks. As for her greatest piece of advice? “She told me if i was authentic and true to myself, that it would be successful.”
Brooks has also received a few tips from his “hands down” favorite designer and family friend, Christian Cowan. “There’s no one like him,” said Brooks. “I am so thankful that I got to have the conversations that I did with [him and his team]. They’ve just been so educational, and I’ve learned so much. It’s an absolute dream.”
The guidance Brooks has received has obviously led him in the right direction. Brooks dropped his first collection in 2019, and by the time of his second drop in November 2020, the tracksuits sold out in only four hours.
“It was totally unexpected,” said Brooks. “It really is the best feeling to see people in my set, and see them unboxing it, and the videos that they’re posting on their Instagram Stories and the posts that they do to their feed. It’s the most incredible feeling in the world, I can’t even verbalize it.”
If you missed out on Brooks’ last drop, his Park City Fashion Week Release is coming soon. “This was a major moment in my career, and I’m really glad that we pulled it off and that people enjoyed the line,” Brooks said of his first-ever show. “I’m forever grateful for this incredible, career-changing opportunity that I had, and I will never take it for granted.”
"Despite what some of her The Real Housewives of Atlanta co-stars might have to say (see: this interview with Kenya Moore), season 13's new peach holder Drew Sidora says she's not thirsty in the least. In fact, she claims she's beyond hydrated.
"I take care of myself," Drew tells ET over video chat from her Georgia home, responding to Kenya describing her as parched. "I'm a big girl, and it's a shot and I take it for what it is. Sometimes negativity comes in different forms and, right now, it's just coming from a fluffy face."
Drew and Kenya did not get off on the right foot (no pun intended, as Drew was recovering from surgery on her Achilles tendon when RHOA went into production), as seen in last Sunday's episode, where the pair met on camera. Kenya giggled as the show's new "friend of" LaToya Ali made jokes about Drew's wig looking like a cat (Kenya did also tell LaToya to stop making the comments) and joked about Cynthia Bailey, who introduced Drew to the group, finding friends "at the pound."
"I really felt something with Kenya," Drew recalls of the moment. "Like, I didn't know because it wasn't in my face, but I did feel the energy just -- I couldn't figure it out! So, after watching [the episode, it] explains a lot, you know what I mean? Why the relationship ended up -- or ends up -- where it is. Even with LaToya, they never said it to me. So, I just was like, wow. That's really shocking, a pet on my head? Is that what we’re talking about?"
"She was a cute little kitten and I felt good about it when I walked out the door," Drew adds of her wig, which she styled herself as she wasn't getting professional hair and makeup done due to the coronavirus pandemic. "I think all girls can relate to the struggle of COVID and us trying to keep our looks together."
It seems safe to say, Drew and Kenya's relationship will continue to be on shaky ground as season 13 unfolds. While she doesn't know for sure, Drew surmises that jealousy might play a factor in Kenya’s inability to form a friendship with the Step Up star.
"She just didn't take to me the way that I would've expected," Drew muses. "We’re both actresses, and we come up in this industry, so I was surprised by it, but -- definitely -- she didn't welcome me in the way that I thought."
"You know, you can’t get along with everybody and I’m learning that," she adds. "As much as it would have been awesome, because I really did look up to her when I was a little girl, it was awkward to me."
Drew confesses just doing reality TV was also awkward to start. While she's played herself on TV before, she's never just been herself on camera.
"I'm used to script," she notes. "I know what I said and [now I’m] like, OK, this scene here, I’m like, what all did they capture? It’s, like, long scenes at times … [and] that is a little worrisome. But, I feel really good about it because I'm being super open, super real and it’s a journey -- and everyone’s going to witness that. So, as scary as that is, I am truly here for it."
Drew claims Bravo pursued her for years to be on the show, starting back in 2015 when she was due to give birth to her now-5-year-old son Machai. She was going to fly out to Atlanta when she went into labor early, ending any talks. Then, last year, her co-star from the 2015 film Sister Code, then-Housewife Eva Marcille, brought her around the cast when they filmed at Cynthia Bailey's wine cellar opening/surprise engagement party.
"Then, they came back for season 13," she says. "I was like, OK. Like, God what are you trying to tell me? Obviously, this is it and it's meant to be, and I just felt like with everything that I had gone through -- 2020 has been a rough year, I’m sure for everybody, so it was just, like, I have a lot to share and I would never have the opportunity to share it just doing a film or TV. You would never see [me] dealing with so much of my life, so I just felt like it was the right time."
Drew started laying things out for the world to see in her debut episode, as she and her husband of six years, Ralph Pittman, got into a tense argument during their engagement dinner, with Drew pressing Ralph for details on why he disappeared for three days just before she started filming Housewives.
"It unraveled literally with the cameras and I definitely didn't plan that, nor did I want to," she admits. "I wish I could take it back. In that moment, I was super embarrassed, which is why you saw me walk off, because I was like, this is too much. I'm done."
"We’re dealing with our marriage now," she adds. "We’re in counseling and I’m super grateful for that."
While Ralph going MIA may have come off as a shock to the audience, Drew says it wasn’t totally unexpected. She calls her husband "a runner," and clarifies that he’s done this before -- just never for more than a day, which is why it turned into "red flag territory" on TV.
"I got my eyes open, you know?" she remarks. "I'm a woman and of course my mind is going to go to all those different places that our minds go to, which is why we’re in counseling and we're doing the work effectively and I think healthily now."
"Ultimately, we love each other," Drew declares. "We’re committed to our marriage, and as you'll see on this season, things do come out that help us to kind of better understand [each other]."
Drew says she continues to get answers "daily" to questions she has about her marriage, like when she accused Ralph of spying on her with a nanny cam while he was “missing.” It will all come to light as the season continues to air. Reality TV has a reputation for “ruining” marriages, but Drew says she’s not worried about that. Instead, she sees airing out her so-called dirty laundry for millions of people as added therapy for the couple.
"It's kind of like, when you've tried all different things -- like, we tried counseling, you know? I think what I learned is, we didn't stick to it," she says. "We tried arguing, we tried, ‘Well, let's separate…’ We tried all those different things and when you get to this point you're like, what else do we have to lose? This is something we haven't tried, which is putting it out there being able to see ourselves in a real, true light and also being committed to counseling."
Drew says she's most excited for the viewers to see more of her home life, getting to know her three kids -- Josiah, Machai and Aniya -- and her mom, Pastor Jeanette. There’s also a lot to come with the group. Fans will see Drew bond with her "ride or die" Porsha Williams, whose work to amplify the Black Lives Matter movement she praises and, of course, there’s "stripper-gate," the allegations surrounding cast members hooking up with a male stripper at Cynthia's bachelorette party.
"I was shocked to hear the aftermath, because I always thought what happened at a girls' bachelorette party stayed at a girls' bachelorette party," Drew says. "I was disappointed and I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what they are talking about. I was in my bed, asleep. So, I will be sitting there with my popcorn right along with y’all just watching it, because I have no idea."
"I don’t believe it to be true at all," she says of the rumors floating around.
Along with waiting for answers on stripper-gate, fans will be tuning in each week to see what exactly drives Drew to tell one of her castmates, "Don’t f**k with me! I’m from Chicago, b***h!" She more than hints she's lobs the phrase Kenya’s way.
"In that moment … I was triggered in a way that just sent me there," she teases. "It’s like, where I come from, it’s a line you don’t cross. I am super chill. I pretty much can’t get along with a lot of people. I just like to have fun, and there is a line, but when you cross that line -- and people from Chicago know we have boundaries, and I think with anyone you have to allow people to know how they are supposed to treat you -- and that is that respect line. And when it’s crossed, then all bets are off, and at that moment it’s, like, that’s what happened."
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Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - December 2nd, 2020

"Actress Drew Sidora is known for her performances in the Disney Channel series “That’s So Raven,” the VH1 biopic “CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story” and the dance film “Step Up.”
The Olympia Fields native plays the role of wife, mother and actress in a pandemic on the new season of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” which is scheduled to premiere at 7 p.m. Sunday on the Bravo network.
Viewers meet Sidora, 37, on Season 13′s second episode, which is set to air Dec. 13. The Rich Central High School graduate, who is married to business executive Ralph Pittman, is raising three children. She has the unenviable task of joining the cast of a long-running TV show that has become the flagship of “The Real Housewives” brand, thanks to notable personalities such as NeNe Leakes (who is not slated to return for Season 13) and Kenya Moore (who is back).
Sidora’s drama seems to center around her husband’s mysterious three-day disappearance. Her mother also lives in their home. She said her father is battling Alzheimer’s disease in an Illinois nursing home. Sidora chatted with the Tribune about her time on “The Real Housewives” in a recent phone interview. The following transcript has been edited for clarity and condensed for space.
Q. What made you decide to sign up for the “Housewives?”
A. It was just one of those things. I was approached back in 2015 to join the show. I was pregnant with my now-5-year-old, and while I was in Chicago visiting family, my water broke. I was only 28 weeks, so I was actually transferred and admitted into Rush (hospital). I was there for like five weeks, ordered to bed rest and delivered Machai, 4 pounds, 4 ounces, at 32 weeks. So we kind of just stayed there, and I was like, now’s not the right time.
It just wasn’t good timing, so when they came back around, we were just moving to Atlanta. I got a chance to hang out with (former cast member) Eva Marcille and (cast member) Cynthia (Bailey) at her wine cellar opening (last year). And that’s when it was like, all right, this is awesome. And so this year, here we are. So, it was kind of God. It was like, all right, three times. Three-time charm. This was the third time, and it just felt really like perfect timing.
After everything we’ve gone through this year for 2020, it was just like, why not? Why not open myself to let people get to know the real me that I usually can’t show in any movie or TV show I would ever do? This is going to be just raw and really just introduce the world to who I am as a person.
Q. Besides Eva and Cynthia, did you know any of the other cast members before joining the show?
A. I knew Porsha (Williams). I had done an interview on Dish, so I got a chance to hang out with her. She’s my neighbor, so she literally lives six minutes away from me. That was awesome. Also Shamea (Morton), who’s a friend on the show, she was in the TLC biopic, so I had met her a few years back when we filmed that movie.
Q. Was it difficult to join a show with 12 seasons of history?
A. It’s an amazing show. I know I watched the show over the course of the years. Before we started filming, I went back to Season 1 and just really got more familiar with everything. I think it’s just awesome to see what the ladies have been able to do as far as their businesses are concerned and just really showcasing how as women we can get along. We can have fun. I’m sure you have girlfriends. You know sometimes everything’s not perfect, and you have to have those tough conversations or disagreements, or whatever. I was just excited to meet the ladies. Obviously everyone’s been super awesome and just very inviting toward me. Not that everything’s perfect — but most of them are just really enjoyable, and (I’m) just getting to know each and every one of them.
Q. When did you become a fan of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta?”
A. I would definitely say my family, they’ve been super fans, so just watching it with them. I absolutely love NeNe and wishing her well. She opened the door to this franchise, and I thought she was amazing on the show. Very, very entertaining. For me, it was just about showing myself. I’ve had three surgeries on my Achilles, and my dad has Alzheimer’s, and just what I go through. I feel like just being able to share that and open my home, hopefully to inspire somebody and just to show as an actor, this is also my life. It’s not always glitz and glamour and just show that journey of an actor that you wouldn’t get to see on any film or television show that I’ve done.
Q. A (Bravo) news release mentions some marital troubles. Can you give us some more details of what the viewers will see this season?
A. Oh, Lord. They’re going to see just us. Just the Pittmans. Obviously, my husband left for three days. I did not know where he was. That was just a thing that I thought we would never be showing to 30 million viewers, but it happened. You’re going to just see us really trying to figure this marriage thing out for the sake of our family and for what we came together and for the love that we do share. We’re just really trying to be better. We’re in counseling, so you’ll be able to see that journey as it plays out. We’re just really working hard to save our marriage.
Q. You know that being on the show is usually a marriage killer, though? There’s kind of a curse that happens to couples when they go on “The Real Housewives.”
A. I refute that though because my mom is a pastor, and we do a lot of praying in our house. I don’t think the show could make or break your marriage. I think it just would probably bring things to the forefront that you may try to ignore. And so I feel like if the marriage is supposed to work, it’s going to work whether you’re on this show or not. I really feel like for us, it’s been very instrumental in helping. I’ve had to have really tough conversations and really be vulnerable, and I think, honestly, it’s brought us closer because we’re doing the work. We’re committed to our counseling sessions. We’re committed to doing our homework and really staying together, and that’s just a decision that we’ve made. Of course we’re not going to let anything come between that, but I think being able to show that to the world — marriage is not easy; divorce is not the first thing you have to do — that’s what really (we) are most excited to share.
Q. And how much will we see of your three children this season?
A. Oh, they’re all over the place! It’s a pandemic. They’re in virtual schools. They’re in the house, literally, all the time, and so you’ll see them. We don’t have a nanny. We’re just getting settled, and we’re like schoolteachers. We’re everything. They have been a very intricate part of what you will see this season for sure.
Q. “The Real Housewives” is known for escapism, but the new season begins with the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. How do you feel about the shift in tone this season?
A. It’s going to be powerful because Black Lives Matter, that’s a big deal. And it’s something that we definitely need to keep the conversation going in, so that we can continue to do what’s right and fight for equal justice and equality and better gun laws, gun reform. And now we have a new president! I think all of that is really what we’re going through, so it’s very real. It’s very raw. I think it’s great that Bravo decided to showcase that because the world needs to see that.
Q. Now that you’re on the show, what was one thing that surprised you since you’ve been behind the scenes?
A. I was very shocked. I’m like, oh, cameras are here. I’m used to takes, multiple takes, and a director, and all of those things. And this is way different. I’m definitely able to say this is a challenge for me. This is something new, but it’s definitely exciting. What you see is what you get. It is very raw. We did not plan this stuff. It just is what it is, so that was definitely just different from what I’m used to.
Q. What other TV and film projects do you have coming up?
A. Right now I’m on “Influence,” which is an adaptation of Carl Weber’s New York Times bestselling book “Influence.” It’s streaming right now on BET and BET Plus. It stars Deborah Cox, ohmigod, so many amazing people. Kellita Smith. Amazing cast. Columbus Short. That project I’m really, really, really excited about. I also am directing my first film next year. We’re in preproduction for that right now.
Q. How has the pandemic affected your career?
A. Oh, majorly. One thing through this whole pandemic, when my checks stopped, I was like, wait a minute. I still have a family. It forced me to challenge myself to realize the importance of creating your own content, so I immediately started my production company. My husband and I started Eudora Entertainment, which is a full-fledged production company. We just got distribution through eOne. We just wrapped production of our first film. Really kudos to the pandemic because although it was difficult, although it’s been super-challenging, it really forced a lot of people to just think outside of the box.
I’ve been in front of the camera, but definitely for me, getting behind the camera is going to open up so many doors to actors that may have never had the opportunity. That’s what I’m most excited about, but the pandemic really pushed me to that. To realize, you’ve got to get out here and create your own content. Get online. Do more. Write more. I’m grateful for that because the industry, Hollywood, shut down for a really long time, and you couldn’t travel. So there were projects that I was slated to do and productions went down because they couldn’t work. I was like, OK, that’s not going to happen. I’m going to create my content and try to make sure that that never happens. I’m always able to work even through a pandemic.
Q. And what do you want the viewers to know about you as they’re watching you on the show?
A. I just want them to know Drew Sidora Pittman, the wife, the mother and the actress, and really just be gentle with me. I am not perfect, and I think that’s what you will see is that I am on a journey of really just getting back to myself. I’m rehabbing my Achilles and just really inspiring people, hopefully, to know no matter what you’re going through, you can push through anything, even during a pandemic.
Q. How often do you get back to the Chicago area?
A. Normally, if we weren’t in a pandemic, I would be home twice a month visiting my dad, visiting my family. I haven’t been there now in seven months. I’m hoping, maybe when things get safe again, I can go visit around the holidays or top of next year because I really do miss my family. I had a dream about my dad last night. I woke up in tears just really wanting to see him. I’m really hoping sooner than later I’ll be able to get out to Chicago. I love my city. I need some Garrett Popcorn right about now. I need some Harold’s Chicken, so I’m definitely going to be there very soon.
Q. Now that you have a season under your belt, do you think Chicago should have its own edition of “The Real Housewives?”
A. I would love that. We have one of the most amazing cities (and) Lake Michigan. I think the world needs a Chicago “Real Housewives” franchise ASAP."
"Garcelle Beauvais' Thanksgiving wasn't exactly celebratory. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star spent the day, which also happened to be her 54th birthday, isolating due to a COVID-19 scare on the set of Housewives. ET was first to report that production on the show's 11th season was halted last week after a crew member tested positive for the coronavirus.
"We shot for Housewives on Tuesday, Tuesday night we got home and found out that a few people in our crew tested positive for COVID," Garcelle confesses in ET's first look at this Tuesday's episode of The Real. Garcelle says she and her castmates all have to quarantine for 14 days, and her 13-year-old twin sons, Jaid and Jax, are temporarily staying with their father, Garcelle's ex-husband, Mike Nilon.
"We do all the protocols," Garcelle tells her Real co-hosts. "We get tested at least three times a week. We get tested before we shoot. You know, my kids get tested, I get tested, anybody who's in my household, and you know, we did the right things, but at the same time, it just shows you that this virus -- you can touch something, you can… you know, it's not necessarily just from people."
"Hopefully everybody will be healthy, and we're down for a few weeks, but then we'll be back to work," she adds. "But luckily for me, we do The Real from home, so I can still do this job, which I’m thankful for."
Garcelle says she has no symptoms, has had multiple negative coronavirus tests and continues to be tested multiple times a week amid her quarantine.
Season 11 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will feature Garcelle alongside Lisa Rinna, Kyle Richards, Dorit Kemsley, Erika Jayne, Sutton Stracke, as well as new 'Wife Crystal Kung Minkoff and new "friend of" Kathy Hilton. It’s slated to premiere in 2021."
"One is the mother of a pop singer best known for failing to impress the judges on the The X Factor.
Another has rubbed shoulders with Donald Trump, while a third is a 57-year-old thrill-seeker.
They are among seven glamorous and successful women aiming to put Jersey back in the TV spotlight in a new reality show.
The Channel Island's first small screen claim to fame came in the Seventies with Enemy At The Door, about wartime life under Nazi occupation.
But perhaps Jersey is still best known to many viewers as the setting for Eighties detective drama Bergerac, starring John Nettles as unorthodox ex-cop Jim Bergerac.
Now The Real Housewives Of Jersey hope to show viewers a different side of island life.
The ITV reality series aims to portray everything from its picturesque tranquil beaches to the glitzy party scene.
And yesterday the cast of the show, which will begin airing at the end of the month on ITVBe, was unveiled.
Tessa Hartmann, mother of British singer and X Factor contestant Tallia Storm, will be joined by businesswoman Ashley Cairney and natural medicine guru Hedi Green.
Fashionista Jane Rayner, socialite Kate Taylor, model Mia Ledbury and estate agent Margaret Thompson round off the cast.
A short trailer gives a glimpse into the women's lifestyles as they are seen swimming in a luxurious outdoor infinity pool, getting off a private jet and, of course, sipping champagne.
ITV says the ten-part series 'will follow the highs and lows of our marvellous Housewives and their families who all live life to the full on the island while bringing fun, laughter, tears and of course, plenty of glamour'.
It is the second UK version of The Real Housewives franchise – there are more than a dozen covering various parts of the US but the only British location until now has been the award-winning The Real Housewives Of Cheshire.
Executive producer Mike Swindells said: 'Having spent an incredible summer embracing all that the beautiful island of Jersey offers, we can't wait to introduce the world to this magnificent location and our raft of exceptional new Housewives.
'As viewers would expect, the lives of The Real Housewives of Jersey are as complicated as ever.'
The entire series will be available to watch on the ITV Hub on the same day it launches on ITVBe, in the week after Christmas. Here we profile the programme's seven stars.
She may be a 57-year-old mother of three daughters but that doesn't stop Hedi Green skydiving, motorbike riding and paddleboarding.
The 'warrior of life' has lived in Jersey for 35 years. A practitioner of natural medicine who believes in the energy of earth and healing, she has three clinics.
Originally from the Midlands, Jane Rayner, 56, has been living in Jersey for five years. The fashionista is twice divorced and currently engaged – so hoping it'll be third time lucky.
Sir David Attenborough is one of her heroes and she is keen to do her bit to protect the environment.
At 58, Margaret Thompson is the oldest Housewife. She moved to the island when she was 18 and has worked her way up from pot washer to the self-styled 'Queen of Jersey property'.
Originally from Scotland, Miss Thompson was pictured rubbing shoulders with Donald Trump at a New Year party in 2016. Her dogs have their own following on Instagram.
Kate Taylor, 51, has lived on the island for 30 years and has become well known on the Jersey social scene for her gregarious character and extravagant outfits.
She is an ambassador for a number of charities and is into yoga and wellness.
Tessa Hartmann, 50, is the mother of singer Tallia Storm.
She is originally from Scotland and moved to Jersey five years ago with her husband, composer and film director Sascha Hartmann.
The couple began their PR agency Hartmann Media in 1996 and she has represented designers including Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren.
Former model Mia Ledbury, 44, originally from Australia, moved to Jersey only five years ago with her husband Dan and their two daughters.
She is beginning to dip her toe back into the modelling world after taking a break to have children.
Ashley Cairney, at 31 the youngest Housewife, is the only Jersey-born girl on the show and a self-made businesswoman.
She is married to Ben, her high school sweetheart whom she has been with since the age of 17, and the couple have two young children.
They each run their own business on the island."
In a series of November 30 Instagram Stories, Jo revealed, “We are doing the thing that all new couples should do when they first start dating.”
“Maybe not when they first start dating,” Taran chimed in.
“OK, and we are doing the thing that all couples should do before getting engaged one day,” Jo clarified. “Take a long road trip together. So we are off to San Francisco, which is about a good eight hours away. But knowing all of the stops we’re going to do, it will be 11.”
Jo previously introduced Taran to her Instagram followers and podcast listeners. In an October 3 post in celebration of National Boyfriend Day, Jo shared a selfie of the two with a heartfelt caption.
“My whole heart and soul. If you’ve been listening to PopCandy for the last few months now, you’ve been hearing me gush about ‘Broadway Boy’ and sharing our crazy story about meeting in the middle of COVID. Happy to finally show you the handsome face behind the name and why my heart has felt so full these days,” Jo wrote. “@tarangraymusic thank you for being a light and a gift in my life.”
Taran commented on Jo’s sweet post to add, “I love you baby girl. I wouldn’t want to battle this year the way we have with anyone else.”
In a later Instagram post, Jo revealed that the pair met virtually and kept in contact for a bit before meeting in person.
“Found this pic of our first time ever meeting after 3 months of COVID dating over a screen! Can you tell how excited we were to finally meet in real life?” Jo wrote. “I think I’ll keep him!”
Jo even shared a little dating advice with a follower who commented on the post, “I might actually try again if I could find a sweetheart like you. I haven’t dated for 10 years.” Jo shared the secret to her romantic success, writing in response, “Try Hinge. That’s where we met and I think the best pool of quality people who are looking for love there, but that was just my experience having tried all the major dating apps.”
"In the November 29 episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac, we got a glimpse at the newest addition to Karen Huger’s House of La’Dame and one of her "best projects to date," La'Dame by Karen Huger X RPGShow. Karen teamed up with her hairstylist, Steven Thomas (also known as "The Hair Doc") and launched an exclusive wig line, which she introduced to the rest of the ‘Wives during her “Wig Shift” party.
We recently caught up with Karen and Steven and got all the tea on how this "bold and sexy" wig line came to be. Read on to learn how these two create their hair magic.
What inspired you two to launch a wig line and what has that process been like?
Karen Huger: I have worn wigs for quite some time. I had that wig shift on national TV and that was my aha moment. So, I had been looking to develop my own wig line — one that fit and feels wonderful. When RPGShow presented the opportunity to work together to create the collaboration, I knew I wanted Steven to be by my side as the creative director. He is a genius hairstylist!
Steven Thomas: Creating this wig line with Karen is one of my best projects to date. It's gratifying and has allowed myself and Karen to get closer and bond. Karen gives me freedom to fly creatively with her guidance, which is the ultimate reason why I love being a part of her glam team!
How did you start working together?
KH: A few years ago I was looking for a new hairstylist and I heard about Steven. As you know your hairstylist is someone who you spend quality time with. Once we met, it was pure magic.
What is your work dynamic like when creating hairstyles?
KH: There are just some people in your life with whom you gel effortlessly. When I find a look I want, I discuss it with Steven and he styles my wigs with that goal in mind — with a bit of Hair Doc extra.
Do you ever disagree on what looks good?
KH: We work together and feed off of each other to get to what I envisioned... then we end up elevating the look!
Has Karen's style changed at all since working with Steven?
KH: My style has evolved. I always have my classic look, now just with a modern twist.
How do you choose the wig looks you're going to create?
KH: I think about what women want and what women need to help empower themselves to be the best they can be. If there is one thing I know, it’s that if you’re having a great hair day, nothing can stop you.
Explain the meaning behind your wigs' different names.
KH: Each of the wigs in my bold and sexy line has her own personality/mood. Victoria, for example, she's a queen. She goes from boardroom meetings to a night out with her friends. She’s powerful, intelligent, sultry, elegant, and versatile. When you wear one of the wigs from my collection you'll know the Grande Dame is by your side.
What do you have planned next for your La’Dame empire?
KH: La'Dame is not only beauty... beauty is only the beginning. I am so excited as we continue to grow. The sky's the limit!"
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Four: Tiger Woods Investment in United States coins. This is actually one of my favorite investments on the list. People love to talk about how much they are betting against a certain stock but really, if you are investing in United States coins then you are going to have a pretty good chance of beating the market at a time like this. You just need to know which companies are buying up these gold coins right now to get in on the ground floor.
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Unlock iCloud Activation Lock without Apple ID for Free
How to unlock icloud activation lock without apple id:
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Possessing an iPhone SE having an Activation Lock is an issue since you can not use the telephone until you Unlock it, and doing so may isnt going to beeasy. Your best bet is to understand what it means to get an Locked iCloud iPhone 7 Plus, the way to fix this issue, and what to avoid when seeking to open it up again. Certified Unlock iCloud For Free. Bypass In less than 4 Minutes Unlocking iCloud iPhone.
Apple's Mechanism Method featuring Locked Activation discovered on No need for PC, and the Only with Android was created to prevent Stolen devices being used by anyone but the original proprietor. If you see an onscreen message which reads Activation Lock, the telephone is iCloud Lock and requires the original Apple ID username and password you used to set up the telephone to iCloud Lock Skip it.
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Unlocking iCloud Lock 2019 is a free software that allows you to unlock iCloud account in less than five minutes. This tool has been developed by a team of experts and experts.

The users have given many positive reviews and have taken the opportunity to share the tips that have helped them unlock iCloud quickly. Here are some of those tips:

Go through the instructions carefully to unlock iCloud lock all the time using the software one or two times if required.

Accessing iCloud first is the best way to remove iCloud lock from the locked iPhone.

Many users are also sharing that they've used different apps to unlock iCloud – some have said it worked and some did not. Unlock iCloud Lock on iPhone 6 S
One of the frustrated users wrote:

"Right now we can't check the iCloud. Have I lost my data? I can't access iCloud, etc.."

He continued, "On my iPhone 6s with iOS 12 jailbreak stuck with the phone is I can not unlock iCloud. I accessed it in the browser, but it's gone. I tried to delete through Cydia. The jailbreak has been killed. Now you can make an iCloud download? I'd be very grateful if you help this stupid problem."

The users have also been sharing how they unlocked iCloud lock and have used some best methods to make it work.

Removing iCloud Lock from an iPad

A very frustrated user wrote,

"I am blind and can not unlock my iPad or iPhone. I have tried to do everything. I am not even able to type an email password is I can not use the iCloud on the iPad or iPhone.

I have no access to my lockscreen settings. I have all tutorials and have entered them. I looked on the Apple website, I checked my email address on your website. I have restarted, and restarted again. I would like him to get back to my email inbox and change them. I'm very frustrated. This is my iPad account.

Unlock iCloud Activation Lock without ID or Password

These iCloud Unlocking Tools are some of the easiest and fastest tool to iCloud unlock for free. If you want to unlock iCloud without knowing a user's passcode, you can use these tools to handle your iCloud backup data directly.

Any tools that use iCloud backup should be left to be used in the cloud storage only. This tool remains on the computer after you download and install iCloud Unlocker on your computer.

If you want to find the exact iCloud account error, just follow the easy steps listed below:

Turn on Airplane mode on your phone. Power it off completely by holding the power button for 30 seconds.

unlock icloud locked iphone can be done on many iphones which are jailbreak and not jailbreak, and who are iPhone 6s iphone 5s 5c 5.

Here are some more tips that might be helpful:

Just as it is done with the unlocking process, a jailbreak is the biggest security risk when it comes to the features that Apple itself has to offer. However, if you're an Android user, that includes iCloud as well.

unlock icloud activation lock without apple id numbers will not find the iCloud lock when the iCloud unlock method is not yet implemented.

In order to fully understand how to unlock iCloud lock, it first demands you to be a little bit familiar with the iCloud settings.

This entire process will be to familiarize you with iCloud.

15 mins to remove iCloud lock

To remove iCloud lock, all you need is to download the software and follow the easy steps given inside then restart your device.

It helps to use the iCloud unlock tool after rebooting the device.

After rebooting, open the iCloud page using the Activation lock manager you can see all the iCloud devices that have been unlocked.

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All you have to do for this one is die. You probably have it by now, but if you're super attached to your first Bitizen, you can always save your Bitlife and play somebody else wastefully or hold out until they pass.
Octogenarian See your 80th birthday Nonagenarian 90th birthday Centenarian 100th birthday Super-centarian 110th birthday Mega-centarian 120th birthday
Get on a healthy diet and garden and meditate twice a year. I like Nutrisystem. It's expensive, but I have advice for managing that below...
Strong Genes Achieve a 500-year generation Long Lineage 1000-year generation Living Legacy 5000-year generation
Never don't have kids. I like leaving everything to the youngest child and playing as them, but that won't make your kids happy with you or your heir. Your call. Either way, it helps to have a couple Bitlifes going in case you get tired of living carefully. Sometimes you're gonna want to be more reckless, you know?
Millionaire Become a millionaire My Second Million Achieve a net worth of $2m
Now that we have Royalty and Sports, this is a lot easier. Traditionally, if you're hot (95%+), drop out of high school and get your GED ($1k, you can do that in a couple years of dog walking/freelance gigs) and wait for a singer or actor career. If not, work hard in school and go to the gym often. Check your parents' stats and if they're generous make sure you pass your drivers test (maybe even ask if you can get a nicer one! immediately sell your car, they lose value fast) and take a martial art. It's much cheaper if they pay for it ($1K per tier in some countries) and gets you in good shape. If you're athletic, grind at a sport from middle school onwards. If you're not, try some athletic-adjacent clubs and go to the gym and for walks often. Pets count as additional walks which you can take from age 8+. When you're in good shape you can get a soccer scholarship (which can become a/)or a professional sports contract. More sports tips below, same with other careers. Basically try to get famous, not through politics. Or be hot and marry rich/have rich parents who die/be royal.
Multimillionaire Achieve a net worth of $10m Rich Net worth of $20m Super Rich Net worth of $50m Stinking Rich Net worth of $100m
Get a couple million first, then invest it in real estate. Or do ads if you're famous and it won't ruin your career. Helps to be big on social media for influence on that stuff. Fix up 1M+ houses and flip them when they've hit a value of 2 or 3 million. If you've got great karma or you're a religious figure of some kind, exorcise some mansions. You can do it all that way, or keep grinding careers.
Bitionaire Achieve a net worth of $1b
It's hard to get here from 0. Helps to leave everything to your youngest kid before you die after living a long, fruitful life. You can let your kid "take over" your assets at any time without tax now, that's the best way to do it. Then as soon as they're 18 make them famous/invest in real estate and repeat.
Actor Become an actor
Be hot. You can drop out at 16 and get your GED for $1k (ask your parents for money or do freelance gigs for a couple of years). If you're not, go to the gym and for walks often. Pets count as additional walks which you can take from age 8+. Grind at a sport in school if you can to keep your health well and get plastic surgery at 18. Generally if your appearance stats are low it's either a nose job or liposuction that will fix it. Always go to the best plastic surgeon. Marry rich if you have to or work for a couple years if you have to, but start the career as soon as you can. Always work 5 more hours a week than required and compliment your supervisor if their coolness is high. Sleep with people in Hollywood (bosses coworkers etc). Your spouse/parent will generally be mad if you're in rude magazines, so hold off on dating unless they're cool or make them deal with it.
Airplane Pilot Become an airline captain
Grind in school and keep your mental health well. No drugs but drink if you feel like it, just make sure you can go to AA or whatever. Always work 5 more hours a week than required and compliment your supervisor if their coolness is high. If you're rich and you've inherited an airplane or you can afford lessons, take them. Go to University for a science thing that isn't biology lol. Start your Pilot Apprentice job.
At Inner Peace Work 75 years as a monk
Follow my longevity tips above and don't party or drink or do drugs. Always be honest. Meditate. Don't date.
Candywriter Work for Bitlife
Be born in Tampa, United States. Go to university for Information Systems. You'll get the achievement right away when you're hired.
CEO Become a CEO
Go to school for Finance. Get a job. Work hard every year.
Dentist Become a dentist
Go to university for biology, then dental school. Work hard every year.
Doctor Become a doctor
Go to university for biology, then medical school. Work hard every year.
Fire Chief Become a fire chief
Stay in good shape. Work hard every year.
Jack Of All Trades Have 10 careers in one life
Work at retail and food service jobs for less than a year, then go to university to get even more opportunities. Keep going for different paths.
Judge Become a judge Lawyer Become a lawyer
Go to school for english. Go to law school. Work hard every year.
Last Resort Seduce your boss to save your job
Be hot. Work fewer hours than required at your job. Make sure your supervisor is attracted to your gender and low professionalism. When your boss tries to fire you, seduce them.
People Person
Start with your less popular coworkers and work your way up. Pay attention to their stats so you know what they want. Get hard-to-get people with Bitlife Bitizenships ($5).
Armed & Dangerous Kill someone with a learned martial art move
Get to the top level of a martial art, (especially in prison) pick someone old to attack. Start a fight with them.
Midieval Attack Get attacked with a midieval weapon
Kinda chance. Just keep picking fights. You can get into a lot of fights if you're rude at nightclubs or to people on the street. Sometimes if you attack your loved ones or enemies with a weapon they'll kill you with a sword or something.
No Grasshopper Earn the top belt in a martial art
Each martial art has 10 tiers. They can cost $1k+ if you're an adult so if you've got generous parents take advantage.
Sensei San Earn the top belt in every martial art
Have health above 50% when you take a martial arts lesson. Follow above tips. Parents will probably only pay for one set of lessons, so pay for the other arts yourself as an adult. At $10k per martial art, it will probably cost you $40k-$50k.
Addicted Sustain 3 addictions at once
Play Blackjack or go to the horse races often with mid-tier mental health. Get addicted to pills or some other hard non-psychedelic drugs. Start drinking last b/c it'll kill your health. Try not to let your Bitizen get depressed or you might die, lol. All addiction is dangerous so it may take a few tries.
Bubonic Plague Contract the bubonic plague
Have low health and luck out. I got it in the UK.
Foam at the Mouth Contract rabies
Try to take home every wild animal you see. One might bite you. If you succeed, take it to the vet. If it doesn't have rabies, release it. If it does, don't treat it! Take it home and bathe it until it bites you.
Sickly Contract 10 diseases in one life
Best if you're not vaccinated, but just have mid-tier health and be really social. All afflictions count.
Successful Rehab Have rehab cured at a rehab center
Go to fancy rehab if you can afford it. Do it from your military deployment to go AWOL.
Witchcraft Get cured of a disease by the witch doctor
Eye of newt and cow tongue are iffy. Always start with health at 100. They've fixed cancer and sickle cell for me.
BitBoi Watch Bijuu Mike on YouTube BTS ARMY Go to a BTS concert
Keep asking friends to watch YouTube/go to concerts every year until you get those options.
Movie Junkie Go to 5 movies in one life Moviegoer Go to a movie
Go to the movies every year. It's good for your relationship if you go with somebody.
Brightest Star Achieve maximum fame
Actor, model, writer, athlete career path. Keep doing every bonus thing (talk shows, books, pose nude, commercials) and verify on social media.
Centerfold Pose for Wank magazine
Agree to pose nude every time until you get it. I think this one has women mostly but I can't remember.
Endorser Get paid $2m for a commercial
Easy if you're a high paid actor or model doing an international commercial.
K-Pop Become a famous Korean singer
See my wealth advice. Follow it with the "background singer" career and start in Korea.
DNA Donor Make 25 sperm donations in one life
This one is hard b/c you can only do it once a year and only until a certain age. So start at 18 and don't stop. I think you have to be American. Maybe UK and Canada too? Not legal everywhere. Try not to miss a year.
Fabulously Fertile Have 10 children in one life Fertile Myrtle Mother 25 children in one life
Meditate every year. Start at 18. You have to be cis. Eat healthy and exercise. Get boyfriends and have unprotected sex with them so you don't get STDs. You can be a mother up until like 51 if you're healthy and lucky. Keep having sex until you get pregnant.
Smart Seed Get artificially inseminated with lawyer sperm
Start at 18. You have to be cis. Be fertile (tips above). Keep pulling up the option to get artificially inseminated until a lawyer comes up. Don't listen to your partner if they don't want you to do it LOL.
Super Sperm Have 100 children in one life
Be a cis dude. Meditate. Be handsome. Have a million girlfriends. Use the dating app to keep dating young women. Don't abandon any kids but leave girlfriends as soon as they're pregnant. Hire every surrogate that will take you if it's legal. Sue them for the max ($200k) if they bail (not miscarry).
Three's Company Have triplets
Sometimes this happens if you're a dude with luck or while you're doing Super Sperm. Sometimes if you're a woman it's luck too or when you do IVF with your partner's sperm or other artificial insemination.
Career Military Serve your full career in the military
Tips for staying alive below. Retire as soon as you can.
General Achieve the rank of general in the military
Be a good Army person. Grind at work like 5x a year. Keep in shape. Be nice to your seargeant.
Admiral Reach the rank of admiral in the military
Be a good Navy person. Grind at work like 5x a year. Keep in shape. Be nice to your seargeant.
Absent Without Leave Go AWOL in the military
Be deployed with an addiction and check into rehab. Whoops.
Excavator Clear 10 minefields
Be deployed, and use a minesweeper solver to not die if you suck at minesweeper.
Adopt Don't Shop Rescue every pet in the shelter
You gotta have a few houses. Then you're good. You gotta do it all in one year so have like a lot of houses. Like 5 at least. Tips for getting rich above.
Horsing Around Own 50 horses in one life
You gotta have a bunch of ranches. Buy a few horses a year. Tips for getting rich above.
Just Keep Swimming Buy a goldfish and release it.
You can do this one as a kid too if your parent gets you a goldfish.
Natural Selection Rescue every pet in the shelter
This one took forever. Just keep buying dangerous exotic pets and rescuing every dangerous animal you see. It's luck.
No Probllama Buy a Llama
Buy a ranch in Afghanistan. Go pet shopping.
Aftermath Escape prison in a riot Instigator Prison riot
Get good at Snake. Keep rioting. Works best in low security. Takes a couple tries, kind of luck.
Behind Bars Spend 50 years in prison True Lifer 75 years in prison
Do a murder in a country without the death penalty (Canada). Murder with full health at 18. Get a prison job. Meditate and work out every year. Keep your head down. Try half-heartedly to escape every once in a while so you don't accidentally get parole or something. But if you get out you can always go back. Rob a bank or something. But keep your health and behaviour up in case you get sick and need to go to the infirmary.
Gangsta Join a prison gang
Go to a medium or higher security prison.
Inmating Get a lover pregnant on a conjugal visit
Be a cis man with high fertility. Have a good relationship (80%+) with an 18 year old cis woman. Make sure she isn't on birth control. Do a small crime, get a prison job, and meditate. Request a conjugal visit.
Justice Get freed from prison by appeal
Be rich. Wait a couple years after you're sentenced for something non-violent.
Mercy Me Get granted clemency
Be a nun or a monk for 50+ years. Don't retire. Do a murder. Get a prison job. Meditate, work out, go to the library, and write letters to home. You won't know until the year you're scheduled to die, so hold on.
Midnight Express Get sentenced to Turkish prison
Be born in Turkey. Do a crime.
Theseus Escape a supermax prison
There are a ton of Bitlife prison guides. Do a murder and escape from death row.
Executioner Execute 5 people
Be king. Or queen. Top dog, either way. It helps to have enemies or friends to make enemies.
Markle Marry into the royal family
Be a commoner in a country with royals. Be cute. Go on lots of dates. It'll pop up and be part of their name. They could be a viscount or whatever, no member of the royal family is too far removed.
Monarch Become a monarch
Start as prince or princess and inherit the throne.
Napoleon Get exiled to a distant land
Keep executing people. And do a bunch of disservice.
Reign Over Us Reign as monarch for 100 years
In a country where Prince/Princess is top monarch or where your king/queen parents are low health/dying, keep your health up until you're a super-centarian (see above).
Canton Get inducted into the football hall of fame
Be a great football player. Be famous. Play as long as you can. Keep being famous after football as long as you can. I stopped being famous at 40 and got inducted at 60.
Christiano Win the Ballon d'Or
Be a European soccer player. Keep winning championships (see below).
Full Ride Win an athletic scholarship
Start playing sports in middle school. Become captain of at least one team with a pro league.
Giggsy Win 13 career championships
You can train each stat up twice in a turn if you trade teams, but you'll lose respect, so pick your moments. Grind your whole life. Keep going to the gym. Trade teams when you guys start losing. Stay on top.
Hooker Yell at a leopard
Try out for professional rugby with high athletic stats. Choose Hooker as your position.
Lance Win a championship while doping
It's safest to dope the year after a drug test. Try it for your second or third championship.
Real Estate
House Hunter Make $2m from flipping a house
Buy a $2m house. Leave it to your kid. Sell it. See above.
Mansion Party Throw a party in a mansion Real Estate Mogul Purchase real estate worth $10m combined Trailer Party Party in a trailer
Pretty straight forward. If you're broke start with the trailer party. Then buy mansions. Advice for getting rich above.
Brothers Forever Get hired by a frat brother
Be a jock. See sports advice above. When you're in two sports at university, compliment the jocks' leader. Be good looking (plastic surgery if needed, see above) and google the answer to the question if you need it. Google high-level frats and pick one. Then when you get hired after school one of them might hire you!
Earning that A Seduce your teacher
Be really attractive and compliment your teachers who are attracted to people of your gender. Take the opportunity to sleep with them if it arises.
Naughty Child Get expelled from school
Be rude as hell to the principal/headmastedean
Swimming Star
Start swimming as young as you can and stay in shape. "Work harder" every year.
Social Media
Social Media Join social media Social Media Sharer Post Social Media Oversharer Post 5 times Social Media Star Get a million followers Check! Get verified
Join all social media platforms at 13. Be pretty and keep posting. Follow above advice to get famous in any public career to get more followers. Start with Instagram for verification around 100k. By the time you're a lead actosupermodel/etc you'll have 1m followers.
Antiqued Keep a car running for 200 years.
Buy a brand new car. Do maintenance twice a year. Pass it on to your kid (18+) and repeat.
Car collector Assemble a car collection worth $1m Lambo Buy a Lamborghini
Buy a lambo and a bunch of other fancy cars. Who cares. See advice above for money.
Not The Yellow One Buy a submarine
You need $5b for this to show up reliably.
Titanic Trouble Run into trouble on a yacht
Have a shitty yacht or shitty luck. Go for a bunch of rides.
Animal Rescue Rescue an animal
Helps to have 100% smarts. Read childrens books so you don't have to tap too many pages. It'll only take two or three.
Deaf Leapord Yell at a leopard
Buy a leopard from the exotic animals dealer and yell at it when it misbehaves.
Gorilla and the Fist Get decapitated by a gorilla
I had to buy so many gorillas from the exotic animals dealer to get one crazy enough to decapitate me. Just keep bathing it and letting it attack you every year until it kills you.
Unicorn Find a unicorn
Go for like 10 walks a year. Have good karma.
Hungry Hippo !!! NEEDED !!!
Apparently Egypt is good for this.
Lion Tamer !!! NEEDED !!!
Apparently Kenya is good for this.
Balcony Buccaneer Steal 100 packages in one life
It's a lot easier to avoid punishment by wielding your title if you're a monarch. This one took me ages as a civiliian.
Burglar Burgle 25 homes in one life
Play Snake well
Cold Killer Kill 10 people in one life Serial Killer Kill 25 people
Start with random homeless people. If you're a royal exert your title to avoid punishment. Keep buying your way out of prison as long as you can. Then start killing other prisoners, start with the oldest and work your way down to the strongest ones. Work out and meditate every year. Pay guards for protection if you can but you probably won't be fucked with if you keep strong and murderous.
Dillinger Rob 5 banks in one life
If you're royal you'll get away with it. Make sure you have a getaway car either way. Clown mask/closest equivalent and handgun/closest equivalent work best.
Scare to Death Scare someone to death
Do a murder but pick scare to death. Works best if they're old.
Bugatti Bandit !!! NEEDED !!!
Going Anywhere !!! NEEDED !!!
Black Widow Widow 5 husbands in one life
Start using the dating app when you're 18 and go for old guys. Best if they don't have kids and if they're rich. Propose after you fuck when your relationship is at 100%. I like to be on birth control for this.
Golden Anniversary Be in a marriage for 50 years Diamond Anniversary Marriage for 75 years
Keep seeing movies together and fucking and complimenting each other. Cute as hell. Just marry young and try to both stay alive.
Fake It Propose successfully with a fake ring
Works best if you're rich and they love you and they're dumb.
Family Planner Convince a lover to go off birth control
Be a cis man. Be in a strong relationship with a cis woman. Ask her to go off birth control. Easiest if you're married to her.
Maiden Named Marry a man who takes your last name
Marry a man and don't change your last name. Kind of a luck thing. Make sure your relationship is strong.
Multigamist Get married 10 times in one life
Pre-nups and widowing make this easier but do you. Love them and leave them. If you're a young guy it's really easy to get older women to agree to marry you.
Stud Have 100 lovers in a single life
Hook up like crazy. Date all you can and fuck all of them. Use protection so you can stay alive.
Wedding Planner Agree to an arranged marriage
I did this in India as a woman with wealthy, religious parents.
Bejeweled !!! NEEDED !!!
All Along Have a parent who comes out of the closet
Could be luck. Or you can cheat it with a Bitizenship by making both parents gay and unreligious.
Begone Exorcise your own ghost
Be an exorcist. Buy a haunted house. Do what you do best.
Booty Call Have a successful Brazillian butt lift
Be healthy and have good karma. Use the best doctor. Cross your fingers. They still only work 1/3 of the time.
Cliff Diver Go cliff diving Hero Save someone's life Player Perks Accept a casino's hospitality offer Snake Snack Eat a snake ZAP! Get struck by lightning
Random event
Dignified Donor Donate a 1m+ heirloom to charity
Get your heirloom every day. Appraise it. Donate the first $1m+ one you get.
Flamin' Hot Survive 60 years on a Hot Cheetos diet
Get liposuction every couple of years and work out and walk a lot. Have no other conditions. Do your best. Get pets for more walks. Garden. Try to survive. Start at 18.
Flee the Country Emigrate to escape justice
Escape prison and emigrate
Frankenstein Survive 5 botched plastic surgeries
Keep going to the bad doctor. Go for risky procedures like butt lifts. Space them out to get your health back up.
Goat Grabber Join a goat grabbing team
Be athletic and join a goat grabbing team at school in Afghanistan
Human Dictionary Read the dictionary
So much tapping. But eventually it will show up in your books. Be strong.
Hyperthymesia Score 20 sequences on the memory test
The worst part of Bitlife. I did this one by writing 1,2,3 or 4 on a piece of paper according to which # square lit up with my right hand and doing the puzzle on my phone with my left hand. Still took like 5 tries and was really frustrating. Take breaks and come back with a clear head.
Jackpot Win the lottery jackpot
Keep your karma high and buy 10 tickets 5 times a year. You'll get it eventually.
Lowroller Get refused entry to a casino
Bet more money than you have on Blackjack. Once you're out of prison, try to come back. They'll turn you away.
Nightmare Wake up from a nightmare
As a pilot, buy a terrible plane. When it crashes, accept your doom. You might wake up.
Paranightmare Contract PTSD after a paranormal experience
Try to have bad mental and good physical health (a hard balance. Try gardening, dieting, and fighting with friends or loved ones) and then try to exorcise stubborn ghosts.
Perfection Achieve perfect stats
Pretty easy. Work out, get plastic surgery (lipo or nose job to start) and go for walks, read children's books (3 should get you to 100%) and go to the movies or on vacation.
Rich Justice Win a $1m+ lawsuit
Get fired from a really high paying job like CEO and win your lawsuit.
Run Bitizen! Win a bet on Bitizen There's Always Canada Emigrate to Canada Winnipeg, Eh? Visit Winnipeg
Wait until it pops up as an option
Say Goodbye To Hollywood Get deported from the United States
Move to the U.S. without permission. Get caught doing a minor crime.
Skeezy Get called "skeezy"
Be an asshole at nightclubs and in the streets. Fight with your friends and coworkers, insult them and start rumours.
Sweepstakes Win the sweepstakes
Set it up on a day where you'll be by your phone. Sign up every time you can.
Try & Stop Me Violate a restraining order
Stalk your ex. Do it again after they file a restraining order.
Ultimate Betrayal Your spouse leaves you following a gender reassignment
Have a terrible relationship with your heterosexual spouse. Get gender reassignment surgery.
Unethical Bribe a college official
Be rich and have dumb kids.
Roswell !!! NEEDED !!!
Sacrilege !!! NEEDED !!!

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[OC] What if every world cup team had the same population? - Group C

Hello again all, trying to distract myself from the fact that it’s already May, I’ve put my matching Friday pants and socks set on to bring you another edition of the alternative World Cup. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the premise of this series why not indulge yourself in the last two groups.
Group A, Group B
Whilst yesterday featured a group with sprinkles of quality throughout, I’m afraid to say this gathering is a little one-sided. One African team dwarfs three squads of an Asian persuasion, so with more utopian island spots than full time pro’s on display, I’ll try my utmost not to drift into a Thomas Cook holiday blog, no promises though.
Group C
West Africa
Togo, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinnea Bissau, Senegal, The Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Western Sahara, Algeria, Morrocco
Population (millions): 240.19
When it comes to brainchildren it’s strongly advised not to have favourites, but between you and me this is the funnest squad of the lot.
Similarly to Eastern Europe, West Africa has often been a hive of sporting talent restrained by the labyrinth of borders within its confines. George Weah, Emmanuel Adebayor, Yaya Toure, Didier Drogba and Abedi Pele are some notable stars of the past, but the conveyor belt of sporadic world-class attacking talent over the last 30 years appears to have crescendoed into a full blown production line of stars in every outfield position.
Something that my hypothesis can’t fairly simulate is what affect an open plan Africa would have on the decision making of some of our games Euro-Africano elite. N’Golo Kante is of Malean descent whilst fellow Parisian Paul Pogba boasts his Guinean parentage. It would be a safe bet to assume at least some juggling would take place with the region's newfound affluence, but until I am able to read the minds of millionaire athletes I’m not going to touch the subject with a barge pole, besides I think I’d go for the sort codes well before I look at their national preference.
What we DO have however is a terrific squad on paper that will continue to improve as the years continue, with 17 year old Barcelona wunderkind Ansu Fati hailing from Guinea-Bissau, as long as he doesn’t succumb to a Spanish inquisition.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Edouard Mendy SEN Rennes GK Montivilliers, France 65 €4.40 28
Yassine Bounou MAR Sevilla GK Montreal, Canada 68 €10.00 29
Faouzi Ghoulam ALG Napoli LB Saint-Priest, France 72 €17.10 29
Dakonam Djene TOG Getafe CB Dapaong 74 €26.80 28
Kalidou Koulibaly SEN Napoli CB Saint-Die, France 84 €64.30 28
Achraf Hakimi MAR B. Dortmund RWB Madrid, Spain 72 €23.30 21
Eric Bailly CIV Man United CB Bingerville 72 €31.40 26
Salif Sane SEN Schalke 04 CB Lormont, France 69 €9.00 29
Serge Aurier CIV Tottenham RB Ouragahio 70 €19.90 27
Kwadwo Asamoah GHA Inter Milan LWB Accra 74 €21.10 31
Riyad Mahrez ALG Man City RW Sarcelles, France 77 €62.00 29
Hakim Ziyech MAR Ajax CAM Dronten, Netherlands 79 €42.80 27
Thomas Partey GHA Atleti CDM Krobo Odumase 76 €33.40 26
Naby Keita GUI Liverpool CM Conakry 78 €52.20 25
Ismaila Sarr SEN Watford RW Saint-Louis 67 €22.20 22
Pepe CIV Arsenal RW Mantes-la-Jolie, France 76 €45.60 24
Idrissa Gana Gueye SEN PSG CDM Dakar 75 €28.80 30
Amine Harit MOR Schalke CAM Pontoise, France 69 €10.07 22
Sadio Mane SEN Liverpool LF Sedhiou 90 €92.40 28
Wilfried Zaha CIV Crystal Palace CF Abidjan 77 €59.60 27
Moussa Marega MLI Porto ST Les Ulis, France 70 €16.80 29
Islam Slimani ALG Monaco ST Algiers 68 €19.80 31
Average/Totals 74 €712.90 27.13636364
A difficult pick but I’ve settled on a squad that could play in numerous formations, Sadio Mané and Riyad Mahrez are two of the Premier Leagues most potent wide players whilst the midfield is a superfluity of athleticism and technique.
The likes of Feghouli, Kessie and Gervinho didn’t survive the longlist but the competition was stiff. I’m not overly happy with the inclusion of goal starved Islam Slimani but the area is surprisingly scarce of talented out and out forwards.
If this team fails to collect all nine points in this group it would be the worst thing to happen to West Africa since Di Caprio’s accent in Blood Diamond.
South India & Arabian Sea
6 Indian provinces (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa), Sri Lanka, Maldives
Population (millions):239.70
Another region that practises footballing atheism, this was one of the most difficult to research. But if any documentarians want to make this into a series then I’d be happy to take some time out to fly out and research the Maldives for a while.
The two island nations donate their services to an uninspiring mess of Indian nonentity. Including the world’s sixth highest scoring active player Ali Ashfaq, never heard of him? Nah me neither.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Kamaljit Singh IND Hyderabad GK Goa 24 €0.02 24
Chathura Ekanayake SRI Eagles Malé GK Sri Lanka 22 €0.00 27
Anas Edathodika IND ATK CB Kerala 33 €0.03 33
Adil Khan IND Hyderabad RB Goa 32 €0.02 31
Mandar Rao Dessal IND Mumbai City LB Goa 31 €0.02 28
Lenny Ridrigues IND Goa CDM Goa 24 €0.02 32
Mohamed Imtiyas SRI Renown CB Kotahena 25 €0.01 24
Akram Abdul Ghanee MDV Valencia (MDV) CB Maafaru 28 €0.01 33
Edwin Sydney IND Chennaiyin RWB Kerala 21 €0.01 27
Asikur Alawadeen SRI Pelicans CB Kurunegala 23 €0.01 26
Brandon Fernandes IND Goa CAM Goa 33 €0.03 25
Rowllin Borges IND Mumbai City CDM Goa 32 €0.02 27
Sahal Abdul Samad IND Kerala Blasters CM Kerala 34 €0.04 23
Michael Soosairaj IND ATK CM Tamil Nadu 32 €0.03 25
Nikhil Poojari IND Hyderabad CM Karnataka 29 €0.02 24
Ahmed Razeek SRI Berliner AK CDM Berlin 44 €0.06 26
Mohamed Umair MDV Maziya CM Malé 27 €0.01 20
Romeo Fernandes IND Odisha RM Goa 23 €0.02 27
Ashique Kuruniyan IND Bengaluru CF Kerala 35 €0.04 22
Jobby Justin IND ATK ST Kerala 28 €0.02 26
CK Vineeth IND Jamshedpur ST Kerala 27 €0.02 31
Ali Ashfaq MDV Club Green Streets ST Malé 27 €0.01 34
Average/Totals 29 €0.47 27.04545455
Ali Ashfaq has officially netted 463 times in his now 19 year career. Haters will say most of that was in the Maldivian league but I think I’d only be able to score half that amount so fair play to him.
The most notable islander is German born Sri Lankan Ahmed Razeek, the Berliner came through the ranks at now-Bundesliga team Union Berlin, but finds himself playing fourth tier football at the time of writing. At 25, Razeek only dedicated his services to Golden Lion in 2019, a bit of European experience may help the nation who have commanded just four wins in the last five years.
India’s most promising contribution to the side is 22 year old Ashique Kuruniyan, the young forward lacks goals but is known as something of a playmaker, Kuruniyan to Ashfaq could be the new Ozil to Ronaldo, but realistically I think this team will be lucky to find the net at all if the ratings are anything to Goa on.
Oceania and Southeast Asia
Australia, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Cambodia, Singapore, Phillipines, Malaysia, 11 Indonisian Provinces (Papua, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku, Sulawesi Island, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara)
Population: 231.57
I almost broke the comma button on my laptop writing out all those islands, and it still doesn’t quite reach 240m. The pacific islands are home to some of the worst national teams out there, none more infamous than American Samoa who hold the record for the biggest ever defeat in international football, a 31-0 loss to Australia. If anyone hasn’t seen the documentary that was inspired subsequently to the loss, ‘next goal wins’ is perhaps my favourite football film and couldn’t recommend it highly enough when trying to explain the humanity of playing football in this part of the world.
The antagonists of the Samoan’s defeat, Australia have since changed confederations from lack of challenge. Joining the Asian Football Confederation in early 2006, the Socceroo’s have since won the Asian Cup on home soil and qualified for each of the previous four iterations of the World Cup. In 2006 a ‘golden generation’ fronted by Harry Kewell and Tim Cahill narrow missed out on a quarter final berth being beaten by eventual champions Italy in the 95th minute thanks to a controversial penalty.
While the likes of Kewell, Cahill and Mark Schwarzer have long since retired, the Aussies produce a modest yet constant procession of pro’s. Along with fellow anglophone New Zealand, the select Oceanic islanders often choose a path of playing in England’s football pyramid, with a few Premier League stalwarts found within the squad below.
Southeast Asia has a curious footballing culture, a strong general interest in the European game with seemingly little rewards for their appropriation, no malaysians manage to sneak into the selection whilst the Phillipines’ most famous athlete behind Manny Pacquiao only makes back up keeper.
Goalkeepers Birthplace Football manager Value Age
Matthew Ryan AUS Brighton GK Plumpton 66 €15.80 28
Neil Etheridge PH Cardiff GK London, England 64 €11.00 30
Winston Reid NZ West Ham CB Auckland 66 €14.50 31
Milos Degenek AUS Red Star CB Knin, Croatia 62 €1.30 26
Trent Sainsbury AUS Maccabi Haifa RB Thornlie 60 €0.88 28
Bailey Wright AUS Bristol City CB Melbourne 59 €3.30 27
Wesley Lautoa NCA Dijon CB Epernay, France 62 €2.20 32
Aziz Behich AUS Basaksehir LB Melbourne 60 €2.20 29
Brad Smith AUS Bournemouth LWB Penrith 63 €9.50 26
Stephan Schrock PHI Cares RB Schweinfurt, Germany 57 €0.77 33
Aaron Mooy AUS Brighton CM Sydney 70 €26.70 29
Tom Rogic AUS Celtic CAM Griffith 67 €11.90 27
Mathew Leckie AUS Hertha Berlin CM Melbourne 65 €4.80 29
Robbie Kruse AUS Mebourne Victory RM Brisbane 64 €1.30 31
Awer Mabil AUS Mitdtjylland RW Kakuma, Kenya 63 €1.50 24
Craig Goodwin AUS Al-Wehda LM Adelaide 58 €4.60 28
Ryan Thomas NZ PSV CDM Te Puke 65 €6.50 25
Massimo Luongo AUS Sheffield W CDM Sydney 62 €7.80 27
Chris Wood NZ Burnley ST Auckland 67 €23.40 28
Adam Taggart AUS Suwon Bluewings ST Perth 62 €0.84 26
Aposrolos Giannou AUS AEK Larnaka ST Nousa, Greece 63 €1.30 30
Daniel Arzani AUS Celtic CF Khorramabad, Iran 60 €8.20 21
Average/Totals 63 €160.29 29.68181818
As you can see the team is dominated by Aussie and Kiwi men, but there is some polynesian persuasion in the way of Wesley Lautoa who takes restbite trying to defend the likes of Neymar, Mbappe and Depay by bullying semi-pro strikers playing for New Caledonia.
Daniel Arzani is the best bet for a future talisman, despite really struggling to make the grade in Europe he’s still only 21 and could yet fulfil his potential. The Celtic forward has impeccable technical ability and has an eye on one day becoming a regular at his parent club Man City.
Chris Wood has a Premier League goal record that any striker would be proud of and is the archetypal Sean Dyche forward, but I would suggest that his physical play style precedes his genuine international quality. New Zealand famously exited the 2010 World Cup as the only side to leave undefeated, and part of that was due to the defensive talents of Winston Reid, who at that time was a 21 year old padawan learner to Blackburn hero Ryan Nelson. Now 31, The former West Ham captain Reid leads this sides defensive line where he’ll do his best to make the younger lads do most of the legwork.
Neil Etheridge is unlucky not to be the standout number one in this team, the keeper come underwear model caught the eyes of English fans saving three penalties in the 2018-19 season, although when on loan to Bristol Rovers he caught a free-kick and stepped backwards into his own goal, don’t think we’ve forgotten Neil.
Western China
9 Chinese Provinces (Feng Jin, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichaun, Tibet, Xinjiang Uygur, Ningxia, Qinghai)
Population (millions): 256.25
A little over the limit for this one but you wouldn’t notice from the squad. The west of China is the least densely populated region and the one with the least investment in the club game, so it is no surprise that there is correlation to the talent, or lack thereof.
Every metric I’ve used in research points to this being the Chinese team that will struggle the most, the bulk of the players hail from Sichuan, which since we’re on reddit may give most of you PTSD of Rick and Morty fans standing on McDonalds counters.
None of the following players featured in the most recent Chinese national squad. In a sporting wilderness that hasn’t been invited to the game of Monopoly out east, you can’t blame this side for underwhelming.
Goalkeepers Birthplace FM20 Value Age
Wang QI CHI Shaanxi Athletic GK Shaanxi 35 €0.60 27
Yerjet Yerzat CHI Chongqing Lifan GK Xinjiang Uygur 36 €0.72 27
Yang Xiaotian CHI Jiangsu Suning LB Shaanxi 40 €1.40 30
Wang Erzhuo CHI Shaanxi Athletic CB Shaanxi 28 €0.24 33
Alishat CHI Xinjiang Sport Lottery CB Xinjiang 40 €0.43 25
Zhang Ao CHI Xinjiang Sport Lottery RB Shanxi 28 €0.37 29
Liu Yu CHI Shanghai Shenxin CB Sichuan 30 €0.44 25
Zhou Xuri CHI Dalian Yifang CB Sichuan 29 €0.30 21
Otkur Hesen CHI Sichaun Jiuniu LB Xinjiang 20 €0.00 27
Bari Mamatil CHI Qiangdao Huanghai RWB Xinjiang 39 €1.50 31
Peng Xinli CHI Shanghai Shenhua CM Shanxi 47 €2.60 29
Mirahmetjan Muzepper CHI Shanghai SIPG CAM Xinjiang 46 €3.30 29
Zhang Xiuwei CHI Guangzhou E CM Sichuan 46 €2.70 24
Luo Senwen CHI Hebei China Fortune CDM Sichuan 44 €2.10 27
Li Yuanyi CHI Shenzhen CM SIchuan 42 €1.30 26
Zhang Chiming CHI Tianjin RW SIchuan 38 €1.10 31
Shewket Yalqun CHI Guangzhou E LW Xinjiang 33 €0.94 27
Yehya CHI Xinjiang Tianshan CM Xinjiang 24 €0.24 32
Yan Dinghao CHI Gondomar CF Sichuan 45 €2.40 22
Li Fang CHI Chongqing Lifan ST Sichuan 34 €1.30 27
Gan Yingbo CHI Sichaun Longfor CF Sichuan 24 €0.16 35
Abduhamit Abdugheni CHI Jiangsu Suning CF Shaanxi 35 €0.75 23
Average/Totals 36 €24.89 27.59090909
Finding a 22 was a real struggle and there is an imbalance of positions to show for it. The only true striker is Chongqing’s Li Fang, who is officially listed as a striker-come-right back which is an oddly specific duology of skills.
The squad is predominantly composed of players from the nations second tier CL1, which to enlight the general reader means they probably aren’t going to win the tournament.
Another day another group, tomorrow we finally see one of the long anticipated Western European megasquads, and play a game of spot the Uzbekistani. Thanks again for reading, let me know if you think I've missed anyone from the squads or made an error and try to have a stab at the starting XI’s for today's teams.
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