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My opinion is that buying 10 shares at a time is better than buying in bulk, prove me wrong.

Hey guys, this post is not intended to tell you what to do. I'm not a financial advisor. This isn't my day job. I am not even a day trader. I learned the difference between call and put options like 3 months ago. I don't trade options. I don't even know how yet, to be frank. I recently got an RH account to try to learn how and then this shit blew up. This post is viewable to the general public and is not "insider knowledge". Everything I am about to say, I have gleaned from PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE DATA. That Hedge funds and other people in the media, the government, and in the general public ALL have access to. This is MORE VISIBLE than even Facebook. Let alone a country club or private "dinner party". Just saying. I am a real person. I am not a bot. I am not trying to screw anyone over. I like the stock I am choosing to gamble my disposable income on and think it will be a good investment regardless of the action over the next few weeks. 💎🙌
I CAN earn it back if I have to. I didn't stake my entire savings. I don't advise people to gamble with money they don't have. Not for financial reasons, solely, but more for mental health reasons.
Bias disclosure: I currently have 1882 shares of AMC at an average price of 9.27$ and I occupied Wall Street for a bit after the financial crisis, mostly on reddit as I was in medical school at the time, and supported occupy the SEC. Please see my post history. It's all there in the top posts. I have nothing to hide as I know I am a valued member of our society, I pay my taxes, I treat mental illness, I follow the law, and I don't normally gamble. This is not about the money for me personally, it's about principle. It's my token of rememberance for the failed actions of our government to hold these types of people accountable for the great recession and the subprime mortgage crisis. Also, WSB just happened to stumble upon these criminal vulture firms, in the act of active company rape and decided to give them a licking. If you were interested in GME and were one of the people on the other side [IE at one of these firms] reading the discussion over at WSB should have been your job as a form of market research. If you missed the warning, it's not Reddit's fault. If you suck at your job, it's not Reddit's fault. I don't see how pinning them in that position was illegal. It wasn't planned, it wasn't private. It developed organically like a movement. It continues to grow. Silencing us will only make it louder. You need to level the playing field and regulate the markets. What they did to defend themselves was illegal. The manipulation of the market and the media was illegal. The restriction of buying was illegal. The algorithmic ladder attacks were illegal. Thus I will hold the line, as I HAVE been since Tuesday. It's been a wild ride and I'm tired of this shitshow. I want to get back to normal investing after this fiasco. It's much better for my sleep.
*So here goes my theoretical question. AGAIN, I AM NOT saying you SHOULD do this. What you do is your call. I am asking if this has been done before or if it even can be done. I'm a n00b. Educate me. I'm trying to learn how the arena works. Like how it really works.
If short ladders by algorithms are being used to artificially deflate the stock price. IE: tanking the price of AMC with low trade volumes that they simply pass amongst themselves. I think yesterday it was 5% buy and hold and 95% sell for AMC but each time with low volumes in a very predictable pattern. (Trey from the link below explained it very well several times better than me.)...
What prevents retail traders from spacing out their purchase orders to 1-10 shares at a time and holding. Wouldn't that be better than just impulse buying 100 shares because you want in and you like the stock? Would it do the same thing as short laddering but in converse? Just curious. Would like to hear your opinions.

I've been watching this channel to learn about AMC action and markets in general and it has been super educational.

*I am not investing in AMC to make a quick buck. I am not a day trader or a pump and dumper. I am doing this because I think AMC will not die from the pandemic, was artificially deflated by vulture hedge funds, almost to the point of bankruptcy, and will NOW be able to pivot into a better business model with fresher screens, Hollywood exclusive releases, fancier theaters, pent up demand, etc., with the new capital and public interest. People LIKE the MOVIES. I grew up in NJ and movie theaters were a HUGE part of my life and many of my most memorable moments occurred at the movies. They make me warm and fuzzy. They have a certain nostalgia for me personally and I like supporting local business when I can. [I know AMC was bought by China, but the staff are all local]. In my opinion GME has an antiquated business model bc I buy games on STEAM and online. AMC was only struggling because of COVID and I don't think that otherwise people would completely stop going to the movies. We Americans LOVE going to the movies. I love going to the movies. That's just my opinion. Don't hate on me for it. I think that the "real value" of AMC is AT LEAST about 10-20$ which is what they were at before 2020 and it wasn't even their peak value. Even if the real value is closer to 5$, according to the arguments of experts, that's just their fucking opinion. It's a different situation now and I don't agree. Is that my right to disagree with them and pick my own stocks? Or can I only bet on what Fox Business tells me to. Or Jim Cramer. As an individual investor, am I free in this country to spend my money how I want on the stock market, or am I not? Am I free to make my own choices about whether to buy a stock or not? At least I think I should be. If I am not, it will solidify my opinion [and the watching world's opinion] that "free market" capitalism is indeed a farce. It will highly depreciate the value of the American dream and my respect for our current government. Which I was Ecstatic about during Election Day. [Disclosure, Bernie/Liz Bro, who voted for Biden and abstained from voting in 2016 due to bitterness about the primaries. Damn you DWS, you know what you did.] We all know the hedge funds sure are free to buy as much stock as they want to. Apparently even to buy stock that doesn't exist. WTF is that? Glad I found out now. Even if I lost 8k by betting it will be 10$ in 2022 rather than 5$ isn't it my CHOICE when to sell? Am I not free to HOLD the damn stock if in my opinion, I'm willing to consider it a tax on sending a giant reddit shaped middle finger into space to these people that rape companies regardless of the consequences to local staff? These parasites who prefer profit to morality and decency? Who sold their souls in the search of...what?...private islands and yachts? Let THIS MOMENT be your Memento Mori, you soulless motherfuckers. If you have any of it left, now is your time to search for it. Your actions will leave behind a husk of an economy and earth if left unchecked. We the Reddit "Retards" stumbled upon our teeth. For the first time the MARKET BITES BACK AND WE ARE NOT LETTING GO. WE ARE MAKING A STAND. FUCK YOU. We all know that the American Citizens will end up footing the bill anyway in taxes when all those people start relying on the government for survival after you motherfuckers artificially drive their employer into bankrupcy. FUCK YOU. You're already taking my money and you know it. I pay 47% in taxes due to my income and living in NYC. FUCK YOU for evading them with offshore accounts you GREEDY FUCKS. I am willing to lose 8k to do that (send you a message) and to rapidly learn about what is going on to manipulate markets. It's also partially the cost of education in my calculus. I have learned more in one week riding this wave, than in 4 years of getting my Economics degree. Either way, my current buy in as at 9.27 so I will hold at least until I make my initial investment back. I am also disclosing that if the stock goes up to 30$ I will likely SELL enough shares to cover half of my position because I am not a degenerate gambler and have been holding the line since Tuesday and it has taken a toll on my sleep and my sanity. I know I might lose some money and this is a crazy roller coaster. I want to get out most of my investment ASAP and then ride the wave to then END with you all. IF it happens. I know it may not. I don't care. The message seems to have been sent. Seems like they received it. But we don't know who will be regulated and how yet. I am tired of this fight. I don't like it. I don't want to do it anymore. But I stayed in for the principle not the principal, and for the people just finding out about this now to still be able to make a choice about what to do before we release them from the HOLD. This is a constantly evolving situation. Will they censor the media from talking about stocks? Why target Reddit? Reddit is LIKE the media. It's not a private chat room. THESE WORDS CAN BE READ BY ANYONE WITH AN INTERNET CONNECTION AND WE ARE AWARE OF THIS. If it falls, and I lose my money, I don't think the government will come in and save me. I don't expect them to. I EXPECT them to let this play out and not SIDE with these assholes. It upsets me that they seem to have decided to save Vulture capitalists. Anyway, despite my fear of posting this question and the associated rant, I really want to know the answer. Has it been done before by Algorithms pushing stocks higher? Is it possible to make a crowdsourced one? Is it legal?
If this gets removed or censored in some way. You have your answer I guess.
facta non verba.

****IMPORTANT ADDENDUM****: I want to add that I was quite revved up when I wrote this and have had some time to reflect. I want to stress that it is not my intention to lay blame or judge any individual person or organization for the current situation [Of stacked odds in the retail investor vs hedge fund battle]. Emotions run high in the stock market. I know this through experience now. I was angry when I wrote this post. [I am leaving it unedited for posterity and since whoever needed to see it already saw it so removing it would be pointless] This should not become a witch hunt or be personal. These guys and girls are people too. They work for a corporation. They earn a paycheck. They have friends, partners, and families too. I am a person. You, reader, are a person. Don't make this personal. They didn't invent algorithms and weren't the ones that necessarily wanted to take these short positions. The market calculus at the time, dictated that this was a good call for them, it wasn't. We accidentally stumbled upon it on WSB and shit-posted about it until it blew up and they were really in a bind. I understand their calculus to a degree, but I am a "smooth brained" "retard" when it comes to these things. I am learning fast though. I understand that certain companies are likely to fail and it is possible to make a profit off that. My moral views about it are irrelevant as the situation they're in dictates their actions, not my personal views about that. I understand that they're getting screwed at the moment and I'm sorry. I truly hope most of them do not get too damaged by this and have had time to change their positions. But I also believe in the American dream, and think that the people that were able to find a good position in the stock market [the retail investors] should be rewarded. I sincerely hope this doesn't trigger a massive systemic issue and we don't accidentally BREAK the stock market with this action on those stocks. It doesn't seem like that would happen, but again smooth brain here. WE NEED THE MARKET TO STAY ALIVE to have peace and stability in this country. Reddit crew, I beseech you, please understand that the individuals involved are also playing by the rules given to them by the market. The problem I personally have is that the rules are different for the retail investors vs. the big institutions. I don't have a problem with them as people. I don't want to destroy anything or any institutions. That was never my goal as an activist nor as an investor-activist and I can only speak about myself. I just hope they could find it in their hearts to try to understand our outrage and consider playing by the rules or at least letting us play by the same rules. We are attacking them and they don't like it. I get it. In either case, please understand that I am not vested too strongly in either outcome anymore. I am tired and want to return to my regular life and will not be on reddit for a while, nor will I be investing any more money into the stock market for a while... The whole thing has taken it's toll on me and I am going back to my regular life. This is not my war.
On the government's side, I also understand that their goal is to enforce the rules. I hope I'm not breaking any here and will remove my posts if I am. I am not trying to cause a revolution. This country has been through too much and we finally have a shot at beating COVID and have a competent administration that can guide us back on the right track. I truly believe that the people in charge now are decent people and will do good for this country. If Biden says no more diamond hands, I will listen to Biden. What I do further with my shares shall remain my business otherwise. I will no longer tell anyone what I am doing with my shares. I realize now that this is not always a good idea and should be done with tact and experience. I am not a financial advisor. But also, financial advice and being one is not a joke. I realize this now. MEMEing about stocks is like MEMEing about drinking bleach. People might listen to you and sacrifice their lives on a losing battle. Not everyone knows the stakes and not everyone knows what they're doing. Now that this is blowing up, people can get really hurt financially. Reddit, we could be putting people in danger. I see this now. So you all, too, reading this, PLEASE be careful. About investing and about what you say on social media. INVEST but INVEST RESPONSIBLY and not with money you can not bear to lose. I pledge that I will personally no longer post any inflammatory shit on Reddit. Because now I'm afraid that WE are suddenly some form of weird market makers and I don't have as many lawyers as the hedge funds. I am tapping out from posting any more about the current battle. I wish you all luck on both sides, truly. In the next round tomorrow.
Dear Government: If you want this to end, don't you have the power to delist these "Meme" companies and distribute the shares somehow? If not, the the system is truly stronger than our institutions. If you do this, please make sure people don't lose their life savings somehow. That would be nice. Then, please try to make sure this won't happen again and that the SEC actually regulates and prosecutes people so their calculus isn't that the fines are too low to justify following the rules. [Just my humble opinion as a smooth brain with limited experience of markets. Do what you think is best and I will obey the laws as an individual]. Sorry you might disagree hedge fund guys and girls, but I am entitle to my opinion in a free country. This is my platform. You can have CNN and Fox News. Sorry for saying something. I promise this is the end of it. But also, a lot of market makers on TV seem to assert that the market will self correct and I don't see how this should be a large risk for overall wealth. Who knows, none of us can predict the future. But I think if a bunch of Reddit "retards" get a couple hundred thousand bucks, it won't change the overall situation or necessarily be a net negative; and may in fact trigger a renaissance in this country. You'll still be the biggest fish, just in a more biodiverse pond. It may just create a new class of petite bourgeoise in this country. But it is not likely that if they win, it will cause something like the French Revolution. There will be losers and winners, but in the end, it will be a good story for Hollywood. [Hopefully played on an AMC screen in a post covid world] But what do I know, I'm a just another "retard" on reddit.
I hope that after this, you are all decent humans at the end and don't break any law on all sides. [Reddit, Retail investors, Government, Hedge fund investors, etc] I hope we don't break the market over this. If that is a true risk we need to make the market unbreakable or this WILL keep happening. If anyone is resentful about losing future gains on a good position so the government can fix the market, don't be a fucking greedy idiot and look at what we've achieved so far. This is already a big win for the small guy. And if our markets are vulnerable, the next winners will not be idiots on reddit. But will likely be our enemies from abroad. Not to name names. We will ALL benefit more from long term stability than short term gains. We MUST come together as a country so we can spend that money in the future for things. If we break the stock market, we will not be able to buy things with all that worthless money. But if the system isn't at risk, I don't understand what all the hullabaloo is about. There have been countless bubbles before. Why weren't those regulated as much. Maybe they were and I'm an ignorant smooth brain. In any case, I hope that we can stop fighting over carcasses for greed. This was always about making the rules of the casino fair for me, personally. It's not life or death. I'm not an extremist or an ideologue. It's not about burning down the casino. I hope that the government will intervene if they think it is going to short circuit the whole thing and that people reading this gamble responsibly.
This will be my last post about this as I have a life to live.
-Tememachine OUT.

EDIT 2: Now they're making fun of the movement. Fuck Wall Street. I hope they get what's coming to them one day. [In terms of regulation and prison sentences] I'm still out of this war. But seriously. Fuck them.
submitted by Tememachine to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

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[REPOST of this.]
LAST UPDATED: 09/13/2020 ~ Lion Tamer achievement has link to a new post I created with notes and how-to guide.



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The Legendary Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards

The Legendary Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards
Almost every hobby that involves collecting has a holy grail which every collector dreams of finding and owning in their personal collection. For some playing card collectors, the grail of collecting would be a sealed deck of original Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards in pristine condition. If you've spent some time in the world of playing cards, you'll almost certainly have heard of this famous deck, because name-dropping the famous "Jerry's Nuggets" often happens in discussion forums about cards. Owning an original deck of these is often mentioned as a badge of honour that cements your credentials as a serious collector. If you have one, it's likely a prized item in your collection, because it is one of the most iconic and valuable decks of cards there is from the latter half of the 20th century.
These playing cards were first created in 1970 in order to be used at Jerry's Nugget Casino, which is located in Las Vegas, Nevada. The casino was founded by Jerry Lodge and Jerry Stamis in 1964, hence the name "Jerry". It's still owned and operated by the Stamis family today.
But after being manufactured, the Jerry's Nugget playing cards were put into storage for around 20 years, and were never used on the casino's gaming tables. Why? Even the folks at the casino don't remember the reasons why. Was it because they wanted to keep in step with the other casinos in town that were using borderless Bee-backed cards at the time? Was it because the back design was too detailed or too simple, and could be marked too easily by card cheats? Who knows.
At any rate, they were sometimes offered as complimentary gifts to guests who stayed at the casino, while the rest were eventually sold individually at the casino's gift store for as little as one or two dollars each. They finally sold out around 1999, and according to rumour the final case was purchased by an overseas buyer.. But with magician and playing card expert Lee Asher singing their praises and selling them on his website, and with cardists Dan and Dave Buck also getting on the bandwagon, using them in some of their cardistry videos, and vouching for them, demand only continued to grow.
What made these playing cards special is that they were produced with a top-of-the-line grade of USPCC card-stock that was only produced for a limited period of time. It is thinner than most contemporary playing cards, and is simply not available today. What's more, modern printing methods simply can't replicate the original process used to produce these playing cards. This involved a cotton roller that would paint the embossing pattern on one side of the card, followed by a varnished finish that was applied by a dip coat technique. Environmental restrictions also mean that the chemical finish used for this has been abandoned. In short, technology has made these manufacturing methods completely obsolete, and this all means that it's just not possible for there to be anything quite like these decks ever again.
That in itself wouldn't make them the stuff of legend. But Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards began to develop a legendary reputation for amazing handling qualities. Demand began to increase, and over time, they have become highly sought after by playing card collectors and by those with an interest in card flourishing. As demand increased, the price went up, and their growing scarcity means that today you can expect to pay up to $500 for a deck on the secondary market.
As often happens in such cases, the story of Jerry's Nuggets Playing Cards began to attract some interesting side stories. There are reports about a large remaining haul of these playing cards being bought up from the gift shop, and held back by an unknown stranger who is sitting on what is now a valuable commodity. They also attracted the attention of counterfeiters, since the increasing price-tag suddenly made it viable to sell forgeries. Lee Asher has an extensive guide that contains information to help you identify illegal fakes, after sophisticated counterfeiters began flooding the market with them just over a decade ago.
But all this has only served to add to the legend that is Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards. Today most playing card collectors and magicians have all heard of Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, and consider them to be the stuff of legend: a unique product with legendary handling, that is hard to find, and impossible to reproduce. As the old adage puts it, it's something often imitated but never duplicated. And as the number of playing card collectors continues to grow, the appeal, scarcity, and value of a deck of authentic Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards only continues to increase.
But this doesn't end the story of the famous Jerry's Nugget playing cards. Given how much in demand these legendary decks were, it was only a matter of time before someone saw a business opportunity here. What about a reprint, to cater to the desire of modern collectors to own their own copy of Jerry's Nuggets? The idea was not a new one, and it appears that there have been other Jerry's Nugget decks produced besides the ones that have become the stuff of legend, including a small printing by USPCC around 2010.
But in 2019 the market was ripe for producing something that would serve as a tribute and homage to the famous Jerry's Nuggets, while retaining as much of the original as possible. So a crowdfunding project was launched to produce an authentic recreation of the original Jerry's Nugget playing cards. Obviously such a deck could never be an exact replica, not only because printing methods made this impossible, but also because look-alike decks might only be abused by people seeking to make a quick buck by passing them off as a genuine vintage copy.
The recreation project happened with the blessing of Jerry's Nugget Casino, and with the cooperation of the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC), and the Expert Playing Card Company (EPCC). The amount of support this Kickstarter received is in itself a testimony to the popularity of these iconic decks. It raised almost half a million dollars, with the support of over 4,000 backers.
Two main versions of the deck were produced. The Modern Feel deck was produced by USPCC, with their popular thin-crushed stock preferred by many cardists. This means that its quality, feel, and handling performance is very similar to any other thin-crushed cardistry deck printed in their factories. But unlike most custom decks, the high volume of decks produced meant that USPCC could print these reproductions on the larger web press which they also use for big print runs of their Bicycle decks.
The Vintage Feel deck was produced by EPCC, and was manufactured in China with what is known as their "JN Finish". This is a firmer and more snappy card stock than what USPCC uses, while also being somewhat thin, smooth, and yet very durable. In EPCC's estimation, these match the look and feel of the originals as close as anyone has been able to achieve. In reality, many have reported that they don't quite live up to this claim, and suggest that the cards tend to clump more quickly then a USPCC deck, and that intense shuffling of the red deck can cause some bleeding of the colour onto the card faces. My own experience with the Vintage Feel decks has been fairly positive, and I appreciate the thin card-stock, smooth feel, and snappy handling. It performs more similar to a typical USPCC deck than the Master finish decks from EPCC deck do, but with heavy use the coating will wear, making spreads and fan inconsistent, although the fact that the cards tend to cling together slightly under pressure makes it ideal for packet cuts and sleights like the double lift.
So how do these decks compare with the original Jerry's Nugget decks from the 1970s in terms of looks? In the case of both decks, colour matching was used to recreate the iconic red and blue colours as closely as possible. The back design, court cards, and Jokers are all the same as the originals, as is the Ace of Spades (aside from some tiny numbers). There's also an off-center seal and a red tear strip on the plastic, all of which were distinctive features of the original deck as well. Both the Modern Feel and Vintage Deal decks also have a traditional cut.
A difference that the Modern Feel decks have from the original Jerry's Nuggets is that they come with an extra two cards (a double backer and a blank card), since USPCC now prints decks with 56 cards instead of 54. The new deck is also clearly distinguished from the original deck since the bottom of the tuck box states "Modern Feel 1st Edition - 2019".
The Vintage Feel deck shares one extra similarity with the original deck that the Modern Feel deck does not, namely the style of the long-tongue flap. This is a distinctive feature of the original tuck box, but couldn't be replicated with the Modern Feel decks due to the fact that USPCC has long discontinued this style of tuck design. And of course the unique and snappy stock of the Vintage Feel decks makes them look and feel different than a traditional USPCC printed deck, much like the original Jerry's Nuggets also had a unique touch about them.
Due to the high level of crowdfunding, many extras were produced as part of the campaign for the recreated decks. The Modern Feel deck was produced in two additional colours, Teal and Coral, as well as a blue luxury foil deck, a stripper deck, and a gaff deck. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, the year 2020 has seen the release of yet more colours for the Vintage Feel decks, making them available in Steel Grey, Black, Yellow. A Modern Feel deck in rose (pink) was also recently released as part of a collaboration with Riffle Shuffle Playing Card Company, while a purple deck is being released in conjunction with Penguin Magic.
Suddenly, the market is full of Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards once again. But unlike the originals, they are now very affordable and readily available, which was one of the aims of this project. Now anyone can own their own deck of Jerry's Nuggets, without breaking the bank, with a recreation that is faithful to the striking and iconic design of the originals, and yet has the qualities and performance that the modern collector wants and expects.
At this point you might think there is little more to say about the famous Jerry's Nuggets. Not so, because there is one more important chapter to tell in this saga. This one, however, is a miniature comedy, and will especially appeal to those with a good sense of humour.
Already back in 2016, and well before the concept of the recreated Jerry's Nugget decks appeared, Taiwanese magician and cardist Hanson Chien decided to create something very similar to the original Jerry's Nuggets, as somewhat of a joke: the Chicken Nugget Playing Cards.
Hanson has extensive experience as a magician and a cardist, and magicians know a thing or two about achieving the impossible. As a result, the fact these classic decks could not be replicated was not about to stop him. He set about to recreate them in the form of a parody deck, that would serve as a tribute to the original and iconic Jerry's Nuggets, but at the same time serving as a witty satire that would poke fun at our love for fast food. Not surprisingly, especially because this was prior to the announcement of the official replicas in 2019, these were tremendously popular, due to the Jerry's Nugget look, as well as the amusing artwork.
To produce the decks, Hanson set up his own playing card company, Hanson Chien Production Company (HCPC). He also used the exact colour specifications from the familiar red and blue originals, and he employed creative artist Limin for the artwork.
It was important to retain as many of the distinctive features of the original decks as possible, so the Chicken Nuggets carefully replicate details such as the off-center tax stamp, the red tear-strip on the plastic wrapper, and the historical 1970 date inside the tuck box flap. Paper of the same weight and texture of the old tax stamp was used, with a similar design and shape. The card backs feature the familiar "oil derrick" design of the originals, but with an important difference: these now read "Chicken Nugget".
But perhaps the biggest unique contribution that this parody deck makes is with the court cards. At first sight, everything seems very standard, until you look more closely at them.
Upon close observation, you'll see all kinds of details that parody our love for fast food. The royal characters that inhabit the court cards are consuming all kinds of junk food, including sweet things like ice-cream, chocolate, and donuts, snacks like potato chips and popcorn, plus American favourites like hamburgers, hot dogs, and french fries. Even noodles come in for punishment, as our court card friends are literally stuffing themselves with all kinds of unhealthy eats and drinks! The artwork will prove amusing even for people unfamiliar with the original Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards that these pay homage to. The court cards in particular are quite hilarious and well-drawn, and reflect a good sense of humor.
Of course anyone who is familiar with the iconic Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards will especially appreciate the clever spoof that this deck is, while being a wonderful tribute to a classic and famous deck. In parodying the original, great attention has been paid to detail in all elements of the design, faithfully copying the exact specifications of the original wherever possible.
The Joker gives us some indication about a serious message that underlies the amusing artwork, with this warning message: "Quit Junk Food. Make Life Good." As the creator wrote elsewhere during the crowdfunding campaign: "So while you're performing amazing magic, don't forget to rub your bellies and remind yourself to quit junk food." I appreciate this warning about the dangers of eating too much fast food and junk food - a message that today's culture needs to hear.
The decks were printed in Taiwan, which is also where industry leaders like Legends Playing Card Company (LPCC) and Expert Playing Card Company (EPCC) produce their cards. The quality of the cards closely corresponds to the Diamond and Master finish used by these manufacturers, and given that the same factory in Taiwan is used for the printing, the look and feel of these cards is almost identical. They have a very firm spring, and are extremely durable. While they don't spread and fan as smoothly as a USPCC deck, they do have a quality embossed finish, and are particularly good for packet cuts, since the cards hold together well.
It's not hard to see that a deck like this would be popular, and have a lot of cross-over appeal as a novelty item. It especially appeals to people who are already familiar with the iconic status of the Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, and who can appreciate how this parody replicates the original. But anyone with a sense of humor can enjoy the amusing court cards and the fast-food spoof that is key to what this deck is about, giving it a broad appeal to card collectors and gamers too.
Due to the success of the original project, Hanson Chien was able to produce several special decks and unique packaging options, my favourite being the fast-food style brick box. Since the original campaign, the popularity of the deck has enabled it to be published in a number of other sizes and colours, including a deck with jumbo-sized cards, a limited edition black deck, a limited edition white deck, and a host of Chicken Nuggets themed novelty items.
Surprisingly, the story of Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards has one final twist. Just like prospecting for gold, in the world of playing cards and collecting, you never know when you're going to find another nugget. In this case, our "prospector" is Hanson Chien, creator of the Chicken Nugget decks, and the unexpected "nugget" that he acquired was a deck of Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards that hails roughly from a similar time as the original decks.
The precise date when it was produced hasn't been established with any certainty, but it was produced by the Arrco Playing Card Company in Chicago. More significantly, the artwork has a different look. The artwork and design corresponds to the chips and merchandise used by the Jerry's Nugget Casino at the time when it opened in 1964. The findings were reported by Lee Asher in a 2018 article in Card Culture, the official periodical of 52 Plus Joker The American Playing Card Collectors Club.
So is it possible that this is in fact the original Jerry's Nugget deck, and that what we've been describing all along as the "original" deck may in fact have been part of a second wave?
Who knows. At any rate, where there's a nugget, perhaps there's a seam of gold to be found in those hills. Hanson saw another opportunity here, and towards the end of 2019, he launched a project to make another version of his Chicken Nugget deck, intended as a homage to this new find. It is a vintage styled version of his Chicken Nugget deck, in the alternative design and colours of the vintage Arrco Playing Card Company Jerry's Nugget deck. Hanson Chien describes it as a remastered version of the Arrco deck, and has marketed it under the label "New Vintage Chicken Nugget". Much like the recreated Vintage Feel Jerry's Nugget decks printed by EPCC, these will have a thinner and firmer card stock.
But sometimes the twist in a tale comes back to bite you. Unfortunately for us, at this stage we don't know whether this latest twist will turn out to be a comedy or a tragedy. While the new decks are still being advertised on the Hanson Chien website, albeit with some production delays as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the Kickstarter project behind the new decks seems to have run into trouble. A few months ago it was reported that this campaign has become the subject of an intellectual property dispute, and the rumour is that it was issued by Jerry's Nugget Casino. This isn't likely to stop the new decks being produced, mind you, given that Hanson runs his own printing company, and he has since successfully run an independent campaign to get them published.
Comedy or tragedy? We don't know the final outcome of this latest twist just yet. But certainly the Jerry's Nuggets have provided us with a lot of entertainment along the way, and we can only be glad to see them getting revived interest and attention, and some spiffy new editions that give every collector the chance to add a recreation of this famous deck into their collection at a very affordable cost.
Where to get them?
Want to learn more?
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
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Would really like to pick up a Super Mario Maker 2DS console either CIB or loose with stylus
I also need cover art and manual for The Messenger on Switch, in case anyone snagged the cover art and manual extras that were on sale from SLG recently.
Pre-order bonuses
AC Amiibo Cards
Mario Sports Amiibo Cards
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Dust, Slime San, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, Blazing Chrome, Battle Chef, Windjammers, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
If anyone has a Neo Geo Pocket Color and/or games for it, I'm interested...
Strategy Guides
I'm also happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
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Gloria Solutions manual( SOLUTIONS MANUAL+ TEST BANKS 2020-2021)

Gloria Solutions manual( SOLUTIONS MANUAL+ TEST BANKS 2020-2021)

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Byrd-Bredbenner – Wardlaws Perspectives in Nutrition – 10e, ISBN 1259293882 Test Bank
Byrd-Bredbenner – Wardlaws Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach – 1e, ISBN 0073522740 Test Bank
Byrdon – Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking – 6, ISBN 0073327441 Test Bank
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c ++ how to program deitel 6th edition solution manual and test bank
C for Java Programmers Tomasz Muldner solution maual
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C How to Program, 7E Paul Deitel Harvey Deitel Test Bank
c pluse How to Program, 6e Multiple Choice Test Bank73337C6eTIF
C Primer Plus, 6E Stephen Prata Solution Manual
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design , 5th Edition Barbara Doyle Test Bank
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 3rd Edition Barbara Doyle Instructor’s Manual
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 3rd Edition Barbara Doyle Solutions Manual
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition Barbara Doyle IM
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition Barbara Doyle Solution Manual
C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 4th Edition Barbara Doyle Test Bank
C. William Thomas, Wendy M. Tietz, Walter T. Harrison Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank ©2019
C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version), 9E Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel Test Bank
C++ How To Program 3 e by Dietel & Dietel
C++ How to Program Early Objects Version, 9E Paul Deitel Harvey Deitel iISolution Manual +Code Solutions
C++ How to Program Late Objects Version, 7E Paul J. Deitel, Harvey Deitel Test Bank
C++ How to Program, 10th Edition Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel Instructor Solutions Manual.
C++ How to Program, 10th Edition Paul Deitel,Harvey Deitel ©2017 Test Bank.
C++ How to Program, 10th Edition Paul Deitel,Harvey Deitel ©2017 Instructor Solution Manual + Solution Manual + Test Bank
C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 6th Edition D.S. Malik IM+Solution Manual
C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 6th Edition D.S. Malik Test Bank
C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 7th EditionD.S. Malik Solution manual
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition D.S. Malik Instructor’s Manual
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition D.S. Malik Test Bank.
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition D.S. MalikSolutions Manual
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 6th EditionD.S. Malik Test Bank
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 7th EditionD.S. Malik ISolution Manual
C++ Programming with Design Patterns Revealed Tomasz Muldner, Solution manual
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 8th Edition D.S. Malik , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures 8th Edition D.S. Malik , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
C++ Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Solution Manualart, 3rd Edition Brian Overland ©2016 Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Student Solution Manual
Calculus & Its Applications, 13E Goldstein Lay ASolution Manualar Schneider Test Bank TG
Calculus & Its Applications, 14E J. Goldstein, C. Lay, I. Schneider, H. Asmar, Test Bank TG
Calculus & Its Applications, 14E J. Goldstein, C. Lay, I. Schneider, H. Asmar, Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus 11th Edition Ron Larson , Bruce H. Edwards , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus A Complete Course 6th ed by Robert A. Adams Solutions Manual
Calculus A Complete Course, 8E Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex, Test Bank.
Calculus A Complete Course, Seventh Edition, 7E Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex, Text Solutions
Calculus and Its Applications, 10E Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Scott Surgent, Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus and Its Applications, 10E Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Scott Surgent, Test Bank
Calculus And Its Applications, 11E Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Scott J. Surgent Instructor’s Solutions Manual ,
Calculus And Its Applications, 11E Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Scott J. Surgent Test Bank
Calculus and Its Applications, 12E Larry J. Goldstein, David I. Schneider, David C. Lay, Nakhle H. ASolution Manualar, Test Bank TG
Calculus and Its Applications, 9EMarvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Solution Manual+Test Bank
Calculus Concepts and Contexts, 4th Edition James Stewart Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions Solution Manualith, Minton 4th edition ISBN10 0073532320 Solution Manual
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions, 7th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards 2019 Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable, 9th Edition by Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens and Stephen Davis ISolution Manual + Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendentals William L. Briggs Lyle Cochran Test Bank TG
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Instructor’s Manual miss ch14
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Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Student Solutions Manual
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Student Study Guide
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition James Stewart IM
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition James Stewart IM+Test Bank sample
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition James Stewart Test Bank bb
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition James Stewart Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendentals, Binder Ready Version, 11th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Instructor solution manual + Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendentals, International Metric Edition, 8th Edition James Stewart Instructor Manual
Calculus Early Transcendentals, International Metric Edition, 8th Edition James Stewart Solution Manual
Calculus for AP®, 1st Edition Ron Larson, Paul Battaglia Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus for AP®, 1st Edition Ron Larson, Paul Battaglia Test Bank
Calculus For Biology and Medicine, 3E Claudia Neuhauser’. Solutions Manual
Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 10e Hoffmann Bradley Solution Manual
Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 11e Hoffmann Bradley Solution Manual
Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 11e Hoffmann Bradley Test Bank
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences 12e Barnett Ziegler Test Bank
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 12E Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen, Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13E Raymond A. Barnett Michael R. Ziegler Karl E. Byleen Test Bank TG
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13E Raymond A. Barnett Michael R. Ziegler Karl E. Byleen Test Bank TG
Calculus for Life Sciences, 1st Edition Schreiber, Solution Manualith, Getz Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus for Scientists and Engineers Early Transcendentals William L. Briggs, Lyle Cochran, Bernard Gillett, Eric Schulz Test Bank TG
Calculus for the Life Sciences Modelling the Dynamics of Life, 1st EditionFrederick R. Adler, Miroslav Lovric Instructor’s Solutions Manual + IG
Calculus I with Precalculus, 3rd EditionRon Larson Solutions Manual
Calculus III Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Springer Student Solution Manual
Calculus International Edition William L. Briggs Lyle Cochran Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus Late Transcendentals, 10th Edition International Student Version Anton, Bivens, Davis Solution manual
Calculus Late Transcendentals, 10th Edition International Student Version Anton, Bivens, Davis Solution manual + Test Bank
Calculus Late Transcendentals, 10th Edition International Student Version Anton, Bivens, Davis Test Bank
Calculus Late Transcendentals, International Student Version, Combined, 9th Edition by Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens and Stephen Davis IM+ Test Bank +Study Guide
Calculus Multivariable,7th Edition by William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Instructor’s Solutions Manual + Test Bank
Calculus Of A Single Variable, 9th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Solution manual
Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 7th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards © 2019, Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus One and Several Variables, 10th Edition Salas, Etgen, Hille Instructor’s Solutions Manual +Test Bank + clicker Questions
Calculus One and Several Variables, 10th Edition Salas, Etgen, Hille Test Bank
Calculus Resequenced for Students in STEM, Enhanced eText, Preliminary Edition Dwyer, Gruenwald Solution Manual
Calculus Single and Multivariable, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition Hughes-Hallett, McCallum, Gleason, 2017 Instructor Manual
Calculus Single and Multivariable, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition Hughes-Hallett, McCallum, Gleason, 2017 Test Bank
Calculus Single and Multivariable, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition Hughes-Hallett, McCallum, Gleason, 2017 Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus Single and Multivariable, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition Hughes-Hallett, McCallum, Gleason, 2017 ManualTest Bank
Calculus Single Variable 4ed chapter 1 to 11 Hughes Hallett Gleason McCallum et al
Calculus Thomas 11a Edition Including Second Order Differential Equations with Solution Manual
Calculus With Analytic Geometry 6th By Bruce E. Edwards, Ron Larson, Robert Hostetler
Calculus with Applications, 10E Margaret Lial Raymond N. Greenwell Nathan P. Ritchey Test Bank PDF
Calculus with Applications, 10E Margaret Lial Raymond N. Greenwell Nathan P. Ritchey Test Bank TG
Calculus, 10th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus, 10th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards PowerPoint Lecture Slides
Calculus, 10th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Section Projects Solutions
Calculus, 10th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Test Bank
Calculus, 6th Edition James Stewart Archived Problems +Challenge Problems
Calculus, 7th Edition James Stewart Exam View Testing files
Calculus, 9EDale Varberg, Hamline University Edwin Purcell, deceased Steve Rigdon Test Bank
Calculus, 9th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards IM+Test Bank + others full package
Calculus, 9th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Test Bank
Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 7E by C. Henry Edwards ,David E. Penney?
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallum Instructors Manual
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallum Solution Manual
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallum Test Bank
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallumappendix
Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Enhanced Edition 4th Edition James Stewart , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions 7th Edition Ron Larson , Bruce H. Edwards , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach 14th Edition Larry N. Gerston , Terry Christensen , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Camp – College English and Business Communication – 10e, ISBN 0073397121 Test Bank
Campbell Biology , 9E Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Instructor Guide
Campbell Biology , 9E Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Test Bank
Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 7E Jane B. Reece Martha R. Taylor Eric J. Simon Jean L. Dickey, IG
Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 7E Jane B. Reece Martha R. Taylor Eric J. Simon Jean L. Dickey, Test Bank TG
Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 7E Jane B. Reece, Martha R. Taylor, Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey, Test Bank TG
Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 8E B. Reece R. Taylor, J. Simon L. Dickey,A. Hogan Test Bank
Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections, 9E R. Taylor, J. Simon, L. Dickey, A. Hogan, B. Reece Test Bank
Campbell Biology Concepts and Connections, First Canadian Edition B. Reece, R. Taylor,J. Simon,L. Dickey, GE Scott, Test Bank
Campbell Biology in Focus Campbell Biology in Focus L. Cain, A. Wasserman, V. Minorsky, B. Jackson, B. Reece, .
Campbell Biology in Focus, 2E A. Urry, L. Cain, A. Wasserman, V. Minorsky, B. Reece, Test Bank
Campbell Biology, 10E Jane B. Reece, Test Bank
Campbell Biology, 10EJane B Urry Cain Wasserman Minorsky Jackson answer key
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Campbell Biology, 11E Lisa A. Urry, Instructor Manual
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Campbell Essential Biology 7E 2019 J. Simon, L. Dickey, B. Reece,
Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, 5th Edition Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey ,Jane B. Reece, Kelly A. Hogan, Test Bank.
Campbell Essential Biology, 5E Eric J. Simon Jean L. Dickey Jane B. Reece Test Bank,
Campbell Essential Biology, 6E J. Simon, L. Dickey, B. Reece, A. Hogan, Test Bank.
Canadian Advertising in Action, 11/E Tuckwell ©2018 Test Bank & Instructor Solution Manual
Canadian Business and the Law , 6th Edition Dorothy Duplessis; Shannon O’Byrne; Philip King; Lorrie Adams; Steve Enman Test Bank
Canadian Business and the Law, 4th Edition Dorothy Duplessis, Steve Enman, Shannon O’Byrne Instructor’s Guide
Canadian Business and the Law, 4th Edition Dorothy Duplessis, Steve Enman, Shannon O’Byrne Test Bank
Canadian Business and The Law, 5th Edition Dorothy Duplessis, Steve Enman, Shannon O’Byrne, Philip King Test Bank
Canadian Business and the Law, 6th Edition Dorothy Duplessis, Shannon O’Byrne, Philip King, Lorrie Adams, Steve Enman Solution Manual
Canadian Corrections , 5th Edition Curt T. Griffiths; Danielle J. Murdoch Test Bank
Canadian Criminal Justice A Primer, 4th Edition Curt Griffiths Test Bank
Canadian Criminal Justice A Primer, 5th Edition Curt T. Griffiths Test Bank
Canadian Criminology Today Theories and Applications, Fifth Canadian 5EFrank J. Schmalleger, Rebecca Volk, Test Bank
Canadian Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, 10e Wesley Balderson, Peter Mombourquette, Test Bank PDF
Canadian Human Resource Management 11e Hermann Schwind, Instructor Solution Manual
Canadian Human Resource Management 11e Hermann Schwind, Test Bank PDF
Canadian Human Resource Management 11e Hermann Schwind, Test Bank TG
Canadian Income Taxation 2016-2017 Planning and Decision Making, 19e Bill Buckwold, Joan Kitunen, Test Bank PDF
Canadian Income Taxation 2016-2017 Planning and Decision Making, 19e Bill Buckwold, Joan Kitunen, Test Bank TG.
Canadian Income Taxation 2016-2017Planning and Decision Making, 19e Bill Buckwold, Joan Kitunen, Solution manual.
Canadian Income Taxation 2017-2018, 20e Bill Buckwold , Joan Kitunen Test Bank
Canadian Income Taxation, 2018-2019, 21e Bill Buckwold, Joan Kitunen Test Bank
Canadian Industrial Relations, 3EJon Peirce, Karen Joy Bentham Test Bank PDF
Canadian Industrial Relations, 3EJon Peirce, Karen Joy Bentham Test Bank TG
Canadian Labour and Employment Relations, Sixth Edition, 6E Morley Gunderson, Daphne G. Taras Im + Test Item
Canadian Labour and Employment Relations, Sixth Edition, 6E Morley Gunderson, Daphne G. Taras IM w Test Item
Canadian Law An Introduction, 6th Edition Neil Boyd Test Bank
Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10e Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa, Test Bank
Canadian Social Welfare, Sixth Edition, 6EJoanne C. Turner Francis J. Turner, Test Bank
Canadian Tax Principles, 2017-2018 Edition Clarence Byrd , Ida Chen, Instructor’s Solution Manual
Canadian Tax Principles, 2017-2018 Edition Clarence Byrd , Ida Chen, Test Bank
Canadian Tax Principles, 2018-2019 Edition, Volume 1+2 Clarence Byrd, Ida Chen, Instructor Solution Manual
Canadian Tax Principles, 2018-2019 Edition, Volume 1+2 Clarence Byrd, Ida Chen, Test Bank
Capital Budgeting and LongTerm Financing Decisions Neil Seitz, Mitch Ellison 4th Edition instructor manual
Capital Investment Analysis for Engineering and Management, 3E John R. Canada William G. Sullivan Kulonda White Instructor Manual
Capital Markets Institutions and Instruments, 4th Edition Frank J. Fabozzi, Test Bank
Capstone Simulation for Coding, 1st Edition Stacey Mosay, RHIA CCSP CPCH instructor manual
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology Essentials of Respiratory Care, 6th Edition Terry Des Jardins Test Bank
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology Essentials of Respiratory Care, 6th EditionTerry Des Jardins Test Bank BNK
Cardon Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Instructor Manual
Cardon – Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Instructor Manual
Cardon Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Test Bank
Cardon – Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Test Bank
Cardon Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Test Bank
Cardon – Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 2e, ISBN 0073403288 Instructors Manual+cases
Cardon – Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 2e, ISBN 0073403288 Instructor manual
Cardon – Business Communication Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 2e, ISBN 0073403288 Test Bank
Cardon – Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 1e, ISBN 0073403199 Test Bank
Cardon – Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World – 2e, ISBN 0073403288 Test Bank
Career & Professional\
Career Counseling A Holistic Approach, 9th Edition Vernon G. Zunker Test Bank
Career Development Interventions 5E Spencer G. Niles JoAnn E Harris-Bowlsbey IM w Test Bank
Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, 4E Spencer G. Niles JoAnn HarrisBowlsbey IM w Test Bank
Carey – Organic Chemistry – 7th edition, ISBN 0073047945 Test Bank
Carey – Organic Chemistry – 8e, ISBN 0073402613 Test Bank
Carey Organic Chemistry 9e, ISBN 0073402745 Test Bank
Carey – Organic Chemistry – 9e, ISBN 0073402745 Test Bank
Carey, Study guide and solution manual for organic chemistry
Carlson – Physical Geology – 8e, ISBN 0073376671 Test Bank
Carlson Physical Geology Earth Revealed 9E, ISBN 0073369403 Test Bank
Carlson – Physical Geology: Earth Revealed – 9E, ISBN 0073369403 Test Bank
Cascio – Managing Human Resources – 10e, ISBN 125930048x Test Bank
Cascio – Managing Human Resources – 7e, ISBN 0072987324 Test Bank
Cascio – Managing Human Resources – 8e, ISBN 0073530263 Test Bank
Cascio Managing Human Resources 9e, ISBN 0078029171 Test Bank
Cascio – Managing Human Resources – 9e, ISBN 0078029171 Test Bank
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Case Studies in Finance 8th Edition By Robert Bruner and Kenneth Eades and Michael Schill © 2018 Test Bank + Solution Manual
Case Studies in Finance 8th Edition By Robert Bruner and Kenneth Eades and Michael Schill Solution manual
Case studies in finance managing for corporate value creation 6e Robert Bruner Kenneth Schill Solution Manual
Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition Patricia Schnering, Nanette B. Sayles, Charlotte McCuen Sections
Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd EditionPatricia Schnering, Nanette B. Sayles, Charlotte McCuen Instructor Manual
Cases in Cost Management A Strategic Emphasis, 3rd Edition John K. Shank Case Commentaries
Cases in Finance 3rd Edition By Jim DeMello © 2018 Test Bank + Solution Manual
Cases in Financial Management Robert Stretcher Timothy B. Michael instructor manual
Cases in Financial Management Robert Stretcher, Sam Timothy B. Michael,Instructor’s Manual
Cases in Financial Management Robert Stretcher, Timothy B. Michael instructor manual
Cases in Financial Reporting, 1st Edition Michael J. Sandretto Solution Manual
Cases in Financial Reporting, 1st EditionMichael J. Sandretto Instructor Cases
Cases in Operations Management, 3E Robert Johnston, Instructor’s Manual
Casinos Organization and CultureChris Roberts, Ph.D.Kathryn Hashimoto, Instructor solution manual with Test Bank
Casper – Introduction to Early Childhood Education – 1e, ISBN 0073378488 Test Bank
Castleberry Selling Building Partnerships 8e, ISBN 0073530018 Test Bank
Castleberry – Selling Building Partnerships – 9e, ISBN 0077861000 Test Bank
Castleberry – Selling Building Partnerships – 9e, ISBN 0077861000 Instrutor solution manual
Castleberry – Selling: Building Partnerships – 8e, ISBN 0073530018 Test Bank
Castleberry – Selling: Building Partnerships – 9e, ISBN 0077861000 Test Bank
Castro – Marine Biology – 10e, ISBN 1259168522 Instructor Solution Manual
Castro – Marine Biology – 10e, ISBN 1259168522 Test Bank
Castro – Marine Biology – 7, ISBN 0073028193 Test Bank
Castro – Marine Biology – 8e, ISBN 0073524166 Test Bank
Castro – Marine Biology – 9e, ISBN 0073524204 Test Bank
Cateora International Marketing 1e ISBN 0070144478 Australian Version
Cateora – International Marketing – 13e, ISBN 0073080063 Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 14e, ISBN 0073380989 Test Bank
Cateora International Marketing 15e, ISBN 007352994X Instructor’s Manual
Cateora International Marketing 15e, ISBN 007352994X Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 15e, ISBN 007352994X Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 16e, ISBN 0073529974 Instructor Solution Manual + Test Bank
Cateora International Marketing 16e, ISBN 0073529974 Instructor Manual
Cateora International Marketing 16e, ISBN 0073529974 Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 16e, ISBN 0073529974 Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 17e, ISBN 0077842162 Test Bank
Cateora International Marketing 2c, ISBN 0070984956 Canadian Version Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 2c, ISBN 0070984956 [Canadian Version] Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 2e, ISBN 0071014837 [Australian Version] Test Bank
Cateora International Marketing 3ce, ISBN 0070136793 Canadian Version Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing – 3ce, ISBN 0070136793 [Canadian Version] Test Bank
Cateora – International Marketing (Aus) – 1, ISBN 0070144478 [Australian Version] Test Bank
CB , 2nd Canadian Edition Barry J. Babin; Eric Harris; Kyle B. Murray Test Bank.
CB 6 Consumer Behavior , 6th Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Test Bank
CB 8th Edition Barry J. Babin , Eric Harris , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
CB, 8th Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Test Bank.
CB3, 3rd Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Test Bank
CB4, 4th Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Cases
CB4, 4th Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Instructor’s Manual
CB4, 4th Edition Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris Test Bank
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CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics 2013 Solution Manualith harmelink hasselback Test Bank
CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics 2013 Solution Manualith harmelink hasselback IM+Test Bank SAMPLE
CDEV 2nd Edition Spencer A. Rathus , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
CDN ED MKTG, 2nd Edition Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, Harish Kapoor, Richard Appleby , Janice Shearer Test Bank
CDN ED Principles of Microeconomics,Canadian 5th Edition N. Gregory Mankiw, Ronald D Kneebone, Kenneth J McKenzie, Nicholas Rowe im
Cecchetti – Money, Banking and Financial Markets – 1e, ISBN 0072452692 Test Bank
Cecchetti – Money, Banking and Financial Markets – 2e, ISBN 0073523097 Test Bank
Cecchetti Money, Banking and Financial Markets 2e, ISBN 0073523097 Test Bank
Cecchetti – Money, Banking, & Financial Markets – 1ce, ISBN 0070983992 [Canadian Version] Test Bank
Cecchetti Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 3e, ISBN 007337590X Test Bank
Cecchetti – Money, Banking, and Financial Markets – 3e, ISBN 007337590X Test Bank
Cecchetti – Money, Banking, and Financial Markets – 4e, ISBN 007802174x Instructor Manual +Solution manual
Cecchetti – Money, Banking, and Financial Markets – 4e, ISBN 007802174x Test Bank
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, 7th Edition by Gerald Karp Test Bank
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, Binder Ready Version, 8th Edition Karp, Iwasa, Marshall Instructor Solution Manual with Cases
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, Binder Ready Version, 8th Edition Karp, Iwasa, Marshall Test Bank
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, Binder Ready Version, 8th Edition Karp, Iwasa, Marshall Test Bank + Solution Manual
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments, Binder Ready Version, 8th Karp, Iwasa, Marshall Solution Manual + Test Bank
Cengage Advantage Books Analyzing Politics, 6th Edition Ellen Grigsby Test Bank.
Cengage Advantage Books Business Law, 8th Edition Arnold J. Goldman, William D. SigiSolution Manualond IM
Cengage Advantage Books Business Law, 8th Edition Arnold J. Goldman, William D. SigiSolution Manualond Test Bank
Cengage Advantage Books Modern Principles of Business Law, 1st Edition Roger LeRoy Miller Test Bank
Cengel – Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach – 7e, ISBN 9780073529325 [European Version] Test Bank
Cengel Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 8e, ISBN 0073398179 Solution Manual
Cengel Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 8e, ISBN 0073398179 Test Bank
Century 21 Accounting General Journal, 9th Edition Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman Test Bank.
Century 21 Accounting General Journal, 9th Edition Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman Instructor Solution Manual.
Certo Supervision Concepts and SkillBuilding 8e, ISBN 007802918x
Certo – Supervision Concepts and Skill-Building – 8e, ISBN 007802918x
Certo – Supervision Concepts and Skill-Building – 9e, ISBN 007772061X Instructor Solution Manual
Certo – Supervision Concepts and Skill-Building – 9e, ISBN 007772061X Test Bank
Certo – Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building – 5e, ISBN 0072987529 Test Bank
Certo – Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building – 6e, ISBN 0073405000 Test Bank
Certo – Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building – 7e, ISBN 0073381519 Test Bank
Certo – Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building – 8e, ISBN 007802918x Test Bank
Certo – Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building – 9e, ISBN 007772061X Test Bank
CFIN 3, 3rd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Test Bank
CFIN 3, 3rd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Instructor’s Manual
CFIN 3, 3rd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Solutions to Spreadsheet Problems
CFIN 3, 3rd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Spreadsheet Problems
CFIN 4, 4th EditionScott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Instructor Solution Manual
CFIN 4, 4th EditionScott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Test Bank
CFIN 6th Edition Scott Besley , Eugene Brigham , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
CFIN2, 2nd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Solution Manual
CFIN2, 2nd Edition Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham Test Bank
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